Tuesday, August 21, 2018


The Russians many seem lie a serious bunch, but Putin is laughing his head off. Demoncrats are doing what leftists always do - blame their opponents for what they are doing. While they put the machinery of the Deep State against the President, they are carrying out a totalitarian plan to take over the nation making us easy pickings for the Russians, the Chinese, or any other country. The left is systematically attacking the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments. They are seeking to destroy freedom of religion and freedom of the press - see my post from Art Moore on the attacks meant to have the left dominate the Internet as they do the MSM. The average American is too busy going to pointless movies and watching pointless games to fight this take-over of our nation. The left is trying to RIG the midterm election by making it difficult for truthful voices to be heard and get their message out. They are also planning MASSIVE voter fraud with illegals and the dead voting in larger numbers than ever. If we want to save this nation, we need to wake up a slumbering Congress who is more bark than bite and destroy the forces seeking to rob us of freedoms paid for with massive amounts of blood.


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