Thursday, December 07, 2017


Praise God for a pResident who actually does what hew says!   The last few presidents talked about it.  The Congress passed the law.  Only Trump was willing to actually honor our bet ally in the Middle East.

The House passed a bill limiting abortion to these first 20 weeks.  Remember the SCOTUS first
trimester decision run Roe v. Wade?   This one is based upon when the baby can feel pain.  It is
a start, but I am not confident Mitch McConnell and the other spinelesss folks in the Senate will
pass it also.

I am praying for all unrighteous Congresspersons of both parties to be gone.  Franken was high
on my list, and hopefully by the time you read this he will be gone.  He is but one of many.

Is it not strange that there is an outcry for asking women for sexual favors, which I find very creepy
but the SAME PEOPLE have no issue with causing pain and death to an innocent baby simply
growing in his own mother's wombs waiting to make his or her mark in the world?

We need an end to hypocrisy.     And we need to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.


Here is a recent exchange on Facebook –

Me:    Of course not! Freedom means being able to follow your conscience. Homosexual "weddings" are a total sham and a celebration of perverted behavior. A true Christian could never go to one, approve of one, or participate in the celebration of an abomination as a baker, photographer, or other enabler. THIS IS BASIC FREEDOM, which liberals, Muslims and others routinely enjoy as NO CASE has ever been brought about their matter-of-fact refusal to bake Trump cakes (libs), gay cakes (Muslims), etc. it It a purely anti-Christian effort. We have the Bill of Rights for a reason, though many judges do not understand that but simply are there to push a demented left-wing agenda with zero consideration of the law. There is a real possibility Kennedy will vote his pro-gay beliefs and make it 5-4 against the Constitution. If that happens, Christians must be prepared to stand regardless. The SCOTUS has made many errors - remember Plessy vs. Ferguson in 1896? A man who was 1/8 black but passed for white got on the best part of the train with no issues. When he stated he was really black, they asked him to move to the "colored" section. The SCOTUS ruled against him that Separate but Equal was fine. Some universities today still do that with back dorms, etc. except now it isa t the request of blacks. Only God is the final arbiter and we need to stand for right no matter how many stand for wrong.

Challenger  How about a racist motel owner turning away black family in need of lodging for a night? Racism and anti-gay bigotry are “matters of conscience.” We’re allowed to think and speak as we like, but when we offer our services commercially, we need to offer them to all comers our equal terms. If you can’t be gracious, you’ll attract legal challenges that will put you out of business. I suspect that there were once pastors who would not perform interracial marriages as a matter of conscience.

Me:   I cannot disagree more and find it extraordinarily insulting to compare the color of one skin with abominable sexual perversion that does violence to the human body. This argument by gay radicals deeply insults black people. I testified concerning this at a public hearing on so called "human rights". Thankfully the mayor's veto was sustained The argument is fallacious because the Bible specifically forbids partiality and in fact Miriam got leprosy for criticizing her brother Moses' marriage to a black African. On the other hand, homosexuality is condemned not only by the Bible but by the Quran and almost every society until recently. We are to have no part of unrighteousness.

We are not talking about selling people food, coffee or a car here. No one asks anything in straight transactions, and in fact at the hearing NO ONE said they has EVER experienced discrimination .  It was :”just in case” – yes,  Just in case there was a Christian they wanted to target make an example of.   That is the true history of these cases – sometimes traveling 3,000 miles to do so – agenda—driven to the extreme.  A wedding is a whole different story from a simple sales transaction. We are talking about CELEBRATING and AFFIRMING the unfruitful works of darkness. We are talking about an intensely personal service in a celebratory event.  That is how I found out John Kasich was a fraud - he said he was a Christian and opposed homosexual "marriage" but went to one of friend to "support" him. That is absurd. If you are against a wedding, you do not go. Our wedding was packed and our pastor, our elders and our family ALL approved. I would not want anyone there who thought what we were doing was wrong. You cannot celebrate what is abhorrent to God, and the first amendment (read it again last night) says the freedom of religion cannot be abridged.

According to Merriam Webster, RELIGION Is a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices. A Christian made a custom ring for with your point of view made custom rings for a lesbian couple. When they found out he was a Christian, they demanded a refund. All sane people want those involved in their wedding to be in their corner -we selected very carefully for our wedding. IT is SOLELY about seeking to shut down all debate and insist that EVERYONE believe in their pagan practices which shall be destroyed by Christ's breath at his coming. Those who approve of what God hates are on thin ic and I do not like really cold water.

Sunday, December 03, 2017


The photo of Matt Lauer grilling Bill O'Reilly is so prescient.  Matt's sins were far worse that Bill O'Reilly's accusations.  Robert Mueller and Comey were so entwined with the Hillary deceptions they have no business judging ANYONE.  I am praying that they will end up like Matt Lauer, totally exposed as rank hypocrites and FIRED.

god is not mocked - what a man sows, he indeed shall reap.