We have seen three years of orchestrated chaos - some by a demented press, some by an ex-president and Secretary of State, and still others traced to Deep State operatives. The goal however is singular - to destabilize the United States, remove a duly elected President, and cause the people to suffer as they did under Obama not that long ago to make President Trump unpopular. No amount of suffering, no amount of loss, no weakening of our nation in the world community is too high a price for the to try to achieve their selfish and disgusting goals.
We are witnessing first hand the prediction in the scriptures that the righteous will become more righteous and the wicked will become more wicked. We are also seeing a great end-time delusion.
People claim to not even know what sex they are! People with ZERO knowledge of history and civics want to rewrite our Constitution to suit their own bigotries, giving away rights paid for with the blood of many.
The varmits in the matter are strongly anti-Christian. They provide ample proof to everyone that when God said that the fool has said in his heart there is no God he sure did know what he was talking about. People have largely thrown away the free salvation paid for with the blood of Christ in order to have empty, unsatisfying, and perverted sexual relationships. They shun pastors who preach the truth and go into fleshly "worship" performances and listen to feel good motivational speakers who are about as far from God as many pagans.
This chaos is the devil's playground, whether in politics, nations, or the churches. He loves instability. He loves hatred, animosity, and accusations. Just today someone accused e of teaching from a "books of lies" because I use the New King James Version to teach from instead of the older King James Version.
We need to turn to God and let him direct our paths. We have to resist those who seek to wrest our nation away from us and hand it to Satan. Are you with me in this?