Friday, June 14, 2019


However, Democrats have been racist from he BEGINNING.  I worked in an umbrella community organization 2 1/2 years - it had 53 sub groups and the community was 98% black.  The hypocrisy of the Democrats was unreal - they said one thing to people's faces, kissed the women, and went away and talked trash.  I say look at the record of the GOP and stop listening to sound trucks every two years while communities continue to deteriorate:
1) The ended slavery.
2) They helped historically black colleges get started.
3) All the early black Representatives and Senators were Republicans.
4) They fought the KKK
5) They sent troops to desecrate schools while the Dems had ax handles and fire hoses.
6) They passed the civil rights bill.
7) They fight against the genocide of black babies.
8) They signed prison reform to get men ho were inappropriately sentenced out much quicker.

Compare that to the Democrats:
1) Threatened to destroy the nation by succeeding over slavery and other issues (still ultra divisive).
2) Fought to get blacks out of Congress.
3) Promoted the KKK - they were synonymous.
4) Embraced Darwinism and the teaching of the inherent inferiority of black people.
5) Embracee Eugenics, started by Darwin's cousin, which sought to :weed out" blacks through forced sterilization.
6) Promoted through President Woodrow Wilson the ultra-racist movie, "Birth of a Nation" filled with ugly messages.
7) Encouraged Marxists til we almost lost the country - Joe McCarthy fought them hard on this.
8) Embraced vicious segregation.  Used fire hoses, dog, as handles, white robes, whatever - all Democrats.
9) Fought Eisenhower's desegregation.
10) Fought Evers college desegregation.
11) Passed a "Great Society" program than turned the70% of intact black families into over 70% with absent fathers.
12) Virulently encouraged Planned Parenthood to control the black population from Margaret Sanger up until now.
13) Viciously persecutes any black person who thinks for himself or herself.
14) Refuses to acknowledge the unprecedented success of the current prez with the lowest unemployment EVER,
15) Only selects depraved blacks like Don Lemon and Mad Max Waters to be media spokespersons.
16) Demonizes Christians which many blacks are and makes them disobey the Bible to be in there in-crowd.
17) Demonizes a President who received awards from the NAACP, Jesse Jackson and others before he ran.
18) Claims to help women while supporting transgenderism that is decimating real women's achievements.
19) Viciously opposed Justice Kavanaugh who has an all-female law clerk group - NO Democrat ever did that.

I am sorry to have to say this, but if showing up at a Block Fair and leaving no permanent improvement outweighs ALL of the above, we are in deep trouble.  I have been encouraged by the more than doubling of support for GOP policies in the black community, but it should be more.  There is a group-act mentality - I will not call it group-think, because THINKING cannot be part of ANY equation where Democrats are views with even one gram of virtue.  Their ideas and actions are dictated from hell itself, and THAT is a fact..

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


THIS IS WHY I FIRECELY OPPOSE THE DEMONIC LEFT WHICH IS PART AND PARCEL THE DEMONCRAT PARTY- They are bullies, they are tyrantsand they are dead wrongon just about EVERYTHING.
Adults Heckle Child For Utilizing Her Freedom Of SpeechPosted by: Marley Morrow in Family Focus, Gossip that Matters, Mom Talk, Why Liberals are Wrong
Recently, a city council meeting in Raleigh, North Carolina, revealed a nasty truth about our society and the example that most adults set when it comes to something in which they disagree.
A young 13-year-old girl named Addison Woosley decided to open her mouth and share her thoughts through a speech she had written on the issue of abortion. Her speech was a moving plea to “make Raleigh a sanctuary city for the unborn,” and she compared abortion to the evils of slavery. Needless to say, this was not received well by the adults who attended the meeting. They not only heckled the little girl for having such a position, but they began to yell so loud that you can’t even hear the last phase of her presentation.
The 13-year-old was visibly afraid for her life, and she was completely confused as to how her position could lead to such a negative and open reaction from “responsible” adults.
As adults, we try to teach children that they have a right to express themselves freely. We also try to guide children on being respectful of others when they have opinions that are different from our own. What happened here? Adults took to the streets by displaying uncouth behavior to a child simply because she took advantage of her freedom of speech—a right afforded to us all.
The problem is that we now live in a society that targets individuals who say things that fall outside of the popular norm. This will eventually lead to a society that fears being honest or truthful because if it differs from the norm, punishment will follow. How can we teach our children to be honest if they are confronted with anger and hate each time they share their opinion? Additionally, how can we expect our society to advance and grow if we fail to embrace the differences of opinion from others?
The incident at the city council meeting proved that our ethics and morals are beginning to tarnish so much so that we will disarm a child of their rights as a citizen of the United States if they dare disagree with our own point of view. We can’t allow ourselves to close our ears to the voices of the future generation just because we don’t like where they are headed.
Each generation takes our society into a new dimension of thought that expands our understanding of one another, as well as our understanding of ourselves. The moment we silence a child is the moment we place a roadblock on our journey into a brighter future. Addison learned a valuable lesson that day. She learned that adults aren’t always patient, correct, loving, or supportive. She also learned that speaking your mind comes at a very high price—one which she apparently was willing to pay as evidence in her determination to finish her speech, even though she couldn’t be heard over the jeers.
We can only hope that the adults who attempted to shut this child down for expressing her thoughts are among the minority in our society. Although they yelled at this child in an attempt to control her sharing an unpopular opinion, they really only displayed their ignorance and incredible lack of the very tolerance they profess to demand from others.