There is absolutely no way a rational person who is the SLIGHTEST informed could ever vote for the Biden/Harris combo. Many rely on politicized media who slant everything, omit news that contradicts their false narratives, and covers endlessly for wicked people who lie through their teeth. Here are just 25 of a plethora of reasons that the Biden/Harris political team should not be given even ONE OUNCE of consideration:
1) Joe lied for almost THIRTY YEARS about Curtis C. Dunn the truck driver who had no responsibility for the deaths of his wife and 13 month old daughter or severe injuries to two sons, ages 3 and 4 at the time. Neilia Biden pulled out in front of the truck, but lying Joe kept telling crowds the truck driver was drunk and refused to ever apologize. Biden tormented the man until he died in 1999. That ALONE should have disqualified him from serving in the Senate, as Teddy Kennedy’s lying about Mary Jo Kopechne, leaving her to drown should have sent him packing as well – to jail. He also lied about meeting Jill – he committed adultery with her and her first husband wrote a book about Joe’s lies about his marriage. These would be obvious disqualifiers to be President, where truth and trust are critical.
2) He says DAY ONE he will force Christians to PAY for the murder of the unborn which is black genocide. An average 500 black babies are murdered by their own mothers on any given day. Many other babies die as well but the disproportionate effect is on the Black community. These babies feel pain and when the Roe v Wade decision was made, fetal science was almost non-existent. Blackmun noted that the decision needed to be revisited when more was known. Joe and Kamala are staunch anti-science zealots who want to perpetuate human suffering. Even Harvard admitted these children are human from conception. Yet they want to force Christian doctors to perform abortions!
3) Joe views police as the enemy opposite if what God said – Romans 13 is clear they are God’s ministers and do not bear the sword in vain. It is absurd to think that those on the streets with zero respect for law, order, the Constitution or anything else could replace police. Almost every city with a mayor with the same absurd idea has turned into a crime-ridden hellhole. Cities with high crime are simply not sustainable.
4) The Bible says it is a curse for the guilty to go free. Proverbs 17:15 and 24:24 are oh so clear. Rapists and murderers as well as common thieves who have ruined many lives have been released by mayors and governors. These are not the non-violent ones released through prison reform who already paid more than a fair price. One from NY promptly went out and murdered the woman he had raped and who had filed charges. Many atrocities have predictably followed these insane actions. California is scheduled to release 18,000, so the carnage has just begun and can affect states where laws have been enforced.
5) Joe has a sordid racist past, speaking derogatory things against blacks and Indians and praising THREE ardent segregationists including a now deceased Robert K. Byrd, a senior official in the Ku Klux Klan, Senators James Eastland and Herman Talmadge. Even Harris called out his racism in her aborted presidential campaign.
6) Joe is courting anti-Semitic haters of Jews such as AOC, Omar, and others. He wants to remove our embassy for Jerusalem and sides with those who want to destroy Israel. No one with a Jewish problem is fit to be president. His problem is EXTREME.
7) Joe has a severe issue in treating women with respect and is known as Handsy Joe, fondling children regularly, swimming nude with female secret service agents on duty as his home, and much more. Kamala Harris said that Tara Reade should be believed as Tara was one of Joe’s accusers and I do not want to put in print what he allegedly did to Tara which was sexual assault by all definitions. Kamala set all that aside due to her obvious extreme lust for power.
8) Joe said he wants the schools to teach the Islamic faith while at the same time harshly criticizing born-again Christians. Biden bashed Christians opposing the homosexual agenda as “forces of intolerance” and “virulent dregs of society” at a recent LGBT event. He must feel the same way about God, because God has condemned them in the same way that all true Christians do. Islam is an Imperialistic political system sworn to destroy our Constitution through Sharia as well as a religion and has no business in the schools. 70% of American Muslims have admitted they support Sharia. They swear in on the Qur’an and that is meaningless, as Qur’an 5:32 teaches taqiyya, the justified deception (bold face lying) to advance the Islamic cause.
9) Joe wants to expand the Supreme Court with activists who care nothing for the Constitution in the tradition of political hacks Breyer, Ginsberg, Kagan, and Sotomayor (and increasingly John Roberts) and with many more hack justices so no matter who is president, it will be irreversible.
10) Joe wants to roll back our nation’s fair dealings under the current administration and capitulate to China where he and his family have benefitted financially. Like Diane Feinstein, follow the money. China, Iran, the Muslim Jihadists, Antifa, and Marxists all LOVE Joe Biden. Hello?
11) Joe’s history is to have his family profit from his position in government – a first order crook – Ukraine, China, and doubtless more.
12) Joe is fully behind the “Equality Act” which removes the age of consent and paves the way for open pedophilia and making all moral opposition to sexual perversion illegal. Jack the Baker and other Christians would be forced to bow to the whims of the LGBTQ movement or be persecuted, lose their business and their God-Given freedoms. His party is wholly owned by sexual perverts who HATE genuine Christians with deep passion.
13) Joe is anti-science, wanting to destroy millions of energy jobs, give up our energy independence and make us dependent on countries who do not like us. He and BHO gave BILLIONS to our enemies. His proposed Covid Czar, Dr. Ezekiel Emmanuel wanted to shut the country down or 18 months along with draconian measures worse that China’s despite the lowest level of hospitalizations since the beginning of the Wuhan virus. Amazing anti-science totalitarian ideas that kill countries. Biden/Harris never learn but always double-down.
14) Joe pledges to get back in the failed Paris Accord despite the FACT we outperformed the European nations who were in it. It is simply a globalist tool to redistribute money. India, China and other countries are not subject to it. It is suicidal and ridiculous. Again, Biden/Harris is not a teachable team, and that portends disaster.
15) Joe claims “climate change” gives us only nine more years, ignoring all the proofs that man’s role is minimal at best and despite all the Chicken Little prophesies falling on their faces. He wants to get all gasoline vehicles off the road and make everything electric. He seems not to understand where electricity comes from and the repeated research that when considering the countries that have lithium, the abuse of Africa workers who mine it, and the mammoth disposal issues of these batteries electric vehicles produce no significant environmental advantage. We have massive reserves of fossil fuels, conventional cars are extremely clean, and wind and solar have severe issues of their own if used in macro fashion.
16) Joe wants to reintroduce all the wasteful and harmful regulations that Trump eliminated which sparked the spectacular economic growth. Government is not omniscient – they make everything more difficult and expensive, and only truly useful and beneficial regulations should remain. Most people in government have NO business experience and it shows. They major on minors and minor on majors.
17) Black entrepreneurship TRIPLED under Trump – The ideas of Biden and Harris which have failed every time they have been tried would wipe that out and make more black people dependent on government – racist to the core but totally in keeping with Democrat desires to control blacks totally and forever.
18) Joe is totalitarian and talks like a would be tin-pot dictator. He cares nothing for laws and process, only raw, naked power. People like that are dangerous, and are often figureheads for people behind the scenes pulling their strings.
19) NONE OF JOE’S IDEAS HAVE EVER WORKED ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. Every state or city that has tried them has been run into the ground. His radical tax ideas have failed whenever tried.
20) The man has been in government too long already with ZERO Major accomplishments. He who is faithful in little will be faithful in much – he has not shown any successes that would qualify him for a promotion. From being a Senator and Vice President, WHAT HAS HE DONE TO HELP ANYONE?
21) Joe and Kamala are controlled by the teachers’ union and oppose private and charter schools. This heavily affects minority children in cities with useless public education and is totally racist. He also has never spoken up about severe indoctrination and outright persecution of normal people as at Iowa State among many universities and public schools as well starting in the earlier years. 40% of the Antifa arrests were TEACHERS, so we KNOW what we are dealing with.
22) Joe knelt before the flag. God commanded us to honor our nation, our king, etc. Joe has shown utter contempt for all and is in line with numerous sports stars and corporations who have been giving money and their support to further leftist destructive causes who believe in a violent overthrow of our government. Cynically placed flags at a convention do not balance out support for the enemies of our nation and a refusal to stand up for our nation. Those who cannot follow are unfit to lead.
23) He could not control his own family. If a man does not have his own family under control, how can he lead a nation, especially when he appears eager to hand over its sovereignty to the utterly failed United Nations? Hunter has been an amazing disaster and Joe keeps ignoring the obvious.
24) He has failed to condemn violence and insurrection in the streets. The primary responsibility of. President is to ensure domestic tranquility and peace. Biden/Harris have done nothing to help in this regard and could certainly never be expected to do anything if in office.
25) He is mentally unfit to lead anything. He thinks Arizona is a city. He told the world at the DNC convention he was “Joe Biden’s husband”. Not just gaffes, but utter non-stop incompetence. He is totally lost without a teleprompter. He proposed dividing Iraq into four countries. He hides in his basement and the media is covering up his every misstep. If he is so great, let the whole world see. He is wholly unqualified to have a nuclear button in his vicinity. Joe acts before he thinks, and hardly anyone can make sense of what he thinks. Even CNN is saying that if he wins he might immediately pass on the reins to Kamala Harris who was rejected by 98% of her own party, and who possesses zero tools or experience for the job of President. Biden actually talked about her taking control in January! Harris was chosen at the insistence of 100 black leaders after Joe Biden foolishly painted himself into a corner. There were extremely qualified black women for the job but they were all Conservatives so Joe could not pick them. Racism, sexism, and bald political hack moves have no place in our country at this critical time.12) Joe is anti-science, wanting to destroy millions of energy jobs, give up our energy independence and make us dependent on countries who do not like us. He and BHO gave BILLIONS to our enemies. His proposed Covid Czar, Dr. Ezekiel Emmanuel wanted to shut the country down or 18 months along with draconian measures worse that China’s despite the lowest level of hospitalizations since the beginning of the Wuhan virus. Amazing anti-science totalitarian ideas that kill countries. Biden/Harris never learn but always double-down.
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