Monday, September 06, 2021


 Many are outraged at the death toll from the Covid virus.  About 375,000 in the United States in 2020 - about 11% of the three million plus born people who died that year and about 9% of total deaths including abortions.

While smoking claimed 20% more lives than Covid, there were no lockdowns, no banning of cigarettes, and barely a mention.  State governments would be in even worse financial trouble without cigarette taxes and lottery sales, so those are off limits.  

The fuss over Texas' heartbeat law is indicative of the selective angst going on.  THREE TIMES as many human beings die from abortion than Covid.  TOTALLY PREVENTABLE DEATHS, yet the Biden administration is pushing for MORE!  They do not want ANY BABIES protected from being murdered!

They want no impediments whatsoever to TRIPLE the number of deaths as from Covid!  Yet they believe a person's right over thrown body is nil, people can be forced to lose their jobs, their ability to get an education, and if the Toronto Star had its way, eve the ability to get ANY medical care!

The administration mocks those who actually follow science to be "anti-science" but that is the way of Satanic Alinskyites.  You remember "Rules for Radicals" dedicated to Lucifer himself.

I was in a diner where two old men were arguing that the government must force everyone to take the vaccine. One quoted a SCOTUS ruling back 116 years ago saying the government could mandate a smallpox vaccine. Smallpox killed between 300 and 500 MILLION people when the world population was less than 1/3 of what is is now.  That would be equivalent to 900 million to 1 1/2 BILLION deaths.

Covid has claimed about 4.6 million so far worldwide, so we are talking a factor of 200 to 300 times here.  30% of people who got smallpox died.   2% of people who get Covid die, a difference of a factor of smallpox being 15 times more lethal than Covid.  Science and statistics mean little to people who are so quick to give up their freedom, and based upon other epidemics, the SCOTUS would not have ruled that way if it were not for the extreme smallpox problem.

They were ignorant of and disdained the stance of Dr. Mullen who invented the mRNA vaccine process who says that compulsory vaccination is counterproductive.  The vaccines may prevent the most serious results of an infection, but are not so good at preventing infection itself. Actually letting healthy people get the disease provides far more immunity and better immunity than everyone being vaccinated.  He cited data sets from Israel and Sweden.  In Israel with a high rate of vaccination, there is a large spike, while in Sweden, with few restrictions, they ended up with a very low death rate.

Personally, I will not take a vaccine developed with cell lines from aborted fetuses.  SCIENCE magazine, ABS News, Newsweek, and various medical sites ALL acknowledge the moral issue.  Now they think the situation calls for taking them anyway, but there IS a moral issue and it is no conspiracy theory.  The nature of the FDA rushing to give "final" approval to the vaccines where we still do not have good data on long term effects led two high officials to resign and only the naive would believe it was a scientific as opposed to a purely political decision.

What is truly irksome is the utter anger that comes from those to whom you present inconvenient facts. They hate the mention of abortion and hate the comparisons of deaths.  That is what happens when politics and science by consensus rather than by fact becomes the order of the day.


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