Saturday, August 31, 2013


Everything I know I earned in Kindergarten… or at least began there.   I learned our motto – “Play with all your might”.   I still try to do everything with all my might. I learned that you do not tell your enemy what you are doing.  After all, the Bible says that if a person knows his house will be robbed, he stands guard to prevent it. You settle things fast because the longer you wait, the harder it gets.  He gets his friends or figures a smart way to corner you. You also never hand the bully a weapon to use against you while telling him you have destroyed most of your own weapons.  Duh!

It seems that they seal the records of the Prez and ignore the unsealed ones of prior Presidents at our peril.  I believe so many of them must have flunked Kindergarten and are trying to hide the fact.

Let’s see…

FDR and Hitler – he ignored Hitler and refused to act until it has greatly escalated. IF FDR would have moved as soon as he KNEW the situation, millions of Jews would have been saved, Hitler’s march into Russia probably would not have happened (Stalin killed twice as many as Hitler), and perhaps the whole Cold War would not have had to happen.

Kennedy  supported a coup in South Vietnam resulting in the murder of Ngo Dinh Diem and the course of the war changed,   Many more Americans and Vietnamese died as a result. Then a Democrat Congress withdrew funding when the war was alost won and forced President Ford to essentially lose the war on purpose.

Jimmy Carter gave Islamic Fundamentalism a foothold in the Middle East by betraying the Shah of Iran and we still have the consequences to this day.

Bill Clinton withdrew from Somalia and according to Osama Bin Laden, gave them courage that the United States was simply a paper Tiger.  Clinton also refused to take Bin Laden when offered him on more than one occasion, probably resulting in the Afghan War and many dead.

Barack Obama withdrew forces from Iraq prematurely after all that sacrifice and moved soldiers into Afghanistan on the shakiest of pretexts.  Neither nation is the better for it.

And now Syria.

Witness Syria.   Not all our might – a preannounced limited strategy.  Let’s see – we tell the Kindergarten bully that we are going to lunch him in the gut but not hard enough to hurt!   Unbelievable!

Then we even tell him it will be on Saturday which gives him a change to get all his friends there.  If the Prez would have talked to Netanyahu instead of playing cards (oops, that was during the Bengazi attack!) he might have learned that it is S.O.P. for Hamas, Hezbollah and other terrorist groups to use human shields.  So he says not yet, and not a lot, and guarantees that the United States will be killing civilians and look like idiots.  Surprise is the most basic advantage in war.  This guy routinely gets rid of every advantage including unilateral disarmament while arming our enemies.  Unbelievable!

In terms of Christ, the rebels are enemies of the 2 million Syrian Christians and we are lining up against Christ.  To be sure, Assad is not for Christians, but sometimes BOTH sides are wrong.

Democrats love Head-Start.  The problem is, their presidents have apparently never graduated from Kindergarten.   A crying shame.


It seems that those seeking to fundamentally change America have more sacred cows than those who want to tweak it to get rid of the problems while maintaining freedom.

Kennedy is a Sacred cow Camelot despite assassinating an ally and having a revolving door in his white House Bedroom.

Clinton is a Sacred Cow despite gross immorality, rape charges, letting Osama go more than once, exacerbating the issues with Islamic Fundamentalists by surrendering in Somalia, and initially destroying the economy in 1992-1994 before the Republican Revolution of 1994 righted the ship for which he of course took all the credit.

John McCain came under fire for his vote years ago concerning the Martin Luther King holiday.

Now George Washington had his holiday revoked, despite great personal sacrifice and heroism in getting our nation on the right track after four failed years under the Articles of Confederation.  Abraham Lincoln had his holiday revoked despite saving the union and bringing fundamental change by ending slavery.   Presidents’ Day was originally conceived as a holiday to honor the office of the presidency, and its murky meaning depends on who you talk to or what state thy are in.   Christopher Columbus still has a minor holiday though some states do not recognize it nor is it a government holiday in California and Texas, but it is common for people to disrespect his achievements.  In almost every public school in the land, JESUS CHRIST has had his two holidays revoked – Christmas being renamed Winter Holiday and Easter being renamed Spring Break.

When it comes to Martin Luther King (actually Michael King), however, here is the ultimate Sacred Cow.  Like Obama, his records are sealed though beyond any reasonable doubt his holiday should be renamed.   Pastor Archibald Carey, Rosa Parks, Emmet Till and others could all be honored under a Civil Rights Day holiday.

Pastor Carey was the one from whom MLK stole the idea for the iconic :I have a Dream” speech.  Rosa Parks courageously would not give up her seat on the bus, and Emmet Till was a martyr that is emblematic of all those who were killed viciously solely because of the color of their skin.

The Bible says that in the way you judge you shall be judged.  MLK famously said that a person should NOT be judged by the color of their skin, but the content of his character. We now know from his own writings, from the testimony of close associates, from Boston University to Stanford to his own published works five facts that alone and together disqualify the man from a holiday not to mention eternal life in heaven:

1) His name was not his legal name, but simply an attempt by his father to lend gravitas to Michael King.
2) MLK was a serial plagiarist who should have had his “Dr”. removed by Boston University.  They admitted the fraud but said there was no useful purpose in doing so – only a half century of deception – they sure would have done it if it were you or me.  His work was mediocre and he committed educational fraud again and again.
3) MLK was a fraudulent preacher.  His own writing show he stopped believing in almost every key Christian doctrine as a teenager, and like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and many others, he saw the pulpit as his most effective platform.  He contradicted Christ in his teachings.  Like Mother Teresa who had a similar disconnect, his own words are condemning.
4)  MLK was a fraudulent husband – his philandering was frequent, violent, disgusting, and he was one of his time’s greatest misogynists.  Would anyone else who beat and abused women even ONCE et alone frequently every be honored?
5) MLK was used by the Communist Party.  J. Edgar Hoover was right on many counts, and the trail of evidence is extensive.  Why honor someone who fraternized regularly with those seeking the overthrow of the United States? Despite its faults, where else were blacks more honored?

MLK has become an icon whether in the MS, Fox News, talk-show hosts across the spectrum, in many churches.   I find it strange that truth has no value to those who lionize a deeply flawed man and who treat with contempt all who would object to him being the ONLY American to have a national holiday in his honor.  I believe most people are scared to say anything, but the day has largely become a time when people go around to pick up trash or do other things rather than anything meaningful.

I used to be the person of choice to give MLK Day speeches, an I emphasized the message of racial justice and understanding above the man.  However, as these celebrations because to practically deify the man, I refuse to celebrate that which is at odds with God’s Holy Word.   I will instead work EVERY DAY for people to judge others based SOLELY upon their character, an NOT the color of their skin.   No one gets rejected and no one gets a pass.  That is truly what is just and right in God’s eyes.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


The President is scheduled to deliver what may be the most misguided and naïve speech of his career this week, one that is at odds with the whole of western culture and Biblical values.  What is that message?  That economic equality brings racial justice.

I cannot overemphasize the number of counts on which this defies all known logic and truth.  It is merely pure Marxist ideology which he is using as a wedge in our nation and which he is a total hypocrite concerning.

There have been differences of economic standing as long as there have been people on the earth.  There are many reasons for this. 

One fact is that some people live in more fertile areas than others or where there is gold, silver, and diamonds to mine and to sell. There is no way to equalize opportunity worldwide, and there are often non-economic factors that make people prefer to live in areas without those resources that aid in more economic progress.

A second fact is that some cultures value hard work more than others. It takes a lot of hard work to achieve, whether studying in school, running a business, or getting promoted on your job.   Paul said all run, but not all get the prize. The push for outcome-based education has resulted in a severe dumbing down of education where high grades for knowing little or nothing are the order of the day.  Unionization has given the laziest the same as the industrious which only makes the industrious more lazy.  It is human nature.

A third fact is that choices in life affect success.  One of the biggest boosts to economic success is being married.  In the 1950’s, black economic progress skyrocketed.  Back then a majority of all adults, white, black and Hispanic, were married  Now it is 55% of whites, 48% of Hispanics, and only 31% of blacks. The so-called Great Society programs destroyed millions of Black families, and the gang/rap/hip-hop cultures that ridiculed any black man for being academically astute and respectful of women caused drop-out rates to escalate and created misogynous attitudes toward black women. The political marriage of black politicians with homosexual advocates has further made it difficult for black women to marry other blacks. The black homosexual rate is 4.6% as opposed to 3.2% for whites.  Interestingly, in Washington, D.C. it is 10%.  Everything is skewed in that locale!

A fourth fact is that you cannot make people equal by fiat.  Back in the day, people were given new homes who hadn’t taken care of what they had.  I was a community advocate and designed low-income houses.   The government built houses equal to what most people had and many were boarded up within five years.  Some inequality is the result of a lack of personal responsibility, substance abuse or just plain laziness.  

Only Christ can change people who have a difficult time functioning in society.  To tell them it is someone else’s fault in pure folly and shows a total lack of understanding of human nature.  What makes it more egregious is that playing race cards or worn-out class warfare techniques actually makes the situation far worse.  Detroit once had the highest per capita income in the nature.  Fifty years of Democrat blame-game techniques and brain-dead economic policies put it on life support, its economy in the toilet.  Yet the Senate and the President are trying to do the very same thing on a national scale. It is insanity.  The House isn’t much better, and Boehner has to go – the man is a worse compromiser than Henry Clay.

When I was in the Christian Service Brigade in the 1950’s and 1960’s, a Christian alternative to the Boy Scouts, I worked very hard to achieve.  Athletic events, scripture memorization, term papers on Bible doctrines, technical projects, etc. were all part of the mix.  I ended up becoming the second Herald of Christ in the state of New Jersey in 1966, an honor I prize to this day.  Along the way, the leader wanted more diversity in the corporals.  We had a diverse troop, but the vast majority of the minority boys did not put in the slightest effort in terms of the spiritual and educational activities.  They participated only in the physical activities and basically sat through the lessons as the price of admission.  The leader apologetically demoted me and put one of these boys in charge.  It went right to his head, he wasn’t even born again and was not remotely qualified to lead. Rather than stimulate him to put himself wholeheartedly into the program, which might have made the exercise worth it, he lost interest and stopped coming.

For Obama’s rhetoric to work, this is what is needed:

(1) Confiscate all property and money from the rich and middle class (except those exempted by him, of course, including selfish movie stars and selfish politicians like him and Al Gore who NEVER give out of their own pocket, only out of the treasuries of others).  Give it to everybody and when it is wasted in short order blame someone else.

(2) Break up 27% of white marriages and make those men marry black women.  This would actually work better than (1).   The irony is that more and more white men are marrying black women already because they prefer them – I have been so married for almost 39 years. Nonetheless, I would not want to marry just any woman of any variety –is that freedom going to disappear as well? Totalitarian IS totalitarian.

(3) Take everything away from everyone and make everyone paupers.   Like the pigs in ANIMAL HOUSE, the politicians would be exempt.  The Dictatorship f the Proletariat.   Sound familiar?   The end result would be the same as (1) and the miserable end would be same as it was for the USSR, Tanzania. Venezuela, etc.

Satan is behind the pushes for removing all restrictions on abortion and homosexuality. Satan is behind the push to force absurd ideas such as molecules-to-man evolution, man-caused global warming, overpopulation, etc. on everyone, closing off debate because all those debates are won by those advocating God’s ideas.   Satan is also the author of poverty, and such like Obama’s policies resulted in a 40% INCREASE of black unemployment, what he is devilishly advocating now will result in more misery for all those black and white who have labored hard against all odds to achieve something of value in this world.  He is fighting God.  God values achievement.   God rewards those who do a lot with what they have.   God wants people to be generous, but he NEVER advocated forcible redistribution of wealth.  In fact, Peter put in plainly in addressing the Ananias and Sapphira situation.  
Meeting each other's needs as in the Book of Acts is what we need to do, but it is VOLUNTARY and it is not done by statists.  That NEVER has worked in all of history.  Perhaps if the man had studies instead of "taking a blow" he would have known that.   The man needs to be impeached.  There are over impeachable 100 offenses to date, and this latest plan to further divide our nation (he has been the divider-in-chief his whole reign) runs counter to the whole of our history and the very nature of the human condition.   Pray with me that this will happen sooner rather than later, and that those Christians who are blind to Satan’s devices would wake up and see truth staring them in the face.

I have been working for racial justice most of my life.  It ultimately comes through DELIVERANCE by God, as racism is a strong spirit.   It can be facilitated through more interaction, through honest communication, and through joint activities, but for white and black people to stop being racists, it takes a real move of God.   Personal experiences are welcome in the comments section.