Friday, October 11, 2024


The End of Democracy?


To hear the tired old left say it, Donald Trump is the biggest threat to Democracy ever. However, he was president for four years and actually followed the Constitution religiously and did NONE of the following nor advocates any of these tyrannical measures which his accusers rabidly advocate:


1)    Packing the Supreme Court with leftist judges who care nothing for the Constitution but what the UN or some other country thinks. With the sheer number, even when they are hurled from office (if that were ever possible), they will outlive whoever appointed them. Democracy? Nope.


2)    They propose abolishing the Electoral College so California alone could rule the nation forever even if ALL the other states feel differently, and if the folks out there wake up, just California and New York would do the trick.  The Electoral College is there to ensure everyone has some say.  They have proven they think they know better than the whole rest of the nation on everything. States with blue cities run roughshod over the rest of their states – Washington and Oregon are prime example – they are talking of seceding and joining with Idaho.  92% of the nation opposes totally unrestricted abortion through 9 months of pregnancy and the infanticide of abortion survivors, but these folks want to push their own murderous extreme agenda on all fifty states.  Democracy? Nope.


3)    They propose ending the Filibuster, so a majority of only ONE Senator means they can render the minority party meaningless and rule by fiat and without meaningful debate or voicing of objections. Democracy? Nope.


4)    Biden on November 9, 2022, set lawfare into motion with several bogus cases that are beyond the pale – he later said he wished he would have begun the process earlier.

That is Stalin show trial territory – the opposite of Democracy.

a)     Valuation issues in real estate were never prosecuted before as there was no victim and Deutche Bank made a profit. New York Real Estate developers were so petrified, Governor Kathy Hochul assured them it was only Trump she was after. Even Democrat Andrew Cuomo said it was all political.

b)    New York changed their law on the statute of limitations to allow E. Jean Carroll, a writer who described her own sexual fantasies remarkably like her accusation to sue. The stage she set was amazingly similar even down to the store of a TV crime show, but the judge blocked the defense in an absurd miscarriage of justice. She did not know even the year and apparently did not think it a big deal until

Prompted and funded to press charges over two decades later. A biased judge and a jury not of his peers could not prove rape and it was a total sha with an outrageous judgment.

c)     Fani Willis appointed a lover to prosecute and paid hi absurd fees out of taxes raised to prosecute an opponent.

d)    Jack Smith was illegally appointed and keeps changing his charges to try to make a case where there is none. He is committing gross election interference and should be the one in prison.

Democracy? Nope.


5)    They want to make all illegals into citizens in order to have a permanent majority they can fund over the citizens to make a dependent class who will not oppose them – new plantations in the same spirit that the Democrat Party was formed to do in 1828 – to perpetuate slavery and segregation. Where is segregation today? On liberal college campuses with separate dorms and graduation and people at odds with one another.   Democracy? Nope.


6)    They want no laws with teeth to prevent eternal voter fraud like a third-world nation. They opposed Voter ID, which India has, and want mail-in voting and automatic registrations. Europe learned the hard way, but Democrats love fraud and are constantly opposed to cleaning up outdated and fraudulent voter rolls. ALL observant people know the obvious truth.  Democracy? Nope.


7)    They have a candidate who received ZERO votes from the people and she could not even vote for herself. She was installed and is endlessly protected by fawning media despite total incoherence and total unsuitability for office. Her train wreck appearance on 60 Minutes was heavily and scandalously edited to present her in a false light and to try to limit the damage. A government free of a critical press is what Brazil, Venezuela, and Russia are like.  Democracy? Nope.


REMEMBER – the left ALWAYS accuses their opponents of what they themselves are doing.

Their playbook is identical to socialists and communists – I have spoken to people

Imprisoned in old Romania, Red China, and Iran and they have a hard time believing how stupid and gullible Americans are who believe the same tripe they were told.  They have years in prison to prove it is no joke.


Our nation is on the brink of disaster – what is even sadder than all the above, which some

might forgive if the people in charge were going to make the nation better faster – after all,

a dictatorship is the most efficient in making decisions.  However, the Biden / Harris /

Schumer / Pelosi disasters are total failures with power and only some checks and balances

have preserved a small measure of sanity. They want absolute power, and only abject fools

will vote for Demonic liars who have done nothing right – The tragedy in Afghanistan, 

kneecapping Israel at the UN and ICC, destroying what was a good economy, mortgaging 

our future, and making our debt not only higher but unpayable with deliberately having the dollar fade as the world’s reserve currency.  Add to that their unmitigated support for every abomination God condemns and you have the perfect storm of evil. Wake up before you wake up in a country that is no longer recognizable as the home of the free and the brave. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


 Here are just five. ABC should have repercussions for their embarrassing and obvious prejudice, dishonesty and total lack of integrity.  They should report their profits as campaign contributions to Kammy.

Tuesday, August 06, 2024


The word on the street seems to be that the Dems view Walz as pliable and he has for real avoided talking about Israel. His ultra-extreme energy, open border, anti-police, anti-gun, and felon-voting policies are right up Kamala's alley, and he was caught on a hot mic disparaging his own state as "cows and rocks".  We have seen the Californication of Colorado and much or Arizona and now parts of Texas, all with very negative results. Have you checked the crime rates in formerly lovely Denver and Colorado Springs? Both an "F". Where guns are outlawed, only outlaws (including the government) have guns. Scary indeed! 

Somewhat more moderate Josh Shapiro was considered the front-runner by many and with PA a swing state, it made choosing him compelling on the electoral front, but the rabidly anti-Israel Democrat Party dragged out his pro-Israel sentiments when he was only 20 and some common sense statements since. Shapiro had long since exchanged truth for lies in embracing a proven unworkable "two-state solution." When Israel's enemies have an agenda to EXTERMINATE Israel and draw their financial backing from Iran, the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism, it is painfully obvious that Biden, Harris, and Shapiro are in La-La land and must be rejected. Netanyahu's speech to Congress was magnificent, and I have not heard even one Democrat make 1% as much sense concerning Israel.  Polls show as many as 80% of Americans understand what Israel is up against and support them, but brain-dead Democrats seem not to understand reality, much like they fail to understand much else in this world.  Like Gore and Biden abandoned the Right to Life many years ago to meld with the pagan Democrats, proving that those beliefs weren't very strong to begin with, I doubt Walz will stand for anything he believes but simply morph into whatever Kamala wants for him. He already is more in sync with her than most married couples are so be prepared for left-wing lunacy on steroids. Robert Casey Sr., whom I was a big supporter of, actually held to his beliefs and became persona non grata among Democrats. His son's beliefs are unrecognizable compared to his father's, and sane Pennsylvanians are rightly trying to ditch him. Harris/Walz is a trainwreck in the making. Add to that the rumored Bernie Sanders for HHS, AOC for Defense, and Elizabeth Warren and it would be 100% inmates running the Asylum. An absurd ticket with dangerously unhinged people. Reject them by an historical blowout in no uncertain terms or there may not be any more history for the good 'ole USA.

Monday, August 05, 2024


 In 2021, the hapless Target store chain who is whole-hog into everything LGBTQ including crazy access to women's bathrooms by men, helped fund the NDN Collective to demilitarize the military (imagine that) and close Mt. Rushmore since it represented White Supremacy. In a 2018 article, it was claimed that only one of Target's top 52 executives identified as black so they have been hustling to be more diverse - of course, the only issue would be if a totally qualified person was denied a job because of race, not because outcome-based thinking which ignores the entire reason for having executives dictates an artificial number.  Nancy Pelosi just came out of the blue saying that Biden was the greatest and should be on Mt. Rushmore. Maybe Joe was not the only suspect one here...  Since there is no room for more faces, who should go?  It seemed just yesterday Nancy was trying to get rid of ole Joe. Now with WWIII seemingly imminent due to being the absolute worst president of my lifetime, he is now anointed by Nancy as the G.O.A.T.?


Lies are nothing new. After all, Jewish leaders lied about the disciples stealing Jesus' body while they amazingly did nothing to try to find it! One of the biggest lies is that "we are all God's children." John 1 is patently clear that all God's children are adopted into God's family - no one is born that way except Jesus when he came as the God-man. The truth of the matter is that those outside of Christ are children of Satan, being born in sin. Satan is the Father of Lies and his children follow his pattern without even having to think about it. The number of lies present in this election season is incredible, yet most people have no idea.  THOSE WHO LIE THEMSELVES ARE MOST SUSCEPTIBLE TO THE LIES OF OTHERS. HERE ARE JUST 17 - THERE IS HARDLY ROOM TO LIST THEM ALL.

1) We Must Believe the Mass Media - Everyone Else is Lying - Millions still watch legacy TV such as CNN, NBC, etc. even though those networks lie for a living. Deceived leftist Christians actually are like drug addicts watching them and getting their fix, outright rejecting all critical thinking and biblical imperatives in the process. Their minds in this area are totally owned by the world and have never been transformed as God commanded through the Apostle Paul in the book of Romans. Nicole Wallace hid for a long time that Joe Biden was mentally unfit to be president. So did Kamala Harris.  So did many others. That is lying.  Who was/is really running the country? Certainly not a man who said he was the nation's first black female president.  That is not a slip of the tongue, that is certifiable.  Biden's German Shepherd named Commander had over 24 biting incidents on the Secret Service while they were on duty. The media was silent. If it had been Trump's dog, it would have been in 100-point letters in the New York Times or any of the other one-sided and phony media rag.  They would have said, "How can he run a country if he cannot even control his own dog?" We would have a different country and the margins would be beyond even the most adventurous cheaters if the media were simply honest for ONE SINGLE WEEK.  That is why every totalitarian country controls the media.

2) We Must Accept and Embrace Sexual Minorities.  The Dems load up on American flags on the podium but in Kamala's ads, the Pride flag is there as well as a virtue signal that she is totally on the side of this mob that wants to impose their immorality on everyone and recruit and in some cases even disfigure teen schoolgirls through mastectomies while keeping their parents out of the equation.  Lives they cannot kill through abortion which are over 60 million in this nation alone they are trying to destroy mentally, spiritually, and physically, fully implementing the agenda of their Father the devil. They perpetuate the lie that so-called transgenders are being discriminated against.  People who refuse to use bogus pronouns are getting fired. 

3) People Who Do not Support Us Are All Racists. The Dems love to accuse everyone else of racism, but their party was founded in 1828 to perpetuate slavery and segregation. The KKK was their militant arm. Democrat Woodrow Wilson set back race relations with his infamous absolutely RACIST "Birth of a Nation" mess.  They accuse Trump of racism while Biden is the one who called Obama a "clean Negro" who had a sharp crease in his pants, refused to access public schools because they were "jungles," and much more the Democrat campaign organs in drag as the media chose to bury. The avid racism at Harvard and other universities with segregated dorms and events are all the province of Democrats. Georgia AG Fanni Willis was exposed for extreme racism, making people say being white is bad, being black is good, typical CRT by clueless idiots, FIRING people who disagreed. She targeted those of the other party for  prosecution and is clearly in the group of 100% unqualified Attorney Generals with zero understanding of justice who should be cast out immediately and charged with hate crimes. 

4) We Are Facing the End of Democracy if Democrats Do Not Win.  The incessant talk of "Democracy" seems pretty lame when Kamala has not even ONE vote for President, not even her own in even one state primary election.  In 2016, she ran as an "Indian-American" per the Associated Press, and was so unpopular she had to rapidly pull the plug on her campaign. She has ZERO accomplishments and even the New York Times considered her unqualified for the office. Now she wants to be known as "black" instead - why did not she embrace both aspects of her identity from the beginning? The presenting now of a "moderate" face to the most radical left-wing Senator ever is part of the scam that the uncurious will doubtless fall for. Where is the "lie to me once shame on you, lie to me twice shame on me" mindset? After all, the media gives many BILLIONS of one-sided coverage to benefit Democrats in every election and NEVER reports that as campaign contributions. They present fake news while accusing truthtellers of telling fake news. The old proverb applies - "the kettle...    Speaking of Democracy, our Constitution has a system of checks and balances, unlike third-world countries where the courts are powerless to do anything but rubberstamp the tyranny of dictators.  Biden has acted like a dictator with absurd policies that would never stand under debate and due process. Now, in a recognized incompetent mental state, even by Nancy Pelosi and others in his own party, he is trying to push through FDR2 in packing the Supreme Court with "yes people" who have NO REGARD for our Constitution. Can you name even one of the 200 judges Biden appointed who actually believes in the Constitution? I did not think so. They drum up endless and legally groundless charges against Thomas, Alito, etc., yet ignore the unheard-of $900,000 book advance for Biden appointee Jackson which has every indication of impropriety. Of course, they also had NO ISSUE with Kagan and the late Ginsberg ruling on homosexual "marriage" even though they BOTH had performed these faux ceremonies before any argument was held.  I know and talk to "Progressives" and have YET to meet even ONE who is not a rank hypocrite.

5) Joining the Paris Accords and implementing the Green New Deal is the answer to our "climate emergency" problems. Hardly. The Paris Accords are more a transfer of wealth than anything else. China and India are building coal plants like there is no tomorrow and without the strict environmental rules plants like that have to follow in America. We have incredible fossil fuel reserves and the pollution from cars today is infinitesimal compared to the old days. Energy costs had increased markedly, and Europe has had issues (just ask Germany, for example) when they went whole hog into alternative energy not ready for prime time. Biden wants to mandate electric cars. Did you know well over half of Tesla Owners who trade their vehicles in do not buy another electric car?  They primarily go for ICE (internal-combustion) powered cars and to a much lesser extent hybrids and plug-in hybrids. There are severe environmental issues with windmills (just ask Nantucket Island) as well as car batteries. We can and should seek alternatives to have at the ready, but there is NO climate emergency if you ask the majority of scientists.  We have 70 years of failed Chicken-Little prophecies including Al Gore's Convenient and Very Profitable Lies.  There is no reason to believe that agendized people who input data into computers often from compromised data collection points have a balanced playing field in mind. They do not.

6) Americans are Not Paying Their Fair Share of Taxes.  Biden wants to raise taxes - Democrats always do and always end up spending more than that additional revenue generates. I am no fan of those who cheat the government out of taxes, but having to be taxed three times - when I earn it, when I withdraw money I invested in Social Security, and when I die, reducing the money in the family, that is wrong. So is the utter waste of money and the use of tax money to feed greedy politicians. How is it that those in office enter without a lot of money and leave with millions? It sure isn't because they are looking out for the taxpayers.

7) The Border. Biden stated he wanted a minority-white country. Given that the percentage of black Americans has fallen due to disproportionate abortions (even exceeding live births in New York City). Legal Hispanics have become the largest minority in the United States, and Biden figured the best way to grow his plantation was to import people from poor countries who would vote for him because he would give them money and benefits he denied to black and legal Hispanic Americans. He actually FLEW IN BY PLANE people to break out laws - Biden's crimes dwarf those of Benedict Arnold, and we know what happened to him. An Arizona 3-judge panel ruled out was wrong to ask people to prove citizenship to vote, so Biden figures between that and the long-established Democrat fraud machine, the Dems are safe for 2024 and can coast in the future.  See also Lie @12.

8) Social Security and Medicare. These are trust funds. The self-employed like me pay DOUBLE - the employee share and the employer share.  The number of beneficiaries is many times higher than the 3% ratio of beneficiaries to payers when it started. The programs are in fiscal trouble. Yet, the Democrats blame others who are trying to stabilize the programs while they wholesale want to bankrupt it by handing out our money to others. Do you believe in taking money out of your savings account without your approval and giving it to lawbreakers? Democrats do and are proud of it, and it may be your actual bank account with the digital currency that is absurd on its face for ANYONE to favor.

9) American Sovereignty and National Defense. The Dems claim to be for America while giving billions to Afghanistan, with hundreds of millions in the hands of the Taliban IN ADDITION to all the weapons left there through Biden's 100% incompetent withdrawal, trashing the sacrifice of the lives and limbs of brave American soldiers. The UN has NEVER looked out for the good of democracy - the majority of members are tyrants and they consistently vote for evil condemning Israel more than all the other nations combined. Yet Biden and Company want to cede American Sovereignty to the UN, the hopelessly absurd International Criminal Court, and the WHO which lied on Covid and was oh so cozy with the CCP.  Democrats reduce the military and the military has little respect for Democrat Presidents who have bungled wars.  FDR let Hitler rise and only responded after Pearl Harbor, resulting in millions of lost lives.  Johnson bungled Vietnam, handcuffing our soldiers, and then the Dem Congress cut off funding just when the war was about won, forcing Ford to end the war and waste tens of thousands of sacrifices. Clinton wagged the dog by bombing an aspirin factory to take the attention off his personal failings. Obama bungled Iraq while insisting we go into Afghanistan where the Russians tried and failed for many years. Incidentally, Biden, whom Obama's Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said had not made one right decision on foreign affairs in his career, wanted to divide Iraq into three. Then Biden committed the worst fiasco ever in Afghanistan resulting in the loss of lives and munitions while lying in his claim that no soldier lost his life under him. A proposed plea deal with the mastermind of 9/11 was revoked by Austin likely due to the politics of incredibly awful optics, only to probably reappear after the election if they win because THAT is who they are. Tulsi Gabbard said back in 2019 which doubtless is shared by many soldiers today, “She has no background or experience in foreign policy and she lacks the temperament that is necessary for commander in chief.”

10) IsraelObama's people worked against Netanyahu in Israel (reminding me of David Axelrod and David Plouffe's efforts in a Nigerian election, the latter David now working for Harris). Biden released billions of dollars to Iran and we all know without Iran's big boost to Hamas, October 7th would never have happened. The blood of the hostages and those raped and murdered in demonic fashion resulted directly from Joe Biden and their blood is on his hands. The failure to pass on intelligence and the on-again, off-again politics of Biden trying to balance his Jewish supporters with his deeply anti-Semitic pro-Hamas Democrats including his unprecedented abstention in the UN and acquiescence to the International Criminal Courts arrest plans on Netanyahu show he is not to be trusted and it appears Harris is even worse from her initial talk Israel and Hama CANNOT coexist Israel kept trying it, Hamas wants ANOTHER OCTOBER 7.  When Biden betrayed Israel at the U.N., the murderous Hamas cheered.  Now we may be on the verge of WWIII with horrific events about to unfold. Joe's waffling and pandering to terrorists brought this about and he is responsible for all lives lost or affected short of death. Few believe we would be at this point had the actual winner of 2020 actually been able to take office. With Biden in for five months and the absolutely inept and clueless Harris, the worst is bound to happen without direct intervention from heaven.

11) The Weaponization of GovernmentThe government is for all the people, not just to benefit those who gain office, legitimately or not.  NY Gov. Kathy Hochul assured NY Real Estate Developers they had nothing to fear because of the absurd no-victims case against Donald Trump because he was the only target! Andrew Cuomo said that the cases against Trump were obviously political.  He sure was not in Kamala's VP sweepstakes. From 2016 until 2020, Nancy Pelosi and corrupt Democrats lied continually about Trump, even when it became obvious Russiagate was a bought and paid-for invention of Hillary Clinton who collaborated with the Russians!

12 ) Fidelity to the ConstitutionLibs claim they want a "living Constitution" which means none at all, because they can freely make of it whatever they want. God gave us His Holy Word and put it all in writing, and the results in a nation that sets aside its Constitution will mirror the result in the church when it sets aside God's Holy Word. 

13) The Right to LifeThe American Medical Association established life beginning at conception just after the civil war. Sort of obvious science. At the time of Roe v. Wade, which falsely invented a "right to privacy" based on the 14th Amendment, Fetal science was still rather primitive.  In his majority opinion, Justice Blackmun noted that as science progressed, the decision should be revisited. Democrats are never ones to deviate from their playbook, so they have resisted this no matter that fetal science now even allows for operations on the child in the womb, we know when pain occurs, etc. The Dems also lie that abortions up to birth are allowed by Roe, and they want to throw out the 2022 decision overturning Roe. Incidentally, there have been many overturns of poor SCOTUS decisions, most famously Roe v. Wade and  of course Plessy vs. Ferguson on separate but equal facilities based on race. The Dred Scott Decision was rendered moot by the 13th Amendment to the Constitution.

14) Men in Women's Sports.  This should be a non-issue, but Dems are pushing it. Men and women are different because God them that way. Some women are stronger than some men, but in athletics, it is an axiom that men are faster and stronger than women and Title IX was meant to allow women to compete on an even playing field. The party that claims to champion women has no issue with biological men smashing women's faces, stealing their trophies, and getting their scholarship money simply by saying they are now women.  That is the secular equivalent to the TBN-style word-faith and the ultimate rebellion against God.

15) Law and OrderThe Dems have been anti-police at home and have lied in a seemingly endless persecution of police actually doing their jobs.  Ask your local policeman what he or she thinks about Harris understanding their job or looking out for them. The FOP endorsed Trump and it is obvious Trump cares about them. 

16) The Integrity of our Elections.  According to a Rasmussen Poll, 2/3 of politically active "progressives who earn $150k or more a year believe that cheating to win an election is perfectly OK as long as you do not get caught. 21 % of those who used mail-in ballots ADMITTED to filling out one for someone else. While if a parent is in a nursing home this could be done with their approval, we KNOW that many took ballots from vacant buildings, multiple mail-in ballots with different names sent to the same apartments, and more were filled out and dumped into unsecured boxes in the dead of night, I have seen statistical analysis as well as convincing evidence. Europe has almost totally curtailed mail-in voting due to the obvious fraud that occurs. India, a nation almost four times our population has universal Voter ID. You could not enter a Michelle Obama gathering without a photo ID or go to a doctor, but it is racist to have one to Vote. Satan is at it again. Yet Democrats continue to lie about 2020 while every thinking person knows that if the results were reversed, the Dems would have made the rioting in Portland and other cities let alone January 6th look like child's play.  Extended voting is also absurd - it facilitates cheating and allows candidates to change course after those who vote early cannot change their votes. Invalid voting lists with people long dead used to be a joke largely confined to Philadelphia - now it is nationwide and Democrats always fight all attempts to remove bogus names, dead names, people who have moved, and so forth, as these invalid lists play into their hands to commit wholesale fraud. The differential Secret Service protection with absurd decisions by a political DEI hire who has since resigned seems tailored to have facilitated an assassination. I believe most would agree that the Dems would have shed crocodile tears if any at all had Trump not providentially turned his head. That would be the ultimate election interference.

17) The nature of the United States of AmericaLeaders of a country are supposed to put their country first while helping others. No one ever claimed that this nation was perfect, but Democrats consistently lie about the reasons for the formation of our nation, try to rewrite history, and really believe the nation is evil. Yet, almost everything they propose is evil, against the founding principles that have served us well (as amended), and which historically doom every nation that has tried them. Study Tanzania. Study Venezuela, though they are waking up, study the Brazilian tragedy.  Read the Democrat and Republican platforms. They are studies in contrasts yet people want you to believe pervasive lies as opposed to obvious truths.

Do NOT be deceived! Now you know why the left has removed civics, history, geography, and critical thinking from education - they need "useful idiots" to blindly vote for them and further weaken the country and push it over the edge into oblivion. There is endless data to show that particularly the young but also the entire population is ill-informed despite unprecedented technology which should have been used to enhance knowledge rather than censor and restrict all informed facts and opinions.

We know from his own writings on display at the King Center at Stanford University that MLK did not believe or preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, yet sometimes the rocks cry out, and he famously said that we must judge people not based upon the color of their sin but the content of their character.  We are not being asked to judge someone based on the color of their skin and their gender and IGNORE all questions about their character. God forbid.

Monday, July 15, 2024


The biggest surprise about the assassination attempt against Former President and current candidate Donald Trump is that it did not occur earlier. While politics is a hardball sport, the incredibly violence-inviting rhetoric of Joe Biden including portraying Trump as Hitler, a comparison that in light of Biden constantly violating Federal law on immigration and many other issues as well as politicizing government as a dictator would is patently ridiculous, absurd and disrespectful to millions of Jews who understood who a very real Hitler was. Biden's exact words just one week ago were according to the BBC and Politico,  I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye." Going back to the Gabrielle Giffords shooting, many blamed Sarah Palin because her PAC had a map with a "cross-hairs" symbol often used by surveyors as well as in gunsights.  While the Washington Post said that was bogus, when one combines the "bullseye" comment from Biden and the call to eliminate Trump by saying your opponent is Hitler and an evil dictator, it is no reach to believe that someone would think they were doing the world a favor by eliminating him.  After all NY Democrat Representative Dan Goldman called for Trump to be eliminated.   

Biden took down his ads immediately - he knew the truth about them but that was too little, too late. He needs to apologize and take responsibility for his liquid hate. Summer, a girl who knew the shooter, said Crooks was intensely interested in history which would make him very susceptible to the Biden one-two punch.  After all, how many people have wondered how history would have been different had someone taken Hitler out? We know many young people have been indoctrinated in schools and colleges and do not think critically. They are very susceptible to false comparisons and statements. Happens all the time. A hard question worth thinking about.

It is a fact that the Selective Service Security detail assigned to President Trump was FAR LESS than the one assigned to President Biden. It was less than the one assigned to Pope Francis on his visit. It was reported that when Trump took office there were six to eight credible threats PER DAY.  Of the three, whom do you think would need the most security given who has been the subject of the highest level of irrational hatred and vitriol?  Kimberly Cheatle, the head of the Selective Service, which interestingly is under Homeland Security ruled by Mayoras,  a heavily investigated man who has been a wildly irresponsible leader working full time to violate federal immigration laws and let millions pour over our border including Venezuelan criminals and others.  Given the coordinated lawfare against Donald Trump to seek to take him out that way with AG's meeting in the White House, does ANYONE really believe that Biden and perhaps even more so his handlers would have shed no tears if Crooks had been a better shot?  After all,  Crooks was not allowed on the high school rifle team because of his poor aim. Trump demolished all the other GOP candidates, and Biden could have stayed in his basement and not bothered to campaign. 

Two former high-ranking FBI officials told The NY Post after Saturday’s shooting that from what they can tell, the Secret Service under Cheatle completely blew it.

It was a total security breakdown from start to finish,” said former FBI Assistant Director Chris Swecker. “From the total security plan for the rally to the reaction once the shots rang out. Imagine if the shooter hadn’t been this kid but a well-trained cell? Our enemies are looking at us thinking we can take Trump or anyone out now without a problem,” the expert said. Swecker was specifically critical of some of the protection detail around former President Trump after he was shot. “What I was seeing was DEI,” Swecker said of the agents, who included three women. “And I am not anti-woman. I have three daughters and three granddaughters, and they’d make great Secret Service agents. But the women I saw up there with the president — they looked like they were running in circles. One didn’t know how to holster, the other one didn’t seem to know what to do, and another one seemed not to be able to find her holster.  DEI is one thing. Competence and effectiveness are another, and I saw DEI out there. If you counted down — and I did — it was over 2 minutes to get him off the podium,” Swecker said. “The Secret Service’s job is to, No. 1, prevent this from happening, and No. 2,  get him out of the danger zone in seconds. Two minutes is a lifetime. If there had been a secondary shooter, they would have finished him off.”  Hard questions indeed.

Elon Musk is among many calling for Cheatle's immediate resignation. I would add Mayoras to that, a deeply compromised man on many issues. I would also ban DEI which is now making being a Doctor, a Lawyer, and obviously a Selective Service member about the false premise of "equity" rather than purely objective qualifications.

The failure to track a suspicious man who turned out to be the shooter was epic. So was not having SS on a tall building about 400 feet away (coincidentally the identical distance one has to be able to hit a human target in the army.) That is Security 101. I also note the local police officer who climbed the ladder (why wasn't the SS immediately advised???) but then retreated like a scared mouse. What cop worth his salt would climb a ladder to a roof to go after a suspect in proximity to a former President without his gun out and ready to shoot? Was he afraid that anti-police Democrats would have arrested him if he shot Crooks? Was he going to try to talk to a cold-blooded killer about peace and love? Why didn't he at least fire into the air from the ladder so the SS could shoot Crooks before he could pull the trigger?  Hard questions indeed.

Ironically, Biden's supporters are now saying this event may have sealed Biden's fate due to sympathy votes so they will concentrate on the House and Senate which could heavily neutralize another Trump presidency. It certainly took Joe's age and severe decline off the table. Incidentally, anyone who closely follows politics knows that Dems all got word to talk about how kind and effective Biden is as a man but he is simply too old. That is so far from the truth, but do you hear a chorus from the GOP stating the truth?  We all know that if the shoe were on the other foot, the Dems would be at this every single day with a 500-voice chorus singing in unison.  Ignored is the plain fact stated by Robert Gates, who was in Obama's cabinet, who rightly said in his book Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War in 2014 that Biden had not made one right decision in forty years. That was a few years ago - here is just a handful of examples from numerous sources that should pose hard questions:

1) Joe Biden used to be pro-life. The Democrat Party made being pro-death a Shibboleth, so PA Governor Robert Casey became a persona non grata when he refused to buckle, but Joe Biden, Al Gore, and others all trampled on all their convictions to belong to the big D.  Mind you, this was as fetal science was expanding and the arguments in Roe v. Wade were proven fallacious. Actually, in the decision, it was stated it needed to be reevaluated as science progressed.  Joe just said he wants to make Roe v. Wade the law of the land. Democrats never seem to learn - all they seem to know is to double down regardless of any evidence or argument.

2) Joe wanted to partition Iraq into three. (NBC, VOX, CNN)

3) Joe doubles down on a two-state solution in the Middle East which is not workable. There have essentially been three states there for all practical purposes, but when two hate the third, and one engages in constant terrorism against another, the idea is a non-starter and absurd. The irrational hatred of the Palestinians toward Israel is of the same depth as that of Biden against Trump. It would simply guarantee eternal conflict.

4) The disastrous exit from Afghanistan speaks for itself.

5) The almost red carpet comment to Putin that he would not oppose a "limited" incursion into Ukraine. Anyone who knows bears knows the Russian Bear would run with this one. How many news sources note this on a regular basis? Only how much money we now send Ukraine to help atone for Biden's incompetency. And how about all the injured and dead that resulted? Just another hard question.

6) Read from a very LIBERAL mag, the Atlantic a plethora of these failures:

7) An endless quest to dismantle Trump's legacy reminds me of a two-year-old with crayons desecrating a valuable book. I keep track of these things, and I cannot recall even one decision Joe made for the good of the country and our founding principles of freedom and morality. In fact, from brain-dead adherence to the false premises of radical Green New Deal to absurd economic and border decisions, if that were not enough, add to them Biden's moral turpitude with inappropriate touching, sniffing and wanting to shower with his daughter Ashley (read her diary), and swimming nude in front of  SS Women at his Delaware home (you don't believe me so check out one of several sources such as U S News and World Report -

The questions are many but many of us believe we have the answers. One thing is for sure, we need to get the current crop of Democrats out of the White House, the Congress, and the Senate, and appeal all the decisions for the 200 liberal judges Biden put in to corrupt justice on an ongoing basis. There is NO QUESTION about that.

Saturday, July 06, 2024


 As noted in my IF I WERE TRUMP post below, I believe a major opportunity was lost in not attacking the Democrat brand more than simply the hapless Joe Biden.  Barack Obama and John Kerry were not asked to take cognitive tests, yet together with hapless Joe Biden who may have Parkinson's above all his other issues, all three released 1.7 BILLION to the worst foremost sponsor of terrorists AFTER Iran swore to obliterate Israel.  This is mindless and irresponsible, and now Iran is promising to unleash a sequel to "Operation True Promise" when they attacked Israel from within their own borders on April 13th. They complain about Israel responding to endless Hezbollah acts of aggression, and now, trying to rescue his utterly failed presidency, Biden is acting more like Israel's friend than his on-again-off-again pattern. Trump needs to utterly expose the Decmorat brand, because while others such as Newsom, Whittmer, etc. won't look as bad on camera as hapless Joe did (Harris has proven she does and she does not have age as an excuse), they all support the same demonic policies - political hitmen appointed as judges, rampant corruption whether in DC, NJ or anyplace else Democrats dominate, utterly incompetent financial management such as in California, welcoming criminals into the country and even trying to let criminal SPOUSES who were deported come back in (Biden again), undermining the Border Patrol and the police, Title IX mandates essentially nullified to grant the gender-confused and predatory men access to where they should not be, not even stopping at the locker rooms of high school girls, but insisting men be hospital roommates of sick women, wishy-washy attitudes toward our Allies such as Israel and Taiwan, the first who possesses patents and awards far beyond their size and the second who dominates the foundry market for semi-conductors which is key for our electronics. Is there any wonder China is circling for the kill, knowing the U.S. President is so confused he actually inexplicitly said he was the first black woman president???? That is insane - he should have been impeached over Afghanistan - the writing was already clearly on the wall that this man could never keep his oath of office. 

Add to that changing taxes to make the US far less competitive in the world as we were with Obama's foolish 39% corporate tax and braindead policies including the Paris Accords which kneecap the West while India and China build coal plants like crazy without very much environmental mitigation at all such as happens in the US.  They throw away our abundant fossil fuels including clean-burning Natural Gas used by UPS, city busses, and many other vehicles trying to tyrannically impose electric vehicles which have environmental issues of their own, sky-high prices to buy and to replace batteries, and an electrical grid unable to deal with a massive shift like that with great vulnerability to boot. You never put all your eggs in one basket. We need Biden gone, Harris gone, Schumer gone, and a sensible president with sufficient majorities in both houses of Congress to avoid RINO's screwing things up.  The Democrats have shown that regardless of age, they lack the very basic ability to think clearly and in the best interests of our nation and the world. Trump needs to reinforce what so many in the nation know: The Democrats (not just Biden) ruin everything they touch and we have to get their fingers off the levers of power.