Monday, January 20, 2020


Every day I live treating people of all shades and ethnicities with dignity and respect. My clients include Christians, Jews, atheists, Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims, and Agnostics. Blacks, whites, Hispanics, Chinese, Indians, Koreans, and Vietnamese. I serve all to the very best of my ability. 
So, while some take the day off, I am working today and blessing clients of all kinds, primarily those from other nations and cultures.
Our nation resists even letting Christmas be a celebration about Christ, the content of whose character is beyond reproach. Why should I elevate any man, especially a deeply flawed one to the point of celebrating him this day?
I used to be the person of choice to speak on MLK - I never exalted him but did talk about fairness, treating people with dignity and all the things many people attribute to his legacy. As people started to deify the man more and more, I stopped doing that. However, I believe my record as a loving husband and a father in a multi-racial family, worshiping in multi-racial churches, having one of the most diverse client bases for over 40 years that I have ever seen, and having lived most of my life in multi-racial communities speaks all I need to say.
I do encourage people not to let a deeply flawed messenger be cause to throw away the need for all to live in fairness to people of all ethnicities. We also, though, need to throw away victimhood politics, hatred of innocent babies with their murder being celebrated, hatred of white people and our nation, hatred of our remarkable president, hatred of the binary genders which God established, and most of all hatred for our most precious faith once delivered to the saints. King's niece Dr. Alveda King is staunchly pro-life and is a consistent voice about that.
Many churches have bought into social justice, which is simply socialism/communism in disguise. They have tanked the principles of individual responsibility and the need for all men to work and for the married to live normal heteronormative lives. They have denied the word of God and allowed themselves to be ruled by women and endless deceivers of both sexes. They have rejected the gospel once delivered to the saints. Even a dear friend now departed who was a pastor for a long time bought into the lie that MLK was one of God's prophets. Knowing that many have repeated what they have heard from others, such as "we are all God's children" - a huge Pinocchio from MLK and many others, I feel compelled to put some things into perspective - the TRUTH shall set you free!
MLK celebrations today will include endless quotes - some original, some plagiarized. One is that people should not judge another by the color of his or her skin but by the content of their character. I believe that was the best thing King ever said, but inasmuch as his character was deeply lacking in terms of claiming to be a minister of Christ which he was not (he says in his own writings he stopped believing Jesus Christ was divine from the age of 13), instead becoming a deep admirer of Ghandi, ironically a supporter of India's Caste system (racism on steroids) and a pedophile whom followers let their girls and boys sleep with akin to Michael Jackson. Despite blatant plagiarism, Boston U went politically correct and let him keep a doctorate degree he never earned. Stanford University has the evidence on display. He stole speeches from others. He promised his loyalty to Coretta but cheated on her endless times which was also carefully documented and even corroborated by people close to him. He undermined our war effort siding with our enemies. Even his real name was different (Michael King) and the change was a manipulation of MLK Sr. which he maintained his entire life. Topping it off, they sealed all his records until 2027 to avoid "hurting" the family and that should tell you everything you need to know. In seven years, you will learn much more. While no one is perfect except Christ, to celebrate and exalt deeply flawed and immoral people is simply out of bounds for me.
Work and live justice, but do not elevate any man out of line with the content of his character. Most of all, elevate Jesus Christ, To quote a real prophet, John the Baptist, "He must increase, I must decrease."


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