Tuesday, August 06, 2024


The word on the street seems to be that the Dems view Walz as pliable and he has for real avoided talking about Israel. His ultra-extreme energy, open border, anti-police, anti-gun, and felon-voting policies are right up Kamala's alley, and he was caught on a hot mic disparaging his own state as "cows and rocks".  We have seen the Californication of Colorado and much or Arizona and now parts of Texas, all with very negative results. Have you checked the crime rates in formerly lovely Denver and Colorado Springs? Both an "F". Where guns are outlawed, only outlaws (including the government) have guns. Scary indeed! 

Somewhat more moderate Josh Shapiro was considered the front-runner by many and with PA a swing state, it made choosing him compelling on the electoral front, but the rabidly anti-Israel Democrat Party dragged out his pro-Israel sentiments when he was only 20 and some common sense statements since. Shapiro had long since exchanged truth for lies in embracing a proven unworkable "two-state solution." When Israel's enemies have an agenda to EXTERMINATE Israel and draw their financial backing from Iran, the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism, it is painfully obvious that Biden, Harris, and Shapiro are in La-La land and must be rejected. Netanyahu's speech to Congress was magnificent, and I have not heard even one Democrat make 1% as much sense concerning Israel.  Polls show as many as 80% of Americans understand what Israel is up against and support them, but brain-dead Democrats seem not to understand reality, much like they fail to understand much else in this world.  Like Gore and Biden abandoned the Right to Life many years ago to meld with the pagan Democrats, proving that those beliefs weren't very strong to begin with, I doubt Walz will stand for anything he believes but simply morph into whatever Kamala wants for him. He already is more in sync with her than most married couples are so be prepared for left-wing lunacy on steroids. Robert Casey Sr., whom I was a big supporter of, actually held to his beliefs and became persona non grata among Democrats. His son's beliefs are unrecognizable compared to his father's, and sane Pennsylvanians are rightly trying to ditch him. Harris/Walz is a trainwreck in the making. Add to that the rumored Bernie Sanders for HHS, AOC for Defense, and Elizabeth Warren and it would be 100% inmates running the Asylum. An absurd ticket with dangerously unhinged people. Reject them by an historical blowout in no uncertain terms or there may not be any more history for the good 'ole USA.


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