Thursday, April 08, 2021



 I heard you plan that 50% of all new pilots are to be minorities or women. Funny, I did not hear the NBA or NFL come out and say that 70% of all their players have to be white because that reflects their fan base. They hire based upon performance, not divisive quotas. The woke agenda your company is embracing is a patently racist one, and your company is just one of many corporations who have totally lost their marbles. 

I have no plans to fly United because the woke crowd will then pressure you (or you will pressure yourself) to lower standards to achieve the outcome you promised.  If I put my life in someone’s hands, they better be the very best available no matter what. The BULK of the best commercial pilots come from the military and those numbers you are promising are not there.   If they were, then we have no problem if 90% of the pilots were minorities or women if they were the best.  As it is, despite the rhetoric, in EVERY military branch and EVERY police department, the women are held to a FAR LOWER STANDARD then men. In terms of being a pilot, the number of interested women is far lower than men.


In terms of the tests, minorities are given points based upon skin color, which is patently racist.  We need the best in every field and we have to rely on those who serve being the best available people.  There is nothing wrong with encouraging larger participation by those historically who are not in some fields, but what you are proposing is artificial and history says is wrong-headed and doomed to major problems. 


Your company is showing the shallow thinking and pandering to race baiters and people with no idea how to get things done.  D.C. is full of them now – tyrannical people with zero clue how to do ANYTHING. Their mantra is to do the OPPOSITE of whatever Trump did, despite his wild successes on so many fronts.


I do hope some bona fide adults will take charge of your operation.


Monday, April 05, 2021


I finished reading THE CURATOR'S DAUGHTER by Melanie Dobson over the weekend. The parallels of politically correct speech, changed history, immorality, racial pride and scapegoating people groups is so similar to life under the illegitimate Biden/Harris regime it is scary. DO yourself a favor and read the book yourself. 

Jewish Author David Horowitz wrote DARK AGENDA and tells Christians to watch out for a full-fledged assault on them which has already begun. Don't make the same mistake the Germans who were against the Nazi's did. They did not have nearly the truth resources we do despite our Fascist media. 

Google has been erasing negative on Biden's pathetic pressers. MASSIVELY. CBS does hit job on Ron DeSantis. The attacked Trump for NO GOOD REASON for five years.  They are silent on the most evil and incompetent administration in my lifetime  PURE EVIL BY VILE PEOPLE. We have less of an excuse than those Germans did.

If you read Revelation, you will see where this leads.  Not good but terribly evil.