It has become obvious to the slightest aware person that we have some incredibly ignorant hacks on the SCOTUS. The average informed conservative knows ten times more than these pretend judges who simply vote their politics and evaluate nothing in an objective manner.
Sotomayor who votes left before hearing much of anything betrayed her utter ignorance, lying that Omicron was deadlier than Delta, that Covid deaths are at an all-time high, that 100k children are hospitalized and vaccine mandates fall under federal police power.
Sonya, darling - note the following:
1) Omicron is far LESS deadly with far fewer hospitalizations than prior strains.
2) The liberal Washington Post even gave her FOUR Pinocchios for her nonsense. The real number is 5,000 and none of those children would be working for companies with over 100 people.
3) No one has the right to force you to take an experimental treatment (Not technically a vaccine) regardless of your medical conditions and regardless of your religious convictions. Of course, Sonya could care less about those - stem cells from aborted babies were an integral part of the development process for these treatments, and NO ONE has the right to force people to violate their faith. The courts have allowed JW's not to pledge allegiance or accept blood transfusions and this is just as or more important.
Stevie Breyer who voted liberal like a knee-jerk reaction if complaining about enough time to actually evaluate the situation fairly. Everything is rush, rush to the brain-dead left because any debate would make their arguments fall apart.
The simple facts are incontrovertible - most deaths have been among Seniors well -past retirement age.
Omicron does not care much whether you are single vaxxed double vaxxed, boostered, or whatever. Just about everyone I know who got Covid had three shots. The credible claims that getting jabbed only addressed 1 of the 2 major antibody streams and that it could actually weaken your immunity to other diseases must be factored in. This is no time for carelessness.
Other treatments that have worked around the world have been discouraged or outright banned. Any aware person knows this is really about CONTROL - not healthcare. After all, deaths from suicide and other drugs skyrocketed during lockdowns. Abortions are triple Covid deaths. Ho Hum to them.
Most Americans work for companies with under 100 employees.
The intent of the left is crystal clear - amalgamate power in the big companies in their culture war, and eliminate just about every person with a conscience - they have done it in universities, the teachers' union, big tech and most denominational churches.
The left wants to speed the destruction of our nation and to put a stench in God's nostrils. No wonder they want 6 more liberal "justices" who would be nothing more than left-wing hacks who would never debate anything but further ruin this nation. They would have NINE who would ignore Harvard's claim that aligns with God's that life starts at conception. They would ignore the pain caused by innocents. They would ignore the push to force all medical schools to push abortion training. They would ignore the physical and psychological effects of abortion. That is what hacks do. We need judges with consciences who will actually decide based upon FACTS.
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