I used to be on the invited writers list of the Inquirer's "Community Voices" section, and had well over 100 pieces published in various papers and magazines. Journalism is to report a situation, not advocate for one side or the other UNLESS one side is clearly right and the other wrong - for example supporting the war against Hitler and his Nazis. The NY Times was a Hitler apologist which surely resulted in a delay in entering the war and likely resulted in several million people losing their lives, mostly Jews. The Times made the identical mistake with Stalin. Truth matters. Lives matter.
Instead of apologizing for that, they say they are making an unprecedented change in advocating against President Trump. Total nonsense! I learned from the time I was 10 that papers make up their narratives to fit their politics. My first experience at 10 was with the Courier News (A Gannett Newspaper) and then with the Inquirer when I was deeply involved in trying to restore the families affected by the MOVE bombing debacle. I went to school BTW with Jim Detjen and could never understand his involvement with the Wilson Center given the overt racism of Woodrow Wilson who celebrated the horrific stereotype movie, "Birth of a Nation" and desegregated the Federal Government. We went different ways and I have been blogging and writing on politics for many decades. BTW my sister in NYC was really good friends with a reporter from the NYT and he quit because he was unable to tilt and slant every story to suit their demented politics. I am sure he is far from alone. Even their editor admitted what they do and was fine with it.
To the point of your article which is an advocacy piece for the most destructive movement of our time. I saw your prior article on prayer in Woodbury which was replaced with deeply offensive MGBTQ marketing banners on City property. Bad exchange - and despite some comments to the contrary, it was totally clear. The HRC's are always promoted by LGBTQ people and I have testified against them, and their anti-Christian bigotry arises time after time. Now with your front page opinion piece today which should have been a paid advertisement paid for by these folks, in which tather than exploring both sides of the issue, you donated quite a few column inches to a filthy movement (ever been to a filthy PRIDE parade? Utterly disgusting and lewd beyond measure. This movement's sole aim is to pervert and recruit children, legalize gross immorality, and deny the most basic fact of life that there are only two genders. They talk equality, but like almost every liberal buzzword, means the polar opposite of the meaning they claim it has. Rather than feature the current case of two lesbians who tried to castrate a boy they adopted (anyone with an IQ over 60 knows how foolish it is to place any child with same-sex parents and the statistics are daunting which you totally ignored) and then STABBED him, rather than feature disgraceful drag queen episodes in schools, rather than deal with the manifold hate crimes against heteronormative people, rather than detailing anti-religious bigotry of the worst sort, seeking to remove Constitutional protections which ARE law and substitute special treatment for themselves which IS unconstitutional, rather than trying to encourage all changes in sexuality EXCEPT homosexual to heterosexual (yes, that is possible - I have a friend who did, and many more were in Washington which your paper ignored, proving their total bias), rather than deal with the real issues, you write a puff piece that would have flunked all legitimate journalistic criteria.
If you want to see some real in-depth journalism, rather than cheerleading for wickedness, try the Epoch Times out of NYC, the nation's fastest growing paper for good reason. Try the China Times as well, which has better things to say about our country than the Inquirer.
Intelligent and informed people who know right from wrong, who know political agendas like the back of their hand, who reject fake news, slanted news, and the non-stop Trump derangement syndrome simply have no respect for "reporters" who are shills for political movements nor should they show one ounce of respect.
I do hope you will look at the matter, or when the truth fully emerges about the abject evil you are currently cheerleading for, you will be deeply ashamed. There is a battle of good versus evil, and most mainstream media outlets have sided with evil. Time has a way of exposing these ventures into absurdity. Could give you hundreds of examples, but this is all for now.
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