Monday, July 15, 2024


The biggest surprise about the assassination attempt against Former President and current candidate Donald Trump is that it did not occur earlier. While politics is a hardball sport, the incredibly violence-inviting rhetoric of Joe Biden including portraying Trump as Hitler, a comparison that in light of Biden constantly violating Federal law on immigration and many other issues as well as politicizing government as a dictator would is patently ridiculous, absurd and disrespectful to millions of Jews who understood who a very real Hitler was. Biden's exact words just one week ago were according to the BBC and Politico,  I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye." Going back to the Gabrielle Giffords shooting, many blamed Sarah Palin because her PAC had a map with a "cross-hairs" symbol often used by surveyors as well as in gunsights.  While the Washington Post said that was bogus, when one combines the "bullseye" comment from Biden and the call to eliminate Trump by saying your opponent is Hitler and an evil dictator, it is no reach to believe that someone would think they were doing the world a favor by eliminating him.  After all NY Democrat Representative Dan Goldman called for Trump to be eliminated.   

Biden took down his ads immediately - he knew the truth about them but that was too little, too late. He needs to apologize and take responsibility for his liquid hate. Summer, a girl who knew the shooter, said Crooks was intensely interested in history which would make him very susceptible to the Biden one-two punch.  After all, how many people have wondered how history would have been different had someone taken Hitler out? We know many young people have been indoctrinated in schools and colleges and do not think critically. They are very susceptible to false comparisons and statements. Happens all the time. A hard question worth thinking about.

It is a fact that the Selective Service Security detail assigned to President Trump was FAR LESS than the one assigned to President Biden. It was less than the one assigned to Pope Francis on his visit. It was reported that when Trump took office there were six to eight credible threats PER DAY.  Of the three, whom do you think would need the most security given who has been the subject of the highest level of irrational hatred and vitriol?  Kimberly Cheatle, the head of the Selective Service, which interestingly is under Homeland Security ruled by Mayoras,  a heavily investigated man who has been a wildly irresponsible leader working full time to violate federal immigration laws and let millions pour over our border including Venezuelan criminals and others.  Given the coordinated lawfare against Donald Trump to seek to take him out that way with AG's meeting in the White House, does ANYONE really believe that Biden and perhaps even more so his handlers would have shed no tears if Crooks had been a better shot?  After all,  Crooks was not allowed on the high school rifle team because of his poor aim. Trump demolished all the other GOP candidates, and Biden could have stayed in his basement and not bothered to campaign. 

Two former high-ranking FBI officials told The NY Post after Saturday’s shooting that from what they can tell, the Secret Service under Cheatle completely blew it.

It was a total security breakdown from start to finish,” said former FBI Assistant Director Chris Swecker. “From the total security plan for the rally to the reaction once the shots rang out. Imagine if the shooter hadn’t been this kid but a well-trained cell? Our enemies are looking at us thinking we can take Trump or anyone out now without a problem,” the expert said. Swecker was specifically critical of some of the protection detail around former President Trump after he was shot. “What I was seeing was DEI,” Swecker said of the agents, who included three women. “And I am not anti-woman. I have three daughters and three granddaughters, and they’d make great Secret Service agents. But the women I saw up there with the president — they looked like they were running in circles. One didn’t know how to holster, the other one didn’t seem to know what to do, and another one seemed not to be able to find her holster.  DEI is one thing. Competence and effectiveness are another, and I saw DEI out there. If you counted down — and I did — it was over 2 minutes to get him off the podium,” Swecker said. “The Secret Service’s job is to, No. 1, prevent this from happening, and No. 2,  get him out of the danger zone in seconds. Two minutes is a lifetime. If there had been a secondary shooter, they would have finished him off.”  Hard questions indeed.

Elon Musk is among many calling for Cheatle's immediate resignation. I would add Mayoras to that, a deeply compromised man on many issues. I would also ban DEI which is now making being a Doctor, a Lawyer, and obviously a Selective Service member about the false premise of "equity" rather than purely objective qualifications.

The failure to track a suspicious man who turned out to be the shooter was epic. So was not having SS on a tall building about 400 feet away (coincidentally the identical distance one has to be able to hit a human target in the army.) That is Security 101. I also note the local police officer who climbed the ladder (why wasn't the SS immediately advised???) but then retreated like a scared mouse. What cop worth his salt would climb a ladder to a roof to go after a suspect in proximity to a former President without his gun out and ready to shoot? Was he afraid that anti-police Democrats would have arrested him if he shot Crooks? Was he going to try to talk to a cold-blooded killer about peace and love? Why didn't he at least fire into the air from the ladder so the SS could shoot Crooks before he could pull the trigger?  Hard questions indeed.

Ironically, Biden's supporters are now saying this event may have sealed Biden's fate due to sympathy votes so they will concentrate on the House and Senate which could heavily neutralize another Trump presidency. It certainly took Joe's age and severe decline off the table. Incidentally, anyone who closely follows politics knows that Dems all got word to talk about how kind and effective Biden is as a man but he is simply too old. That is so far from the truth, but do you hear a chorus from the GOP stating the truth?  We all know that if the shoe were on the other foot, the Dems would be at this every single day with a 500-voice chorus singing in unison.  Ignored is the plain fact stated by Robert Gates, who was in Obama's cabinet, who rightly said in his book Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War in 2014 that Biden had not made one right decision in forty years. That was a few years ago - here is just a handful of examples from numerous sources that should pose hard questions:

1) Joe Biden used to be pro-life. The Democrat Party made being pro-death a Shibboleth, so PA Governor Robert Casey became a persona non grata when he refused to buckle, but Joe Biden, Al Gore, and others all trampled on all their convictions to belong to the big D.  Mind you, this was as fetal science was expanding and the arguments in Roe v. Wade were proven fallacious. Actually, in the decision, it was stated it needed to be reevaluated as science progressed.  Joe just said he wants to make Roe v. Wade the law of the land. Democrats never seem to learn - all they seem to know is to double down regardless of any evidence or argument.

2) Joe wanted to partition Iraq into three. (NBC, VOX, CNN)

3) Joe doubles down on a two-state solution in the Middle East which is not workable. There have essentially been three states there for all practical purposes, but when two hate the third, and one engages in constant terrorism against another, the idea is a non-starter and absurd. The irrational hatred of the Palestinians toward Israel is of the same depth as that of Biden against Trump. It would simply guarantee eternal conflict.

4) The disastrous exit from Afghanistan speaks for itself.

5) The almost red carpet comment to Putin that he would not oppose a "limited" incursion into Ukraine. Anyone who knows bears knows the Russian Bear would run with this one. How many news sources note this on a regular basis? Only how much money we now send Ukraine to help atone for Biden's incompetency. And how about all the injured and dead that resulted? Just another hard question.

6) Read from a very LIBERAL mag, the Atlantic a plethora of these failures:

7) An endless quest to dismantle Trump's legacy reminds me of a two-year-old with crayons desecrating a valuable book. I keep track of these things, and I cannot recall even one decision Joe made for the good of the country and our founding principles of freedom and morality. In fact, from brain-dead adherence to the false premises of radical Green New Deal to absurd economic and border decisions, if that were not enough, add to them Biden's moral turpitude with inappropriate touching, sniffing and wanting to shower with his daughter Ashley (read her diary), and swimming nude in front of  SS Women at his Delaware home (you don't believe me so check out one of several sources such as U S News and World Report -

The questions are many but many of us believe we have the answers. One thing is for sure, we need to get the current crop of Democrats out of the White House, the Congress, and the Senate, and appeal all the decisions for the 200 liberal judges Biden put in to corrupt justice on an ongoing basis. There is NO QUESTION about that.


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