Saturday, July 06, 2024


 As noted in my IF I WERE TRUMP post below, I believe a major opportunity was lost in not attacking the Democrat brand more than simply the hapless Joe Biden.  Barack Obama and John Kerry were not asked to take cognitive tests, yet together with hapless Joe Biden who may have Parkinson's above all his other issues, all three released 1.7 BILLION to the worst foremost sponsor of terrorists AFTER Iran swore to obliterate Israel.  This is mindless and irresponsible, and now Iran is promising to unleash a sequel to "Operation True Promise" when they attacked Israel from within their own borders on April 13th. They complain about Israel responding to endless Hezbollah acts of aggression, and now, trying to rescue his utterly failed presidency, Biden is acting more like Israel's friend than his on-again-off-again pattern. Trump needs to utterly expose the Decmorat brand, because while others such as Newsom, Whittmer, etc. won't look as bad on camera as hapless Joe did (Harris has proven she does and she does not have age as an excuse), they all support the same demonic policies - political hitmen appointed as judges, rampant corruption whether in DC, NJ or anyplace else Democrats dominate, utterly incompetent financial management such as in California, welcoming criminals into the country and even trying to let criminal SPOUSES who were deported come back in (Biden again), undermining the Border Patrol and the police, Title IX mandates essentially nullified to grant the gender-confused and predatory men access to where they should not be, not even stopping at the locker rooms of high school girls, but insisting men be hospital roommates of sick women, wishy-washy attitudes toward our Allies such as Israel and Taiwan, the first who possesses patents and awards far beyond their size and the second who dominates the foundry market for semi-conductors which is key for our electronics. Is there any wonder China is circling for the kill, knowing the U.S. President is so confused he actually inexplicitly said he was the first black woman president???? That is insane - he should have been impeached over Afghanistan - the writing was already clearly on the wall that this man could never keep his oath of office. 

Add to that changing taxes to make the US far less competitive in the world as we were with Obama's foolish 39% corporate tax and braindead policies including the Paris Accords which kneecap the West while India and China build coal plants like crazy without very much environmental mitigation at all such as happens in the US.  They throw away our abundant fossil fuels including clean-burning Natural Gas used by UPS, city busses, and many other vehicles trying to tyrannically impose electric vehicles which have environmental issues of their own, sky-high prices to buy and to replace batteries, and an electrical grid unable to deal with a massive shift like that with great vulnerability to boot. You never put all your eggs in one basket. We need Biden gone, Harris gone, Schumer gone, and a sensible president with sufficient majorities in both houses of Congress to avoid RINO's screwing things up.  The Democrats have shown that regardless of age, they lack the very basic ability to think clearly and in the best interests of our nation and the world. Trump needs to reinforce what so many in the nation know: The Democrats (not just Biden) ruin everything they touch and we have to get their fingers off the levers of power.


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