Tuesday, February 08, 2022



No. They need to trash the entire thing. It is an instruction manual on fraud and represents a blatant power move based upon unproven and often false suppositions ad which shows they have learned nothing from Poland and other places that tried these things. All but one country in Europe bans mail-in voting with few exceptions and is stricter than any GOP bill on Voter Integrity. The facts are simple - 76% of the nation opposes the President’s blatant racism and sexism on the SCOTUS yet the Dems believe they can win without changing any of their bankrupt positions. The only way they can is to nationalize the massive fraud they committed in 2020m in the swing states and that is precisely what this monstrous bill is all about. Not all of us are sheep. We can see the obvious. 45% of Dems have no problem with concentration camps for those who maintain sovereignty over their own bodies and refuse medical treatment for the Chinese virus that is simply not right for everyone. No surprise then that Madam Pelosi, despite the Chinese having over 1 million Uighurs and others in 260 concentration camps, destroying Christian churches, and persecuting Falun Gong, is telling Americans at the Olympics that they must not say a word about China’s massive human rights problem (but of course she has zero problem when they trash their own country). I have found that most of my Democrat friends are clueless on issues, never read the unbelievable Democrat platform that appears to be written by spoiled juvenile leftists, ignore their rebellion against God, all moral and decent positions including life itself, and are ruled by emotions and never facts. When they respond to my posts, they never use logic because they cannot and instead issue ad hominem attacks. That is the Dem party today and all people of knowledge and principle, men and women, black, Hispanic and white, are departing from that party.