Friday, October 16, 2020


Some people think because I am voting to reelect the President that I am uncritical about anything he thinks, says or does. I probably have written more letters to the President at the White House than any of my FB friends. I probably am more offended at some things than any of you. Some of you may not know I have never been a Republican either.  I am an Independent. I have voted for people of not only Democrat or Republican loyalty, but also Reform Party. However, three things I do understand:

1) God puts people into office for a reason, and this was a miracle that President Trump won due to the deeply biased press, phony accusations, and yes VOTER FRAUD, especially in California. God told me he would win before he did as well as something else I am not free to share right now which turned out to be true. Back in 2008 he also told me why he selected Barack Obama to be president then, and I shared that Word both on my blog and on Facebook.

2) The President has kept his core promises to the extent he could. Most people do not realize that the House makes money decisions, not the President. The first two years some in even his own party half or fully believed the false allegations made against him and then many retired from office making 2018 a cakewalk for the Dems to retake the House. Pelosi tied up the House for two years with Impeachment scams, uncooperation, and is still trying to bail out poorly-run Democrat cities instead of stimulus money for those who are sturggling. He has built significant portions of the wall with ZERO cooperation from the House. He has gotten SCOTUS nominees through confirmation despite absurd and filthy opposition from Democrats who have slandered and carried on like drunken Frat boys doing an initiation.

3) Trump has honored God and faith publicly (just as Kanye West has who incidentally had the best short commercial of any candidate I have seen yet). Despite a sordid past when he was a Democrat who liked being vile with Howard Stern, he has since his 2016 campaign and election supported protecting innocent life, basic Constitutional Liberties on religious and personal freedoms,  support for our allies, fairness from Europe, environmentalism without anti-science nonsense resulting in greater environmental success than the Europeans still in the Paris Accord which was simply another socialist tool, and a strong role in world leadership without constant military intervention. Being nominated for THREE Nobel Peace Prizes, primarily by European liberals and keeping his promise to put the embassy in Jerusalem as well as a major increase in American manufacturing jobs have been highpoint  A virus developed in a Chinese lab that leaked out presented major challenges, but no sane people could argue that we would be any better off with someone else in the White House. The strong economy helped us weather this crisis better than many countries.  The Monday morning quarterbacking has been incredibly dishonest. His opponent, as detailed in the excellent documentary "Bad Decisions", has been deemed wrong even by people in his own Obama/Biden administration almost 100% of the time.


Friday, October 02, 2020


If I were Trump, I would have handled the debate differently.  I would have called out Chris Wallace from Jump Street, as Chris has been so partial to Biden and unfair to Trump on his "news" show for years. Chris should have recused himself as a moderator is not a debate participant but supposedly someone who lets each person get their points across.

When asked the tired question on denouncing "white supremacy", this is what I would have said:

Mr. Wallace, you are asking the wrong person. I have never advocated "white supremacy".  On the contrary. I will tell you why in a moment, but first, Mr. Biden here PRAISED Robert Byrd from the KKK and called him a mentor.

(per PJ Media) Biden has a long history of being cozy with segregationists. In 2019, he invoked not one, but two segregationist Democrats (Senator James Eastland of Mississippi and Senator Herman Talmadge of Georgia) he had good working relationships with during his time in the U.S. Senate. Several of his former primary rivals called him out for this.

“Vice President Biden’s relationships with proud segregationists are not the model for how we make America a safer and more inclusive place for black people, and for everyone,” said Cory Booker. 

I never said integrating schools would "turn them into racial jungles". Joe did.

I never said if you go into a 7-Eleven "you have to have a slight Indian accent".

I never said "you were not black if you did not support me".

Joe said all those things because he cannot see past race.

I am for gaining total racial equality. That is why I favor school choice which is so critical to the black community. The teachers unions that love Joe hate me for that. Testers went through over a dozen schools in Baltimore and could not find one student proficient in math. Equality comes not by giving people points because of the color of their skin but by facilitating equal achievement. The big obstacle comes when people ASSUME that a person of color is not as qualified because of kid gloves treatment they will not go, whether they are a majority or a minority person.  I want people to feel confident that when a person is qualified, they are truly qualified. Black professionals who worked hard just like everyone else tell me they hate it when people assume they are where they are because of special treatment and do not choose them because they are totally qualified and one of the best.  

My support from the black community comes from those who have worked hard for what they have, are proud of their achievements, and who do not have to take a back seat to anyone. They are not looking to be treated differently, simply equally and fairly.  That is the record of the Trump Administration. It is totally absent from pandering Joe's racism and nonsense.


It is incomprehensible to me how the elections have devolved into chaos. There is supposed to be an election DAY according to the Constitution.  A single DAY. The election is suppose to be snapshot of the nation's desire on that DAY.  

Liberals hate this for a plethora of reasons - here are just a few:

1) The longer the process, the easier it is to affect the results and to be dishonest.

2) Early voting allows the media and pollsters to continue to foment false memes by putting out dishonest information to get those voters who cannot change their votes once the truth comes out. Routinely, the polls become more honest as "Election Day" approaches so they maintain some credibility. Of course, an objective person knows they are not credible because they tilt the table during MOST of the campaign.

3) They want to gain maximum mileage from State Attorney Generals funded by Soros - these races do not normally have huge campaign chests, so one mega-donor can change things.  In state after state, pagan dishonest leftist hacks are becoming AG's, and they routinely rule in favor of blatant attempts to fix elections - no ID's, no signature verification, no physical presence, no checks on duplicate ballots, votes sent AFTER the election still being counted, no prosecution of vote buying and tampering, etc.

4) The ballot harvesting and other outright voting fraud actions are more easily detected than when they are allowed to do this over two months.

What should we do?

A) No motor-voter or automatic registrations.

B)  Proof of citizenship required to be registered to vote.

C) Felony charges against multiple registrations.

D) Regular purging of voting lists of the dead and the moved.

E) Universal Voter ID's as in India - there is absolutely ZERO reason not to do so. You cannot get Obamacare, Welfare, or anything else without them.  The opposition is strictly to enable VOTER FRAUD.

F) No early voting except for military or other approved absentee ballots PERIOD.

G) Verified Absentee Ballots ONLY.

H) No mail-in voting PERIOD.

I) ALL polling places must allow poll watchers of each major party.

J) All voting machines must have a paper trail and not be subject to Internet connection hacking.

K) ALL Voter fraud should be pursued, and anyone in office due to voter fraud must have to face a new election - NO EXCEPTIONS.

L) Clarify what happens if a candidate dies or is incapacitated at the time of election. We have two older candidates where either or both could die, be declared mentally incompetent, etc. during a protracted election. So if it happens to Biden, is it Trump vs. Harris? If it happens to Trump, is it Biden vs. Pence? If it happens to both, is it Pence vs. Harris? Without clear law a Constitutional Crisis is easily foreseen.

Either we are the best most just republic in the world or we are a third world country. Liberals want the latter with themselves in perpetual charge. Look around the world. There are plenty of places that have fallen to that level. I for one say NO WAY!