Sunday, August 28, 2016


(rarely do I post the same on both my blogs but this one clearly is appropriate for both!)
Everywhere you turn, everywhere you work, the cry is for “diversity”. The idea is that differences enrich life.  After all, God made people different shades and with differing personalities. He made nature and space with a sizzling array of designs, shapes, and colors.  Who can argue that?

However, some time ago, there was a huge move to say there is no absolute truth. That there is no right way. That each man should believe and think and do what is right is his own eyes.  That is chaos.  There is right and wrong. There is a right way and a wrong way to treat women. Sharia is the wrong way. Period.   There is a right way and a wrong way to treat Christ.  The right way is that he is the only eternal Son of God who fully displayed the attributed of the Father in human form here on earth where we live.  The wrong way is to dismiss him with the sops that he was a good teacher and a prophet. That really bugs home – If you really believe that, why don’t you do anything he says Why don’t you believe in hell when he talked so much about it? Why are you not quaking in your boots about his prophecies for the future?

Diversity as practiced puts unbelievers as members of the same church as believers – that cannot be – it happens in institutions, of course, but not in the mysterious Body of Christ. It happens in the workplace – you get people who are in it for themselves and not for the good of the company. Having hard works and laggards may be diverse but not helpful.  There needs to be unity of purpose –not simply having different people.   When I was in school, they had five tracks based upon your academic ability.  There was no comparison between the work we got in the top tracks vs. the much easier work in the easier ones.  Those who were not as disciplined in their thinking pushed for academic diversity – not a good idea.  Those at the bottom got no better while those at the top slipped precipitously into mediocrity.

Diversity in marriage is hailed – I have a diverse marriage, if the shade of one’s skin is the only criterion.  However, I married a Spirit-filled Christian woman, which is not diverse from me except I am a man, of course.  I have NOTHING in common with a sinner and to marry one is not only against the Bible, it is stupid!  One of us may be more computer-friendly and the other more poetic, and diversities like that are fine, but if two people view Christ, the Bible, and core Christian doctrines differently, they are in for deep heartache.

Oddly enough, the end result of diversity is not really diversity.  Rather it is total uniformity! If you know God, you know that it is ANYTHING OR ANYBODY BUT JESUS.   Any deity is fine as long as it is not Jesus.  No one blasphemes any so-called God – they ONLY blaspheme Jesus!  You can believe anything you want about homosexuality as long as you are FOR it and treat it as EQUAL or SUPERIOR to God’s design.  It is insanity.  Look at human bodies – homosexuality is a deep perversion of the obvious intent for our lives.   You are FORBIDDEN to say that Jesus is the only way to God, but you can say that Islam is the only way!   You are not to persecute anyone, but CHRISTIANS are not fit to live or have any rights whatsoever!  You can promote ANY religion but the only true one in schools and other public venues! You can promote any person of any ethnicity or color EXCEPT the white male, who is obviously responsible for every single one of the world’s ills!   The blatant racism and bigotry in this movement is extreme.  I believe that is why they love to call everyone a racist – they are deep racists themselves and believe everyone else must be as well! 

The diversity movement has proven itself to be intolerant to its core of anyone who diverges from their cold, atheistic, statist orthodoxy.  I oppose it totally – the brainwashing, the stereotyping, the divisiveness, the hypocrisy, the holier-than-thou attitudes.

What I DO embrace in the unity of all blood-washed saints of all shades, nationalities, economic and educational levels, and both genders operating in Biblical fashion according to the plans of God.  That trumps the pagan diversity agenda, which is merely a temporary tool towards uniformity of thought against our Lord and against his Christ.


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