Thursday, December 05, 2019


Law Professor Michael Gerhardt from the University of North Carolina tells Congress, "If Trump's actions aren't impeachable, nothing is." So making a request that a prior investigation into criminal activities by an American that was closed by Obama and Biden through bribery be reopened is worse than:
1) Operation wetback under Ike rounding up over 1 million illegals.
2) Obama putting the IRS to harass conservative groups for political gain.
3) Johnson lying to start the Vietnam war and bugging his own VP Hubert Humphrey.
4) FDR turning back ships with Jews in them trying to escape the Holocaust. 
5) FDR turning the IRS on his political enemies.
6) Woodrow Wilson resegregating the Federal Government.
7) Wilson, Lincoln, and Adams shutting down newspapers and jailing reporters.
8) Obama's Fast and Furious and Benghazi scandals.
9) Obama giving hundreds of millions to the world's top terrorist entity - Iran.
10) Biden and Obama holding up foreign aid to the Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor looking into the crimes of Biden and his son.

In none of these cases was impeachment ever mentioned, but they are so offended that the President was actually doing his JOB. Remember Obama talking about his phone and a pen? This is such a farce and the left is so ignorant of history. the Magna Carta, and our own government, all prostituting themselves to a failed left-wing agenda meant to topple our nation (treason) and substitute socialism which has failed everywhere and resulted in over 100 million dead. The Dems would easily redo any of the 10 above and scream if impeachment were mentioned. For number 1, they have spoken about rounding up Trump supporters. These people are not to be played with. They are pure evil.