Thursday, February 27, 2025


The radical People's Union that pushes the blatantly racist and sexist DEI nonsense, the people that think that minorities are not able to complete on an equal footing, those who think excellence is racist are pushing a campaign for all people to boycott Amazon, Best Buy, and Walmart who responded positively to the President's order to eliminate these departments which violate the Civil Rights Act and Court Decisions.   

The radicals want to send a signal to these companies to restart these grossly discriminatory and divisive efforts in flagrant violation of the law.

Let's BUY, BUY, BUY, and let these companies know that we appreciate their willingness to admit they were wrong and to do the right thing.  


Monday, February 10, 2025


And I am happy about it since this is a ONE TIME DEAL!  Trump was for the Chiefs and Jill Biden for the Eagles. I have no idea if Joe even knew who was playing.

The Eagles did a fantastic job and that is my team.  Our Pastor prayed at church yesterday for them to win - he said he wasn't sure about all that, but the son of an older member handed up a prayer request to the pulpit asking him to do so and the pastor said he had to pray for prayer requests submitted by the congregation.  After the benediction, the sound booth cued up "Fly Eagles, Fly" and the congregation joined in.  (For those outside our faith, Christians often identify with eagles who fly very high above the world and who can see in detail what is going on.)

Refreshing was the crystal clear testimony of Nick, the Eagles' head coach, who not only mentioned God, but his son Jesus Christ, giving all the credit where it belongs! The Fox babe did not try to look away or change the subject as so many reporters try to do, and actually seemed comfortable about it. One of Trump's biggest achievements so far is to encourage faith in our nation.

Saturday, February 01, 2025


This hymn has an unknown original source, but was adapted by Daniel W. Whittle. It is so poignant – how could any rational person resist the call of the King of Glory? It is a time limited offer for the Spirit of God will not always strive with man… I cannot imagine trading a relationship with God for transitory and uncertain options when committed to this world system…

Have you any room for Jesus, He who bore your load of sin?

As He knocks and asks admission, Sinner, will you let Him in?


Refrain:  Room for Jesus, King of Glory! Hasten now, His Word obey.

            Swing the heart’s door widely open; Bid Him enter while you may.


Room for pleasure, room for business; But, for Christ, the Crucified,
Not a place that He can enter, In the heart for which He died?  

[to Refrain]


Have you any room for Jesus, As in grace He calls again?

O today is time accepted, Later you may call in vain.  

[to Refrain]


Room and time now give to Jesus; Soon will pass God’s day of grace -
Soon your heart left cold and silent, And your Savior’s pleading cease. 

[to Refrain]


(optional choral ending)
Swing the heart's door widely open; 

Bid Him enter while you may, while you may.

Monday, January 20, 2025


As Christians, we celebrate our pardon from the Lord for our sins as we have repented and have turned to Him. We were sinners, but now are accepted into the kingdom of God. Without repentance, God would nail us to the wall and consign us to hell.

We have witnessed a wave of incredibly ill-conceived pardons for unrepentant criminals on Joe's way out the door. The pardons of his family were literally minutes before President Trump took the oath of office.

There was Hunter Biden of course. Then extremely violent and Satanic murderers were spared the death penalty established by God Himself. Then the sad souls who wrongfully prosecuted Trump and a General who on multiple occasions told our arch-enemy Chinese counterpart he would let them know if we were ever planning to attack. Too bad this pathetic man did not work for Japan before Pearl Harbor. Then this morning Joe Biden's Crime Family. As usual, Biden hypocritically lied through his teeth afraid of retribution for "doing nothing wrong" when he KNEW they were wrong.  This is PROVEN because he said he would not pardon himself BECAUSE he did nothing wrong. HE was wrong in coordinating the lawfare on now President Trump and being the "big Guy" in the influence-peddling mess.  It is NOT Trump who runs Congress, but rather the House Oversight Committee that has bank records to prove guilt and Ol' Joe KNEW they would be indicted by Congress independent of President Trump. See for yourself, This is against the rule of law, and Joe will have to answer to God for all of it including facilitating the release of funds to Iran that were reportedly funneled to Hamas to enable October 7th.


(A response to Yolanda Vanveen, author of "Climate Change Theology: How World Religions View Climate Change, Extinction and Stewardship of Earth"

I get notice of a lot of these papers. Many promote very unscientific ideas and demonize fossil fuels which is nuts. We have a vast store of inexpensive, reliable energy that is essential. It is. gift from God Himself, and stewarding the earth means using its resources wisely.  Ever fly in a plane with wind energy? Those are called gliders and will not take you as far as most people need to go and they get into the sky in the first place towed by ICE planes! Those who listened to your agendized scientists in Europe have a crisis of a lack of energy and four times the cost as in the US. There is political upheaval there now, especially in France and Germany. They did not understand Science 101 that wind and solar are not truly reliable and storage is insanely expensive. It is also patently racist as the World Bank DENIED money to the Central African Republic unless they would exclusively use unaffordable alternatives to fossil fuels.  Technology has reduced fuel emissions tremendously, and frankly, many of the mantras of people you uncritically support have been called into deep question by credentialed PhD scientists who are not part of a very dark movement designed to remove freedom for all and substitute total tyranny.  

I was brought up with the almost universally accepted fact that CO2 is beneficial and essential for the health of our planet. Now it is considered smart to demonize it. The FACT that the earth was far warmer in the past and that it prospered when it was such as in the Middle Ages warm period is trivialized as well as the phony data from East Anglia and weather stations in our own country located near artificial heat-producing sources as occurred in Washington State.

Real science does not come from activists with a tyrannical globalist and anti-progress agenda where winners and losers are picked. Rather, it comes from objective intellectual inquiry, and today's "environmental" movement is sorely lacking in that. The hubris of "big science" is beyond the pale on this and other issues and has morphed into a religion of its own - one of the most intolerant religions on earth, as we have sadly found out.

1,600 highly qualified scientists and allied professionals such as engineers who deal with hard facts rather than politically correct self-serving fanciful notions had the courage to risk money and reputation by stating outright there is no climate emergency in the World Climate Declaration. The American people have sided with them over dishonest activists who feed like overstuffed pigs at the Climate Change funding trough, so hopefully, things will change in this nation starting this Inauguration Day and hopefully, people who value their faith will not trade it in for the rather pagan elements of so-called Eco-Theology, just another in a long line of false gospels that put people into bondage. 

Thursday, January 16, 2025


I saw this on Instagram: 

                    "THE CONFLICT EXPLAINED"

Hamas:  We want a ceasefire.

Israel:    I thought you wanted to kill us all and take over all the land.

Hamas:  We do want to kill you take all your land.

Israel:    But I thought you wanted a ceasefire.

Hamas:  Correct. We want to kill all of you and take all your land but we                                                                                                             also want you to stop fighting back.

The horrific deal up for signature is essentially the same misguided garbage proposed by Biden last May. (The same "Big Guy" Robert Gates said had NEVER made a right foreign policy decision in his entire career).  A paltry release of only 33 hostages along with thirty (count-em) terrorists released for each one including known murderers. Right back to Gaza to continue their fight.  Who does these things?  A 30 to 1 swap? The guilty for the innocent???  Donald Trump is so eager for this war to end he was for real not thinking clearly about it.

Wars end when there is absolute surrender by the defeated side. This grotesque farce basically rewards Hamas and actually encourages them to take more hostages. It requires no contriteness, no change.  Israel is the ONLY NATION on earth that has been targeted for genocide, and leftists and clueless others around the world, including some in Israel, do not seem to understand the meaning of that existential threat.

Japan did not pick up weapons after McArthur demanded unconditional surrender. It was the END of hostilities.  No one doubts Hamas will continue their hostilities -  it is the reason for their existence. Not long ago, Bibi seemed to understand that the ONLY way to peace was to utterly destroy Hamas. He was right in accordance with ALL recorded history and the way God himself directed Israeli warfare thousands of years ago.

The deal should have been the return of all hostages immediately. No prisoner exchange. Total surrender of Hamas and incarceration or death penalty procedures as there was in Germany after World War II for Nazi War criminals.  (It is no coincidence that Muslims admire Hitler so much - they are birds of the same feather.). Anything else is an illusion.

Let us hope President Trump realizes he made a mistake trying to take credit for a typical Biden sellout deal.  Let us also hope those Trump sent to negotiate this will not be sent to negotiate with anyone else.  Otherwise, it will be Biden 2.0 at least in terms of Israel.

Friday, December 27, 2024


The Pope is known for contradicting so many Biblical commands including the great commission and alarmed many Catholics and others with his hard-left approach to his position with seemingly little regard for scripture, but is also an enthusiastic cheerleader in the climate alarmism cult which is increasingly being challenged by actual scientists.  He claimed that “more than three and a half billion people live in regions that are highly sensitive to the ravages of climate change.” During that same conference, Francis emphasized the urgency of addressing what he described as a “planetary crisis.” He called for significant political changes and decisive action, particularly advocating for global decarbonization and reduced dependency on fossil fuels, declaring: “We need to act urgently – urgently! because the stakes couldn’t be higher.”  You would think he was Greta Thunberg in a papal pallium as vicar of the radical climate movement.

Nota Bene:
A significant group of over 1,600 scientists and other professionals, including Nobel laureates, recently challenged such climate emergency claims through their “World Climate Declaration.” The declaration stated: “There is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and such like natural disasters, or making them more frequent. However, there is ample evidence that CO2-mitigation measures are as damaging as they are costly.”   