Thursday, November 05, 2020


 1) Some wonder why the President was mad about Arizona being called by Fox so early and Florida not. There were many people in line in Arizona when the premature call was made and Fox's action had the effect of telling people their vote would not matter -in fact it did as the results are still not final. 

2) I was questioned today about why I thought Voter Fraud was Blue and not Red. I could never say there is NEVER Red Fraud, but the worldview of the Blues is that the ends justify the means and the THOUSANDS of reports have been mostly if not all been concerning Democrat actions. Red States WELCOME both parties to observe the process and they do not exclude the other party from watching. The Philly Sheriff is refusing a court order to let Republicans monitor what is going on and Philly's rampant voter fraud is no urban legend. The post office directive in one major population center to hand cancel late ballots to make them legal is just one of MANY reports. 

3) Big city machine politicians have been doing these games for a long time - Kennedy's people stole the election from Nixon. Al Franken's people stole the election from Norm Coleman. When Democrats, especially AG's funded by Soros change the rules illegally, any sane person would question that. Yet otherwise intelligent people believe the non-stop media lies that there is no fraud. That is absurd, and not simply because of Project Veritas Videos and first hand confessions. Europe started in-person voting again after massive fraud there. The system in the U.S. this year was purposely set up for massive fraud in swing states. Joe Biden is on tape saying he organized the largest and most inclusive voter fraud operation in history. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. 

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that MILLIONS of fake Biden votes have been and are being counted, and Biden clearly LOST this election and could never be a legitimate president of the United States.


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