Every intelligent person knows that the election was stolen and many in the GOP were in on it. So-called Never Trumpers proved they were not about principles. We all know the Democrats fought against the election of Donald Trump for four years with lies, paid-for disinformation, and an attempted impeachment. The GOP, on the other hand, barely put up a fight. I received endless emails begging for money, mostly to preserve their own seats while they ignored the President. I received read two books which had signifiant information about the Revolution and the Civil War. These Repubs would never have made the sacrifices that were made to get us free and to keep us free. They are part of the problem. Obviously, President Trump could have helped himself some but his personality was part of the package. I wrote him numerous times with constructive suggestions. Sometimes I thought God would let us be turned over to the incompetent and the cruel as a just reward for the rebellion of our nation against God, morality, marriage, fairness, and freedom. While it looks like he did, I believe God has a major surprise in store for us that no man can take credit for. We will too see exactly what God has in mind.
It angers me that the GOP is so stupid as to accept the CNN version of violent Trump people at the capitol. If you compare the photos you will see a significant ANTIFA presence with those in the capitol matching the photos at their violent demonstrations. A typical left wing false flag operation. Just like the seemingly endless complaints of racism where the alleged "victim" was also the perpetrator and colleges and others actually keep believing them and reacting as antipated.
Even some in the Cabinet are clueless - I am not a Republican and this really makes be glad I am not - we need a party with brains and guts willing to take a bullet for truth and not be so easily manipulated by the demonic Democrat party forces who have proven they will stop at nothing to try to make our nation into a Banana Republic.
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