Monday, May 27, 2019


Today is Memorial Day and we honor those who gave their lives fighting for their country. I also want to honor all who have given their lives for the sake of God and the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. This happened in the Old Testament with Isaiah being sawn in two and so many killings of the prophets who told God's truth. Then Jesus died because of jealousy and rage about the truth of God he preached, followed by James, Stephen, and millions of others. It was reported that close to 100,000 Christians were killed last year alone. People are burned alive In their homes and churches, decapitated, and slaughtered. Yet many are either ignorant of the fact or actually vote for politicians who actively persecute Christians in the US and Canada. MILLIONS of Christians are voting to persecute Christ and they become demonically furious when you call them on it.  

Every Mosque should be under surveillance, as Islamic children in the US and Canada are singing about decapitations. As a group there is only one place they would earn those songs. Many Christians in Islamic and atheistic countries are dying now for their faith because they did not fight for truth when there was opportunity. Now the die is cast in those nations, We need to remember that freedom is not free, and we need to fight a legal, PR, and marketplace war against these debilitating forces from hell or we will pay a steep price in the much too near future. Honor are soldiers and be a soldier of the cross yourself. God bless you.

Saturday, May 18, 2019


Watch for my current events program ABCs, SATs next week but note that the SAT is adding an :Adveristy Score" embedded in the SAT's that will tilt what is supposed to be an objective APTIITUDE test that helps colleges evaluate better since it seems almost everyone gets straight A's these days. There used to be a bell curve. Kids are no smarted these days, and based upon reentering of the SAT's already, the absence of critical thinking skills, the absence of core essentials such as history, geography, actual science as opposed to popular memes, and useful math, combined with woeful performances in writing abilities do not portend a bright future. Asian students have begun to dominate based upon merit despite some disadvantages in language - they study and apply themselves and overcome all obstacles. 

With non-Asian minorities there is a catastrophic drop off in scores, and research has actually shown that these scores OVERPREDICT success in the non-Asian minority communities. This is the result of OUTCOME-BASED THINKING. If one group outperforms, something must be wrong. Rather than apply their ingredients for success to the others, the desire is to BRING THEM DOWN. 

This hurts everyone - Asians, because merit no longer applies to them. Blacks, because getting points based upon race does ZERO to improve their academic disciplines and popular thinking that all black graduates are inferior stigmatizes black students who achieved based upon merit alone. When I was a freshmen in an elite college, there was a black engineering student in the room next to mine. Tony was extremely smart, yet some said he was there because he was black, not because he was smart. That was BEFORE affirmative action. This brain-dead approach hurts black achievers. It also harms poorer whites, who face as much adversity as anyone, but who would not benefit from getting points points based upon who you are, not on how well you can think. This proposal is typical of the American Left, which wats to dumb down education yet more, as ill-educated people who think they are the sharpest knives in the drawer are the easiest to control.


The clueless and inept House of Representative which is chock full of mentally, spiritually, and morally challenged Democrats, passed a bill that would give special legal privileges to sexual deviants including the right of biological males to compete on (nd dominate) girl's sports teams. We are hangin by a thread - there were 47 co-spons9red of this unconstitutional nonsense in the SENATE but that is hardly gratifying. I am convinced that those in DC rarely listen to any opposing points of view or actually THINK. Our founders were thinkers. God help us when fools ascend to the throne.

NO ONE should have a leg-up in court.  That is the stuff of tyrannical societies.  They make it sound like it is fair, but it is nothing but a make attempt to push sexual perversion on the nation and to give sexual perverts legal advantages not available to others.  Let your Senators and House members know this, because they seem to be clueless and out of touch with reality.

Monday, May 06, 2019


I was recently put in Facebook Jail for telling a simple unimpeachable truth that is politically incorrect.  People today believe so may lies, whether in the political world or the religious world.  How did we get to this point?   By accepting lie after lie without pushback.  Liars feed on weakness, and when they are not opposed, they wax worse and worse.  A little history…

“We Are All God’s Children” - LIE TOLD BY MLK Jr, and oh so many churches.  We were surely all created by God, but that does not make us his children.  Adam was called a Son of God in the genealogies, but  his sin put man at enmity with God.  We are told that God has the power to make us children of God, but that comes through faith in Christ alone.  In fact, he told the Jewish leaders who opposed him that they were children of the devil.   Children of God follow Jesus as no one knows the Father except through him.  Children of the devil due the agenda of Satan, and they do not have to even coordinates with one other - it is in their DNA.

“No One is Perfect” - LIE TOLD BY THOSE JUSTIFYING SIN.  People make way for sin which God forbids.  While only Jesus was perfect, we are commanded to be so, and we are called to be 1005 intolerant of sin.  

“Islam is a Religion of Peace” - LIE TOLD BY GEORGE W. BUSH and MANY OTHERS -   history records the exact opposite - the overwhelming number of terrorist attacks are linked to Islam.  Islamic experts say there are NO moderate Muslims.  The fact that the so-called moderates say NOTHING about terrorism, support the results of terrorism, and do not reject the portions of the Quran which demand it says a lot.  All Muslims, as well as all others who reject Christ as God are going to hell, and are all mortal enemies of the United States.  Sharia is integral to Islam, which is a barbaric system that is a horrific violation of the most human rights.  Yet, egg-head liberals want to allow Muslims to make their own laws in the USA.  This is utter madness and a recipe for disaster.

“There is No Room for Hate” - A LIE TOLD ON MILLIONS OF AMERICAN LAWNS WITH THOSE LAWN SIGNS -  (COROLLARY - GOD HATES THE SIN BUT LOVES THE SINNER) God hates sin, and also hates those engaged in sin.   Just ask Esau and others. Look in any Bible concordance.  God is not tolerant of sin or unbelief.   His hate is clear.  People who reject hate as a valid concept are the same ones who think everyone goes to heaven.  Actually, most will end up in hell.  Those who say God cannot hate are unable to believe the clear teachings of Jesus.

There are countless more - if I got into  the memes common in the church today, some are drawn from these, others are logical extensions.  Follow the truth, and do not accept the endless lies repeated mindlessly by people too lazy to actually check out the truth.