Friday, July 17, 2020


The Washington Redskins name was chosen by a Native American and polls show anywhere from 75% to 90% of Native Americans are fine with the name - it is a positive statement about the strength and power of their people.
The spineless Redskins management caved to politically correct but totally wrong activists who probably never even talked to a Native American about anything.

Now the loony left wants the Texas Rangers to change their name. Who gives them the right? Despite the Rangers storied history fighting for justice, often opposed by the same deep state that exists today (talk to Chuck Norris about that in his series about that), they cherry pick some abuses that may have happened 150 years ago. 

Where is the demand the Democrat Party change THEIR name? After all, this was the party FORMED to perpetuate slavery. It is THE PARTY of the KKK. It is the party of racist Woodrow Wilson and the influential racist movie BIRTH OF A NATION. It is the party of Jim Crow. It is the party of lynching. It is the party of dogs and fire hoses against TRULY PEACEFUL protesters. It is the party that opposed desegregation. It is the home of racists such as Joe Biden who has a sordid anti-black history and who has extended that to the Indian immigrants. When the Democrats have to put THEIR PROVEN EVIL IDENTITY in the trash can, I might consider the micro-aggressions. Until, then the left needs to shut up and take the Sequoia-sized LOG out of their own eyes before trying to get motes out of the eyes of others.


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