Saturday, January 29, 2022


 A letter send to Motor Trend magazine, which has gone orgasmic on electric and self-driving vehicles.

It seems MT needs to think more and parrot less about electric vehicles and self-driving cars. Consider just a few factors –

- Lithium requires the mining of 500 tons just to produce one ton of Lithium. While there are hundreds of millions of tons of it worldwide, a lot of it is in socialist or communist nations – not too smart to become overly dependent on unreliable sources like we did in the past with oil as opposed to the vast reserves of fossil fuels in our own country. Explore, develop, innovate - but at a measured pace not a frantic rush.
- China controls over 2/3 of the battery process. Enough said.
- Battery disposal is a nightmare. There are laws against plastic bags whose environmental impact would be dwarfed by far fewer than many millions of batteries.
- There is no proof changing all cars to electricity will actually help the planet – man overestimates his ability to help or harm the planet. Electricity other than hydroelectric and nuclear uses fossil fuels anyway. We all have carbon in our bodies – it is curious that so many who are championing radical environmentalism are also for depopulating the earth. Sounds like Stalin, Hitler, Mao and others to me.
- The power grid is already in trouble and less reliable in some areas than it should be. Power outages are common. That means you would be stranded either at home or hundreds of miles away. Perhaps fleets of work trucks with frunks are great candidates, but not vehicles of people whose schedules are fluid and change quickly.
- People are moving more and more to apartments where charging is not available nor easy to provide.

- I cannot get Microsoft or Apple to get spellcheck to work reliably. The number of decisions and judgment calls in driving are far more complex and puts the ability to avoid accidents strictly in the hands of others. Many sound evasive maneuvers are counter-intuitive. Road conditions change constantly. People trump machines.
- Automobile electric systems have been hacked and surely kidnappings with no recourse will happen with such attractive and defenseless targets. The same with trucks with expensive cargoes – they can be driven by faceless criminals to remote places to steal the cargo. Women would be at huge risk. Criminals adopt quicker than manufacturers.
- It puts your travel decisions totally in control of private or government bureaucracies. If they ban church, they can shut you down. If they do not like your politics, they can keep you from driving to the polls. If they do not want you to drive to Texas - need I say more?
- There is a reason why leftists hate the car. Cars = freedom. If you can control where people go and when, there is no freedom. Therefore, the move to CONTROL the car.
- The power grid is already in trouble and less reliable in some areas than it should be. Power outages are common. That means you would be stranded either at some or hundreds of miles away. It takes far too many decisions out of the drivers’ hands.
- It takes the JOY out of driving. MT likes to talk about FUN TO DRIVE. Are you really giving that up so easily to jump on the 1984-inspired PC bandwagon?

Wednesday, January 26, 2022


 Joe Biden, with a L-O-N-G history of racist and racially insensitive remarks, is part and parcel of the Democrats history of strident racism from the very beginning of the party, which was formed to perpetuate slavery.  The KKK was the militant arm of the Democrat party. Democrats tied to reverse the remarkable progress of ex-slaves after the civil war - there were many Black colleges, blacks in Congress and there was a remarkably quick ascendency from the effects of slavery under the GOP. They desegregated jobs in the Federal Government. Democrat Woodrow Wilson championed the disgusting racism of BORTH OF A NATION and resegregated the Federal Government.  Democrats let Hitler run wild for far too long with FDR at the helm. Democrat governors fought desegregation at every turn, and Republican President Eisenhower had to turn troops into the fray to guarantee civil rights.  Democrats at Harvard are so discriminatory against Asians and for underperforming other minorities it is going to the Supreme Court.

Racist and Sexist Joe said he would have a black woman as his VP and chose a pathetic sleep-her-way-to power terrible candidate who was rejected by her own party before her campaign could even get started.  She has proven to be totally inept, useless, and of such poor character her staff has left in droves.

Yet the racist left has been pressuring Stephen Breyer to resign - how unseemly is THAT? They want to get rid of the old white man who has voted for every liberal cause in the world because Racist, Sexist Joe has promised to have ONLY a black woman on the SCOTUS.  NONE Of those on the list are REMOTELY the best for the job, especially Kamala who has ZERO judicial or any other temperament.

We need the best, not just liberal hacks whose minds are made up before they hear ANY evidence or ANY arguments.  That is the left - tyranny, not rationality, liberty, or freedom. jJust pushing their failed agenda in every forum possible, and making a mockery f the purpose of the SCOTUS.

Racist, sexist Joe should be prosecuted for racist, sexist actions which are against the law and which are more discriminatory than any group he rails against. The time has come to call out people for what they are, to impeach them, deplatform them, and assure they will never again destroy this country with divisive, illegal, racist, and sexist actions.  Joe Biden - guilty as charged!

Wednesday, January 19, 2022



The Hill reports that Clyburn Knocks Manchin for arguing that voting rights vote must be bipartisan. Isn’t bipartisan the constitutional way?

My response:
Profile photo for John Teets

Not necessarily. The civil war was not bipartisan. The Democrat Party was formed to perpetuate slavery. Sometimes you simply have to fight evil. The KKK was the Militant arm of the Democrat Party. While the GOP desegregated the federal government over a century ago, Democrat President Wilson resegregated it and praised the racist Birth of a Nation mess. Ike had to send the military against Democrat governors who were racists protecting segregation. Interestingly, it is Democrat profs and students trying to resegregate universities in 2022. None of that is bipartisan. Not all viewpoints are equal. If you bother to actually look at the GOP and Democrat party platforms, you will see that one party wants sane, proven values while the other wants to press racism, tyranny, and socialism. If you mean by bipartisan you take 50% from each, our nation would surely collapse. Look at the frightful state we are in under one full year.

Friday, January 14, 2022


My answer on QUORA.

The fact is that about half or more of Americans have a worldview consistent with our Nation’s founding, personal and religious freedom, a shared moral compass, etc. The balance have a different worldview seeking to fundamentally transform the nation into a society where only one position is allowed on any issue, religion is scorned and trashed, and a hedonistic immorality where God is mocked and booed and where there are no limits on perversion. There is no middle ground here, and without discord, the more ruthless side will win. Just study history. As Mikael Gorbechev famously said, “The only Communists left in the world are at American Universities”. In the end, God will divide the sheep from the goats - the sheep to heaven and the goats to hell. That is the ultimate partisan divide.

Thursday, January 13, 2022


Never really trusted Brett Kavanaugh.  Seemed like another John Roberts.  Well, the two voted with the three lefties on the SCOTUS to force all medical workers who work where Medicare and Medicaid are accepted to get the jab or lose their job.  Both voted with the true conservatives on the court to block the overall mandate for large companies, but somehow think medical workers have fewer rights.  Sort of like the feckless RINO's in Congress and the Senate.

Religious liberty does not stop at the doors of universities or hospitals.  Science shows getting the jab does NOT prevent transmission which was the BIG ARGUMENT for mandates.  The only effect is on the soul who MAY get the virus more seriously without the shots.  The fallout of use of resources seems to be selectively applied only here, because allowing men dressing up as women to compete as women harms all of the women's sports but they do not care about that.  Forcing Christian schools to close because they will not force 2 and 3-year-olds with virtually zero chance of getting seriously ill to wear masks all day with potentially horrific psychological issues and preventing teachers from key perceptions needed to teach young children. Of course, that mandate was sold based upon asymptomatic kids being carriers, which was since disproven.

The bottom line is that Kavanaugh likes to play well with others while ignoring the Constitution and the premise there are EQUAL rights - you do not have unequal ones because you work for a big company or are in the medical field.  He also does not know the cultural battles we are in and does not read between the lines.

Interestingly, many of the strongest opponents of forced shots are IN the medical field.  No one has the right to change your body chemistry or interfere with your body being the temple of the Holy Spirit. No one, Brett.

Sunday, January 09, 2022


 (Big League Politics) – U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman has rejected Pfizer’s proposed 75-year delay for releasing COVID-19 vaccine data, ordering the Big Pharma giant to release the data within eight months.

Attorney Aaron Siri blogged about the decision on his Substack. He has been involved in the case to force transparency from Pfizer. Instead of releasing 500 pages per month of the data submitted to the FDA to license its COVID-19 vaccine, Pfizer will be forced to release 55,000 pages per month.

“On behalf of a client, my firm requested that the FDA produce all the data submitted by Pfizer to license its Covid-19 vaccine. The FDA asked the Court for permission to only be required to produce at a rate of 500 pages per month, which would have taken over 75 years to produce all the documents,” Siri wrote. “I am pleased to report that a federal judge soundly rejected the FDA’s request and ordered the FDA to produce all the data at a clip of 55,000 pages per month!”

“This is a great win for transparency and removes one of the strangleholds federal “health” authorities have had on the data needed for independent scientists to offer solutions and address serious issues with the current vaccine program – issues which include waning immunity, variants evading vaccine immunity, and, as the CDC has confirmed, that the vaccines do not prevent transmission,” he continued.

“No person should ever be coerced to engage in an unwanted medical procedure. And while it is bad enough the government violated this basic liberty right by mandating the Covid-19 vaccine, the government also wanted to hide the data by waiting to fully produce what it relied upon to license this product until almost every American alive today is dead. That form of governance is destructive to liberty and antithetical to the openness required in a democratic society,” Siri added.

Saturday, January 08, 2022


 It has become obvious to the slightest aware person that we have some incredibly ignorant hacks on the SCOTUS. The average informed conservative knows ten times more than these pretend judges who simply vote their politics and evaluate nothing in an objective manner.

Sotomayor who votes left before hearing much of anything betrayed her utter ignorance, lying that Omicron was deadlier than Delta, that Covid deaths are at an all-time high, that 100k children are hospitalized and vaccine mandates fall under federal police power.

Sonya, darling - note the following:

1) Omicron is far LESS deadly with far fewer hospitalizations than prior strains.

2) The liberal Washington Post even gave her FOUR Pinocchios for her nonsense. The real number is 5,000 and none of those children would be working for companies with over 100 people.

3) No one has the right to force you to take an experimental treatment (Not technically a vaccine) regardless of your medical conditions and regardless of your religious convictions.  Of course, Sonya could care less about those - stem cells from aborted babies were an integral part of the development process for these treatments, and NO ONE has the right to force people to violate their faith.  The courts have allowed JW's not to pledge allegiance or accept blood transfusions and this is just as or more important.

Stevie Breyer who voted liberal like a knee-jerk reaction if complaining about enough time to actually evaluate the situation fairly.   Everything is rush, rush to the brain-dead left because any debate would make their arguments fall apart.

The simple facts are incontrovertible - most deaths have been among Seniors well -past retirement age.

Omicron does not care much whether you are single vaxxed double vaxxed, boostered, or whatever.  Just about everyone I know who got Covid had three shots. The credible claims that getting jabbed only addressed 1 of the 2 major antibody streams and that it could actually weaken your immunity to other diseases must be factored in. This is no time for carelessness.

Other treatments that have worked around the world have been discouraged or outright banned. Any aware person knows this is really about CONTROL - not healthcare.  After all, deaths from suicide and other drugs skyrocketed during lockdowns. Abortions are triple Covid deaths. Ho Hum to them.

Most Americans work for companies with under 100 employees.

The intent of the left is crystal clear - amalgamate power in the big companies in their culture war, and eliminate just about every person with a conscience - they have done it in universities, the teachers' union, big tech and most denominational churches.

The left wants to speed the destruction of our nation and to put a stench in God's nostrils. No wonder they want 6 more liberal "justices" who would be nothing more than left-wing hacks who would never debate anything but further ruin this nation.  They would have NINE who would ignore Harvard's claim that aligns with God's that life starts at conception. They would ignore the pain caused by innocents.  They would ignore the push to force all medical schools to push abortion training. They would ignore the physical and psychological effects of abortion.   That is what hacks do.  We need judges with consciences who will actually decide based upon FACTS.

Thursday, January 06, 2022


The Democrats keep milking January 6th with lie after lie being exposed. They called it an insurrection and as bad as 911 and Pearl Harbor!  Gross ignorance and hyprbole that should embarrass everyone and which shows how useless and stupid the Democrats are - they cannot run a city well let alone a country.  They booed God in 2008 and have opposed him on just bot every issue.  Over 3,000 died in 911and 2,403 died at Pearl Harbor.  On January 6, 2021, exactly ONE person died - a woman shot by police.  The aggressors planned this before President Trump's speech and his speech was clearly not the cause of anything.

THE REAL INSURRECTION was November 3, with the campaign leading up to it a COUP of the worst kind.   The media colluded to shut out truth at every corner. They hid the Hunter Biden scandal (who had a joint account with Criminal Joe Biden.  The CCP was the big winner, with unprecedented influence in Washington and mocking the USA now.  The Chinese Virus proved you do not need nuclear weapons, and they had Fauci and Gates fund the incredible "fain of function" research which resulted in Covid. There was no conceivable benefit for that. It simply was uncanny that both Fauci and Gates said Trump would be faced with a pandemic and it appears to any reasonable person they intended for Covid to be unleashed on America to defeat Trump. It leaked into China first, and then became worldwide.

Big tech stripped items embarrassing off the web and still do. If you never tried it, open a Google search field and type in any political issue. Then go to Duck, Duck, Go and do the same.  You will be stunned at the discrepancy - Google's results would have the fools believe the world world is full of progressives while those at Duck Duck Go would reveal a wide range of positions.

Social media get huge advantages on the pretext of being neutral, but at this point none are.  They ROUTINELY censor, block, erase, and hassle ANYONE who does not tow and advance their sick and perverted party lines.

Major media ere all int he tank for Biden, and slanted the news non-stop. Trump was the devil incarnate to them.  When their boy Joe stole the office, and actually played the devil to perfection with EVERY policy being negative for the country, they gave everything a pass and spun it as a positive.  Tens of billions of dollars of unreported campaign contributions since they were non-cash.

Then go into the run=up to November 3. Big tech put at least hundreds of billions into going Ito states which illegally did unrestricted mail-in voting, harvesting, changing, and stealing ballots. ALL Mathematical analysis have shown the deep corruption which resulted in a dismal candidate with a 47-year track record of lying and zero accomplishments who hid in his basement knowing the fix was in going to the White House and two senators fro Georgia to tilt the Senate to Democrats.  That was the REAL coup.  Leave it to pandemic liars who booed God to blame others for what they did.  Remember when Trump beat the anemic Hillary and what happened in Washington?  MONTHS of protests and violence in DC and other cities.  BTW - corrupt Google purged ALL news of that - Duck Duck Go has MANY accounts.

The problem is that too few people stand against evil. Too few people do their homework.  Too few people care enough about their country to save it.