Wish I had a chance to debate – Three retorts for you and
a one minute closing statement. Donald
did pretty good, but he could have nailed her several times and left some
points on the table.
I know you love to
repeat the big lie, but your party took over both houses of Congress in
2006 and refused to pass a budget or allow reform of the policy forcing banks
to give loans to people not qualified to repay them. The real estate crash can
be laid at the doorstep of Democrat policies, not Republican. Further, you and
your husband have short memories regarding the 1990’s. Your economic policies from 1993 to 1995 were
so bad and HillaryCare was so panned as being unworkable that the Republican
Revolution occurred in 1994 taking both houses of Congress. Your husband was smart enough to go along and
we prospered, but you want to put Bill back in charge of the economy which
would be a disaster. Newt Gingrich was the one who should have gotten the credit
because without his leadership in reversing Bill’s early mess, it would have
been a truly disastrous decade.
Hillary, all you talk about is one woman when it involves
two people. Thirty million innocent
young women have been killed with your approval in what should be safes space
on earth – her mother’s womb. And an
equal number of boys. At the latest
stages of pregnancy, they are dismembered in such a painful and utterly sick
manner that it is absolutely inhumane.
Where is justice for these innocents?
The convenience of the mother is no excuse. Doctors say that partial
birth abortion is NEVER medically necessary. It is rank abuse of another human
being. You are all for "safe
spaces" that would keep enfeebled people from hearing the free speech of
religious people who want to live out their faith in academia and in their businesses
and in their churches. You are all for appointing so-called justices who impose
their own radical ideas on people when the. Democratic process outright rejects
those ideas. You totally ignore that the
Jane Roe in Roe v. Wade has totally flipped and is now adamantly pro-life. She
also had no standing in the case as she had already given birth which you
conveniently ignore. You also ignore that Justice Blackmun said in his opinion
that when science improves the decision may need to be revisited. Well,
Hillary, fetal science was in the dark ages then and we now know with certainly
the pain that is inflicted on the innocent. What your goons did at my rallies
was reprehensible, but this is far worse.
Hillary, wherever these hacked emails came from, they
show a very dark, corrupt, criminal campaign and way of operating with plans
for more massive voter fraud than ever. All in the very words of your people -
it justifies EVERYTHING we have been saying and you cannot deny them. Firing a couple people is not the answer. The
whole thing has to go, and that will only happen if you elect me. We have a
great LEFT wing conspiracy here for sure. It is telling that you had no Issue
with Barack Obama sending his minions to Israel to undermine one of America’s
very best friends, Benyamin Netanyahu, an effort that thankfully failed nor
with him working for Trudeau, Jr. in Canada. Look, I was not the one who sold
Uranium to Putin. Anyone who really
knows me is absolutely convinced I will always put America’s interests first. You
owe so many foreign leaders that no thinking person can have that same
assurance about you. I ask you again, are you going to return the money given
to you and your sham Foundation from countries that abuse women and homosexuals
and behead Christians? If you do not, the people would have to conclude that
you do not object to these atrocities which are at total odds with your rhetoric. You can keep your rhetoric, Hillary because
it obviously means nothing. True justice
for all with no dark ops will be a reality in the Trump administration. You
talk one thing, but there is substantial pay inequity between men and women in
your campaign and when you ran the State Department. Talk will not cut it anymore. I will make
justice real and not a talking point.
A large majority of Americans agree our country has been
going in the wrong direction for the last few years. A vote for Hillary is a vote for further
decline. She wants to put her foot on the gas pedal to get us farther down the
wrong road. A vote for Hillary is a vote for imperialist justices who give not
one hoot about the Constitution, but who wish to impose their radical ideas on
you regardless of Congress, regardless or referendums, regardless of YOU. A vote for me is to begin the cleanup and set
a better moral climate that has served us well over our history. I am not beholden to big donors. I am not a puppet of George Soros who called
himself a god and who has funded much of what now ails us. I am not in debt to
Wall Street. I am not doing this for a
raise but because I love this country, I stand for the national anthem, I
salute the flag, and I am no hypocrite. People, you only have one choice if you
want to turn this nation around. I will not divide based upon race, sex,
income, or education. I will serve the day worker as much as I do the job
creators. I want all boats to be lifted.
We have already learned that taking from some to give to others never
works long term. I want every
able-bodied person to be able to work and succeed as a person and be free to
exercise the freedoms that have made our country such an exceptional place to
be. I do not promise free this and free that because that is not possible at
this point in time. Rather, we will spend our resources more wisely and take
steps to become energy independent and an economic “will-be” instead of a
“has-been”. We will again be the envy of the world when we live in harmony, in
unity, and as a free people. We all need
to grow as a people. I have grown a lot as a person, and I credit my beautiful
and very intelligent wife Melania for bringing out the best in me. People of faith have been enriching my life,
and I know that I need God's help in getting this country back on track. If you
grant me the opportunity, I will surround myself with the best people and lead
you in absolute integrity. God bless you
and God bless America.
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