The Bible says the fool has said in his heart there is no God. There are 56 other scriptures dealing with fools. The real challenge is that so many fools think they are the sharpest knife in the drawer. They look down their noses at people who are actually connected to reality and to whom truth is so obvious.
We see radical leftists in Washington possessed by Satan himself or his helper Demons trying to get the most hellish policies into place - here are just a few of them:
1) Force doctors to murder babies in the womb and dismember young children forever depriving them of God-given sexual experiences. Some children have some sexual confusion, and others are GROOMED into it by demons parading as teachers or coaches, but about 9 out of 10 of them OUTGROW this as they mature. I hope those already victimized by Biden and his equally demented cronies will make the asbestos and Camp Lejune legal cases look like childsplay.
2) Normalize corrupting the morals of minors by FORCING them to use toilet rooms where predators of the opposite sex will be drawn like bees to honey. Celebrate mentally ill transgenders and FACILITATE their Day of Vengeance in Washington while endlessly persecuting Donald Trump where even the NEW YORK TIMES says the case is flimsy.
3) Try to do an ended run around the supreme court with blatantly unconstitutional executive orders allowing abortion to birth. Satan comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy. Joseph R. Biden has STOLEN the savings of all, especially seniors, and thrown a wrench into the retirement plans of many with absurd inflation caused by IiNSANE economic policies. Obama's secretary of defense Robert Gates said Biden has not made a wise decision in his entire political career (AMEN to that) and I cannot think of even ONE wise thing he has done in office - from trashing energy independence to submitting to WHO who criticizing Israel, the man cannot even find in his pagan self to acknowledge Jesus on Christmas and Easter, yet claims to be a Catholic. Only fools do not see him as the agent of Satan that he clearly is.
4) Support full-blown racist education with the demented teachers' unions - worse than ANYTHING Archie Bunker or worse EVER did. We all remember his racist comment about Obama, but he believes all blacks are inferior, and unless the nation teaches them to expect little of themselves and just blame whitey it is not just. Educational achievement for all has taken a nosedive and in some cities, not even ONE Black student is at grade level in math. Instead of working to bring everyone UP, he is non-stop trying to bring all students DOWN. He prefers young students go to drag shows and become perverts in grade school than learn what is needed to succeed in life. How do you think it will go for him at the White Throne judgment?
5) Continue to sell out the nation to China from whom he has derived MILLIONS in bribes and payoffs. Justice would demand that he be vilified one hundred times more than Benedict Arnold who agreed to turn over West Point to the British for money. Arnold betrayed 3 million people - Biden over 300 million in our nation PLUS all the freedom-loving people in Afghanistan he threw under the bus.
Perhaps the biggest fools are those who still vote for insider-trading-Pelosi, racist and murderous pagans identifying as Democrats, and who UNCRITICALLY watch CNN, PBS, and MBNBC and subscribe to lie-sheets such as the NYT, LAT, WP, PI, and so many more parading as actual journalism.
When people pull your leg, at the end, they say April Fool. This is not one of those. We are talking the truth of evil in our time, and I trust you will treat it with sobriety and not as some prank or joke.
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