Tuesday, November 19, 2019


The impeachment that should never have happened was begun the same day that Trump won in the wee hours of the morning.  The shock of those who thought a horrifically corrupt and evil woman was a shoe-in began their "insurance plan".  If they could not beat him at the polls despite MASSIVE fraud in many venues, they would get rid of him as soon as possible. Both Russia and the Ukraine had helped Hillary - Russian in Uranium One and the Ukraine by getting Manafort on trumped up charges.

They started with the absurd Russia Hoax, collusion, and a simple routine call to the Ukraine where so may in Congress and the prior administration had viewed as a cash cow.

Through pandemic lying misrepresentation, made up testimony and an unconstitutional process that has violated almost every law of jurisprudence, Democrats have dragged our nation through endless meaningless hearings while not doing the job they were elected to do.

A great trade deal may never happen because the House is not doing anything to help our nation, only harm it. Millions are being wasted by power-hungry incompetents who harmed the country when their horse was in the White House and who want to get another incompetent in who will toe their globalist line while presiding ver the decline of the country they falsely swore to defend.

There needs to be a thorough purge of these reprobates, whether through court marshal, impeachment, or resignation. Criminal charges need to be brought up on those directly committing crimes, and no cost should be spared at exposing the Democrat party as wholly incompetent, wicked, and directly in the hands of Satan.  That is now sadly beyond debate.


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