All though the campaign sleepy Joe showed no grasp of reality or the issues. The man has only two principles - if Trump was for it, he is against it, whether it is saving the lives of babies, stopping perverts from having open season on our youth, providing oil and gas at low prices so average Americans could drive to work , get along with other countries, support our biggest allies, and avoid spreading the unsustainable tax burdens of New York, California and other Blue States people are fleeing like crazy, and looking the other way when millions have disobeyed our laws, stolen our identities, and disproportionately victimized our citizens with horrific crimes. The other is to approve every whacked-out left wing agenda in the world regardless of who is hurt and regardless of whether it has failed whenever tried in Blue States. Joe signed mindless orders without a critical thinking bone in his body, destroying years of success and giving God the finger.
He already made Canada, Mexico, and Guatemala mad at us in under 24 hours. His press secretary is a complete boob who was a disgrace today. His appointees are either retreads with no accomplishments or those who are in bed with the Chinese Communist Party as he is. I have found zero Biden voters who actually support his policies. That is why he lost the election by EVERY fair analysis.
The impeachment introduced by Marjorie Greene, a brave representative, should result in him being tried and convicted of treason. Durham and Barr were too Deep State to bring charges, but the evidence is overwhelming. Continue to pray that God will remove this incompetent man before he gets into one of his frequent confused states and presses the Nuclear Button by accident. He is far worse than his most hostile critics maintained and is 100% unqualified to lead anything, let alone our nation.
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