Saturday, December 25, 2021


Kamala Harris says the criticism of her is because of her race and gender.  It is truly stunning that people with poor character and judgment seem immune to self-reflection and having a realistic opinion of themselves.  It is, as Yogi Berra liked to say, "Deja Du all over again".  Obama played the race card when he was criticized for bowing and scraping to our enemies, condemning the United States before much worse nations, and hiding his personal history, his dubious connections with a terrorist and a twenty year relationship with a bitter anti-American left-wing preacher.  Obama claimed to be a Christian while having Islamic services in the White House and lied about much of everything else. He lied about his long-term advocacy of the LGBTQ agenda, he lied about where he was born - note his own publicity piece used until shortly before running for president said flat-out he was born in Kenya and then he mocked everyone who actually later believed it.   Obama was elected BECAUSE of his race - the ultimate affirmative action election - people wanted to give him a chance despite zero executive experience and zero accomplishments and the fact he TAUGHT Rules for Radicals, a set of actions with a sop to Satan himself designed to bring down our nation and our culture.

Kamala also disgraced herself by having a sexual relationship with Willie Brown who promoted her politically, going to our nations to trash America, a horrifically abrasive and condescending personality. and being 100% ineffective in her job with ZERO accomplishments.  Many remember she had to drop out of the race for president because her own party rejected her before she was even in a single primary!  Any Vice President must be able to be President at a moment's notice, and Joe Biden admitted he would chose someone SOLELY because of their race and gender!  How bigoted and foolish! You pick the best person and do not limit yourself to the absurd character-deficient Stacey Abrams's or Kamala Harris's of the world. Neither of them was REMOTELY qualified for the job and either would obviously be an unmitigated disaster.  

The time has come when we evaluate people based upon the content of their CHARACTER, not on the color of their skin.  Remember who said that?  MLK, Jr. Yet tens of millions of racist fools voted for Obama and 8 years later Harris SOLELY based on the color of their skin and IGNORED major warning signs that they lacked the essential honesty and the needed characteristics to lead.

People are bailing on the liar-in-chief Biden (check out his 48 years of lies and his horrific record of being wrong on just about everything with even Obama's Robert Gates concurs with that assessment) and the hapless Harris. Both are totally incompetent and both blame everyone else but themselves.  They are both delusional and both must be HURLED from office - the sooner the better!


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