Sadly, Larycia is just ONE person who is like this. MANY evangelical colleges and universities are thoroughly infected with people who have departed from clear essentials of the faith. They are white, they are black. Some wear beards and.or clerical collars. Others like Jim Wallis have been advisors to the President of the United States. What they hold in common is a severe departure from the gospel while believing in their own righteousness. Larycia is into religious pluralism which contradicts Jesus Christ directly. So are MANY OTHERS. Perhaps a person like this is in leadership in YOUR church. I have been stunned by actually discovering what ministers REALLY believed that I thought were pretty sound. It is scary, but we ARE in the great falling away and end-time deception and all you have to do is tune in to one of those "Christian" TV networks or ask confirmation of beliefs at the MAJORITY of "Christian" colleges and CHURCHES to get confirmation of that. The deviations may not be as blatant, but ALL DEVIATIONS are serious and they are for real not all from the left! That is why I did not edit this down - only the pictures which usually are restricted from copying. You can view those pictures on her Twitter account if you wish which show her with the habib, with radicals, adoring Black Lives Matter, repeating the same left-wing mantras, unqualified loyalty to Obama, and in solidarity with apostate leaders. Here goes:
Larycia Hawkins @LaryciaHawkins 5 Dec 2014 Cops see white boy w/BB gun & see burgeoning hunter. Cops see black boy w/BB gun & see full fledged gang member.#blacklivesmatter #TamirRice
Larycia Hawkins @LaryciaHawkins May 25 .@realDonaldTrump shows would be emperor has no clothes. Meets critiques w/new ethnic slurs as #Losers do (
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