Today is Memorial Day and we honor those who gave their lives fighting for their country. I also want to honor all who have given their lives for the sake of God and the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. This happened in the Old Testament with Isaiah being sawn in two and so many killings of the prophets who told God's truth. Then Jesus died because of jealousy and rage about the truth of God he preached, followed by James, Stephen, and millions of others. It was reported that close to 100,000 Christians were killed last year alone. People are burned alive In their homes and churches, decapitated, and slaughtered. Yet many are either ignorant of the fact or actually vote for politicians who actively persecute Christians in the US and Canada. MILLIONS of Christians are voting to persecute Christ and they become demonically furious when you call them on it.
Every Mosque should be under surveillance, as Islamic children in the US and Canada are singing about decapitations. As a group there is only one place they would earn those songs. Many Christians in Islamic and atheistic countries are dying now for their faith because they did not fight for truth when there was opportunity. Now the die is cast in those nations, We need to remember that freedom is not free, and we need to fight a legal, PR, and marketplace war against these debilitating forces from hell or we will pay a steep price in the much too near future. Honor are soldiers and be a soldier of the cross yourself. God bless you.