Monday, November 14, 2022


 It seems Ron DeSantis is the new face of the GOP - he has solid conservative chops, has a military background, a lovely family, and without the personality issues of the Donald that allow the media make so many cheap shots that polarize people. Of course the media was crazy about Ron as well, but they could not go to the same degree. I have been in Ron's corner for a while, and he seems to have the rare gift of making it about the issues rather than his personality. He also seems far better than Trump in picking loyal people to help him.  That was Trump's biggest failing - opportunists failed him when the going got though, and the FBI head Wray nomination and confirmation was nuts - the man undermined him full time and Biden kept him which tells you all you need to know. 


 Not many people know that in the 2022 midterms, the GOP received about 6 MILLION more votes than the Democrats.  The alleged margin by Joe Biden was 7 MILLION votes, so this would be a turnaround of 13 MILLION votes.  Rather substantial.

Of course, we know Biden's margin was nowhere near 7 million with millions of suspect "votes".  Even so, there was a drop in his support and that should be encouraging.  The reason the races are so close boils down to LOTS of factors - here are just a baker's dozen:

1) Many GOP victories were blow-outs and many losses were very close.  In blue states that STILL have not finished tallying votes, the Dems always seem to find enough votes to win. Election fraud did not end in 2020. Some of the methods have changed and the problems in Arizona should have voided that election altogether.

2) Early voting helps Democrats - in PA millions of them voted before the debate which Fetteran made himself an utter fool in. Dems want vote margins in the bag ahead of elections - that allows for major blunders by their candidates not to cost them votes, taking full advantage of early push polls which get adjusted just before "election day", voting problems on Election Day to work against the GOP, whether machines, hours, or weather.

3) Dark money, the Soros and big tech people gave MASSIVE amount of money to Democrats including those relatively unknown and in Red States.  Their nasty ads meant more votes. Their ends justify ANY means.

4) RINO dinosaur Mitch McConnell sabotaged candidates supported by Trump. He took money from Nevada and Arizona which resulted in losing those seats in favor of moderate Oz who lost anyway. The calls for Mitch to go are long overdue. He seems to prefer being a minority leader to a majority leader not fighting against massive "green" pork nearly hard enough and I hold little in common with him or his wife who has some of the same baggage as Pelosi's spouse - no spouse of a government official should be able to profit from economic decisions made by that official.

5) Governors who per avidly pro-life won. Many House and Senate candidates waffled on life. People do not run out to vote for wafflers.

6) Few people know the FACTS on abortion - the fetal heartbeat, when pain occurs, and the fact it is an assault on God to shed innocent blood. Most Americans say they are against abortion on demand. Yet the Dems ALWAYS use the extreme cases and minimize they are really talking birth control via abortion to cover easy sex.

7) The media continues to cover EVERY mistake of leftists and magnify the attacks on Conservatives. The endless attacks on Trump and zero attacks on the utter failure of the Democrat White House and Congress in EVERYTHING they have done seem undetected by people who believe lies and fail to critically think about anything.

8) Colleges, big corporations, the media, and mainline churches are all massively Democrat.  Many go along with them.

9) Biden and his cronies have lied non-stop and wrought incredible destruction. The GOP did not play hardball and present a unified national campaign attacking that ant the incompetent and evil Congress. They need hep in messaging clearly, consistently, and across the board.  This mirrors their failure in Congress to reign in their opponents.  For example, how may people know Nancy Abudu, a wild radical for the SPLC is on the docket for a judgeship.  That alone should make people vote against the Dems.

10) Many people have become indifferent to the assaults on freedom from the LGBTQPB cabal. 2/3 say they are against transgenderism, yet despite massive abuses by teachers and groomers, they seem not to understand that LGBTQPB NEVER condemns any of that.  The Children of Satan never do.

11) Many millennials have grown up surrounded by Democrats in school, college, and work and support them as their frontal lobes of their brains are not fully developed. The pandemic caused many to work at home and not have the benefit of having their ideas challenged by the older and wiser.

12) Most Americans now accept premarital sex, fornication in general, filthy language, and degrading entertainment. They feel hypocritical to condemn such things and vote hands-off most of the time.

13) Faith is decreasing in America with sound churches being diminished. Compromised Christians are the order to the day. Political deception and spiritual deception are incredibly linked. Compromised Christians tend to vote Democrat, apparently oblivious to the FACT that an overwhelming percentage of atheists and God-haters are Democrats.  They are oblivious to the FACT that the Democrats BOOED God at their Philadelphia 2008 convention and oppose God on almost every policy.

Despite all this, there is still a faithful remnant in our nation, and I believe God will make a BOLD move. No party or candidate will be able to take credit for it.  Wait and see!  The Lord is good!

Friday, November 11, 2022


Today is Veterans' Day.  People of both parties pay homage to those who sacrificed for their country. However, the Democrats have a long history of THROWING AWAY the sacrifices of veterans.  Look at what happened back in the 1970's - the United States was on the cusp of winning the Vietnam War. The Democrats kept putting out a timetable that merely made our enemies hold on while the fools in Washington painted themselves into a corner.  The Dems threw away the massive sacrifices of the Vietnam vets - both those from the US and those fighting for freedom in Vietnam.   Obama did the same in Iraq.  Dems make TERRIBLE military leaders - look at the shameful ones now - more interested in transgender surgery than actually having a military ready and able to fight hardened soldiers if the need arises.   Biden threw our Afghan War vets under the bus as well and utterly made us a laughingstock.

I value the sacrifices of our fighting men and women. Dems give lip service, but their actions speak louder than words. Why ANYONE votes for them, ESPECIALLY VETS escapes me. Anyone want to take a stab at it?

Saturday, November 05, 2022

THE PROCEDURE and more...

Check out this video enactment of a real situation.

When a person votes for Democrats they put their stamp of approval on these atrocities even three months later than the example in the video as well as the mutilation of children outside the womb who have been taught to doubt their God-given gender.  We blame the Germans for looking the other way. We cannot say we did not know.  We know.  I refuse to look the other way.

Many other issues enter the picture and all have their own horrific results - crimes affecting real people by hardened criminals foolishly let out of jail, the assault on the modesty of young women by fully biological men pretending to be women in women's rooms, with the assault on women's sports, undermining all attempts for voter integrity, exalting sexual perversion and persecuting all who stand against that, undermining parents, substituting indoctrination for education, accepting millions from the CCP putting their own nation at risk, not standing with people seeking freedom (after ten years Obama finally admitted he erred in Sitting on his hands when the Iranians were crying out for freedom, the destruction of energy independence with absurd and unwarranted assumptions about alternative energy (we learned nothing when the Germans tried that and failed), horrific inflation that has robbed seniors of a very significant portion of their retirement funds and erased the higher pay rates with sharply higher costs. Then like Rehoboam they want to pile on more and more taxes and control.

Has not everyone noted the absolute Incoherence of Biden, Harris, Clinton, and Fetterman?  Blubbering and totally lost. "quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementor" (Whom the gods would destroy, they must first make mad). When people lie and deceive and do evil, they really do lose their minds and our nation is at major risk of extinction, because our enemies are cold and calculating people who know when to pounce.

No person with even a modicum of sanity would ever vote for this to continue.  Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

two more links if you are still not convinced...