I saw this on Instagram:
Hamas: We want a ceasefire.
Israel: I thought you wanted to kill us all and take over all the land.
Hamas: We do want to kill you take all your land.
Israel: But I thought you wanted a ceasefire.
Hamas: Correct. We want to kill all of you and take all your land but we also want you to stop fighting back.
The horrific deal up for signature is essentially the same misguided garbage proposed by Biden last May. (The same "Big Guy" Robert Gates said had NEVER made a right foreign policy decision in his entire career). A paltry release of only 33 hostages along with thirty (count-em) terrorists released for each one including known murderers. Right back to Gaza to continue their fight. Who does these things? A 30 to 1 swap? The guilty for the innocent??? Donald Trump is so eager for this war to end he was for real not thinking clearly about it.
Wars end when there is absolute surrender by the defeated side. This grotesque farce basically rewards Hamas and actually encourages them to take more hostages. It requires no contriteness, no change. Israel is the ONLY NATION on earth that has been targeted for genocide, and leftists and clueless others around the world, including some in Israel, do not seem to understand the meaning of that existential threat.
Japan did not pick up weapons after McArthur demanded unconditional surrender. It was the END of hostilities. No one doubts Hamas will continue their hostilities - it is the reason for their existence. Not long ago, Bibi seemed to understand that the ONLY way to peace was to utterly destroy Hamas. He was right in accordance with ALL recorded history and the way God himself directed Israeli warfare thousands of years ago.
The deal should have been the return of all hostages immediately. No prisoner exchange. Total surrender of Hamas and incarceration or death penalty procedures as there was in Germany after World War II for Nazi War criminals. (It is no coincidence that Muslims admire Hitler so much - they are birds of the same feather.). Anything else is an illusion.
Let us hope President Trump realizes he made a mistake trying to take credit for a typical Biden sellout deal. Let us also hope those Trump sent to negotiate this will not be sent to negotiate with anyone else. Otherwise, it will be Biden 2.0 at least in terms of Israel.