Thursday, April 30, 2020


Seems the numbers we all want to see are never reported by the hysterical media, so I will do what I can to correct that. What we do know:

Approx. 360,000 Americans outside the womb die every six weeks. Another 70,000 in the supposed protective custody of their mother's womb are purposefully killed every month. Approx. 60,000 people are attributed to have died from the Wuhan virus in the last six weeks, though bogus reporting due to financial and political motives means the actual number is lower - by how much we do not know.  

Suicides and other deaths have increased according to the limited statistics we have, and many who got the virus were in nursing homes and would likely have died anyway, so the net increase due to the Wuhan virus is unknown, but I would venture a guess of about 40,000 tops, which is far fewer than many flu seasons. When all causes of death are tallied, we will know better. 

However, even assuming all their reporting was 100% accurate and disregarding increases in other deaths, the worst case scenario is a 14% bump in deaths counting ALL humans, and an 18% bump on already born persons. In any event, assuming an even abortion rate throughout the year, more babies were purposefully killed in the last six weeks than people who died of the Wuhan virus. NO DESTROYING THE ECONOMY OR LOCKDOWNS BECAUSE OF THOSE 70,000 BABIES WHO USUALLY HAD NO OTHER SICKNESSES! RATHER, THEY ARE BEING PAID TO KILL THE BABIES!

All this indicates that hysteria was needed to destroy the economy, destroy weddings, funerals, family gatherings, graduations, baseball for the kids where a missed season is more catastrophic than for any other sport, you name it. We survived the Hong Kong Flu, the Swine flu, and much else, but our enemies now will be working 24/7 to develop new and potent viruses, knowing our country will GLADLY destroy itself without them having to pull a trigger. The WSJ today says half of laid off works are earning more than when they were working. Bernie Sanders' dreams are coming true without him even running, and too many Americans seem not to care how long the destruction to our social fabric and the economy continues. The hysterical media is complicit, and so are many Trump voters trusting experts including Fauci who got a lot of money to go to the Wuhan lab and other deep state folks who are succeeding in making people open to the hellish New World Order.


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