Friday, September 19, 2008


Anyone hearing Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's chilling words on his world without an Israel should be most supportive of the STOP IRAN NOW protest in New York when the Iranian leader is speaking to the U.N. It seems this is one thing we should be able to agree upon, leaving politics behind.  Hardly. Hillary cancelled when she found out Palin would be there.  Then the organizers disinvited Palin, apparently because of Dem pressure.  Obama wouldn't attend, raising even more questions about his seemingly soft stands against Islamic Jihadists and his support of our ally Israel.  Now, Penny Pritzker, chair of Obama's campaign finance committee, and a pioneer in the sub-prime mortgage rip-off, is hosting at her Grand Hyatt a lavish reception for this tyrant in New York. The implications are frightening unless she has some heretofore unknown way of impacting the Iranian leader for the positive. The laundry list of liberal invitees who always seem sympathetic to Israel's enemies gives me no comfort.  This requires need prayer, as there are many in our own country who would celebrate it if we were to fall.


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