Monday, March 25, 2019


Mueller spent tens of millions of dollars on an investigation based solely on a fake dossier funded by a political opponent, Hillary Clinton.   The FBI had worked on an "insurance policy" at the request of Obama Officials and the Clinton campaign.  They wanted to put Trump in the uck and mire of a long investigation if on the off-chance he won.

WhIle their ploy gummed up the works for over two years, with NO PROOF of anything coming out of it relating to the mythical "collusion" with Russia.

The logical next step is to investigate, try, and jail the FBI players, the Obama officials, and those in the Hillary campaign fir treason and attempting to reverse a legal election.  Further, the REAL scandal was the Hillary email scandal and putting confidential information in front of many hostile nations.  Others are in jail for life for far less than what she did, and she should spend the rest of her life there.

The liberal spinners say it is all inconclusive and they want more and more investigations - not into the obviously guilty parties, but into the man they love to hate despite $35 million dollars and over 2,000 subpoenas.

That is madness my friends, and these spin doctors are quacks indeed.


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