There are three things that are always true about liberals.
1) They have no fixed moral compass. They change with the wind and accept no fixed moral authority, whether the Bible, the Constitution, or the way government was set up to operate. Their ends may be achieved by any means, and those means no matter how corrupt are justified by the ends they achieve by them. There is a Supreme Court Review Act introduced in the Senate. This would allow Congress to override the Supreme Court whenever they disagree with it. SO much for the separation of powers and Marbury v. Madison. Of course, liberals NEVER proposed this when Roe v. Wade was decided because it would have been overridden in Congress. The same with the tragic Obergefell v. Hodges decision which forced ALL states against the Constitution to allow sham "marriages" between sexual perverts when marriage is a state, not a federal issue. This decision which by the way had voted from two justices who had already performed these sham "marriages" but of course liberals never recuse themselves while demanding it from Republicans for any and all reasons. This decision would have been overridden as well by Congress. The ONLY reason they introduced this NOW is because the deeply flawed Roe v. Wade decision was reversed (as have quite a few long-standing but flawed SCOTUS decisions such as the Dred Scott v. Sandford decision in 1857 and it took a Civil War with hundreds of thousands dead to render that one void. Separate by equal was okay but by the SCOTUS in 1896 via Plessy v. Ferguson, and it took 58 years until 1954 for Brown v. Board of Education to reverse that tragedy of "separate but equal". It took a shorter 49 years and indisputable advances in fetal science to render absurd a Roe decision that ever should have been made in the first place and which Henry Blackmun actually wrote in his opinion SHOULD be revisited as advances were made. Roe was decided in the Dark Ages of Fetal Science. Science is knowledge, but what a selective "consensus" votes on, those votes often misrepresented and gotten by making research grants contingent on supporting liberal dogma instead of truly independent inquiry.
2) They cannot stand to be challenged because they consistently lose EVERY fair debate. Since they cannot win, they declare their every whim as :settled" science or law and openly censor and persecute all who disagree with them. A academically middling Liberty University Debate Team defeated Yale University. Christian always have to defend themselves - liberals never do. They do not have to know one iota on how to defend transgenderism, sexual perversion, the tragic consequence of drug legalizations, abortion, global warming, evolution, and so much more because all they have to say they believe in all that and they are accepted. For example, most evolutionists have zero knowledge of what Biblical creationists really believe - it is truly stunning, but Christians on the other hand have to study in depth both sides and develop logically and scientifically bullet-proof arguments. Most secular arguments on this and other issues fail basic logic and argument principles 100% of the time, but all who disagree are excluded or marginalized. An unexamined life is not worth living, and Christians follow the Biblical mandate to often examine ourselves. That concept is unknown in the world.
3) They are ultimate hypocrites. They accuse everyone of doing what they themselves are doing. Happens all the time. They take about "The End of Democracy" when the people they are accusing are actually trying to preserve it through election integrity and truth while they are working non-stop to cement pure tyranny into place. The president is talking about a national emergency on Monkeypox when it is hardly a threat to the overwhelming majority of people. It has targeted almost exclusively men with gay fetishes in Europe and elsewhere. Did you see that on ABC? Hardly. They talk "disinformation" which actually means anything they do not agree with or that challenges their wild ideas. The Philadelphia Inquirer, New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, and other mainstream media are non-stop outlets of propaganda, bitterly partisan thumb on the scale reporting and outright lies - that is what disinformation is. They claim to be pro-science, but the burning electric bus in Connecticut shows large electric vehicles need much more study. Also, the total issues of electrifying cars has a mammoth affect on the already strained grid, increases slave-like conditions in lithium mines in Africa and other countries, and guess what powers electricity? How about the condemnation of the concealed carry hero in Indiana who shot dead a man intent on murdering many within seconds of it starting? People think the left hates guns. Nothing could be further from he truth. They use them endlessly in graphically violent movies. They have destroyed over one hundred million people in communist countries. They are letting murderers and other gun felons out of jail who will repeat their crimes. They love it when there are mass murders - they see it as helping their cause to get rid of guns in the hands of the people. The ONLY people they do NOT want to have guns are God-fearing, law-abiding people who use them only to defend themselves or when necessary to overthrow tyranny. How about the recently exposed collusion of the CDC and Facebook in working to censor the concerns of thinking Americans in order to push their total control agenda during the pandemic? How many women who still menstruate would have taken the jab if they knew there was a higher than 40% chance their bleeding would increase? How many pregnant women would have taken the jab if they knew the huge negative impact on birth defects? We found out they were doing trials on children before the efficacy was even established. How about the revelation a week ago, that those with the jabs and boosters are contagious twice as log and take twice as long to recover as the unvaxxed? I caught Covid from a Vaxxed/boosted person who got it far worse than me with a longer recovery. Liberals are the most anti-scientific people there are. Just basic knowledge of anatomy would tell you their entire abortion and LGBTQP agendas violate the very nature of the human body and essential truth about them. They wrote checks with abandon overdrawing their own accounts years ago. Now they are violating every law of economics. 40% of the currency in circulation was printed in that last 12 months by Biden! They are proposing a massive spending bill to fight inflation! Duh - where did inflation come from? One of the very first things I learned was to never make wide ranging decisions based upon unproven hypotheses. The Dems violate that every day and Biden seemingly 100% of the time.