Isaiah 3
4 “I will make mere youths their officials; children will rule over them.”
12 Youths oppress my people, women rule over them.
A man with the selfish mind of a spoiled child was declared the winner of an obviously bogus election in several key states. With the appearance of early onset dementia, incredible “gaffes”, incomprehensible statements, inappropriate touching, a forty seven year history of being wrong on just about everything, and the petulance of the most ill-trained child, Joe keeps declaring all he intends to do with no debate, no nuance, and no critical thinking whatsoever - like a tin-pot dictator. If Obama did it and it proved a disaster, he wants to reinstitute it immediately. If Trump was for it, he is against it no matter the massive degree of success it brought. This mindless and irrational approach is the stuff of left-wing dictators who care NOTHING for the people, only their own engrandizement.
This could be about a host of issues including life, the economy, energy, etc. For this brief post, it will be about energy. Joe says he will immediately stop the pipeline which is essential for the health of our economy and to use the resources God gave to us. He does not consider the FACT that fossil fuels are in abundance and are needed with our current infrastructure to produce electricity and to fuel industry. While alternative are underway, none are able to replace fossil fuels, and in the case of clean-burning natural gas, there is no need to accelerate a normal development timetable. Many of my projects are in the fuel industry, and these big companies are researching alternatives aggressively. They learned from the failure of rail transportation - the rail companies should have been investing in planes so they would be transportation and not train companies. Phillips 66 and other big players are energy companies, and they mean to control energy no matter what the mode, not simply fossil fuels. Joe ignores the untold billions invested and the gasoline prices which are a minor fraction of what they are in Europe which is of special benefit to those of modest means without any public transportation alternative. The low level of thought he brings to the table would have given me "F's" in Junipor High School. If he were not mentally a clueless child, he would know the struggles Germany has had with alternative fuels and act accordingly. But no, ideologues without an ounce of critical thinking skill ignore ALL TRUTH and act based upon their left-wing handlers’ destructive agendas.
Joe ignores the FACT that the United States outperformed those still in the Paris Accord in terms of reducing CO2 which some scientists still forcefully maintain is a bogeyman of choice rather than a significant driver of temperatures. Anyone with a modicum of climate knowledge knows that if the absurd Green New Deal were FULLY implemented, totally destroying our national life as we know it, we would have at best a .01°C (that is one hundredth of one degree) impact on temperature! Anyone familiar with the concept of cost-benefit ratio? Of course we know that India and China pollute far more than we do and are building coal and other plants without our strict environmental laws every week. It is a globalist redistributionist socialist agenda which has its roots in hell. Read the Book of Revelation if you want to see where that would take us.
Be aware that the real agenda is absolute control over a nation of haves and have-nots with a disappearing middle class. Look at everywhere in the world where leftists have stolen power. They never change. Even the stolen election was a larger version of what happened in Venezuela and elsewhere. A missionary from Africa wrote me that what happened in Philadelphia was eerily reminiscent of what they saw in corrupt African elections. The leftist plans for the United States are no different. The problem is that Joe and Kam are not the only ones who think like a child. Critical thinking is so absent from the American people – the proof of which is that Joe would have been lucky to get 25% of the vote if people actually looked at his promises and avoided media outlets which refused to vet him and glorified his inept rantings.
The demonization of those who disagree with them is also standard leftist behavior. Persecution has followed worldwide, and leftists from CNN to Facebook to Twitter are open about their plans to deplatform all who disagree with their absolute tyranny and it was even suggested to place those who have not lost their minds in Guantanamo, Cuba, with terrorists!
People from other countries including FIVE who spent time in prison for their faith tell me they cannot believe how stupid Americans are because they were all told the same things we are. Except too many of us do not take them seriously. We should.
For now, pray to God to intervene sovereignly and not allow this curse to come on our nation.
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