For the uninitiated, Russell Moore was in the thick of chaos at the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). Now he amazingly is Editor in Chief of Christianity Today. Usually magazines avoid controversial people, especially when it comes to Biblical authority and basic morality.
Russell Moore who seems to get things wrong far more than he does right never said beans about Tara Reade's credible sexual assault accusations against Joe Biden. Yet, in an absurd case alleged to have occurred many years ago with no report to police, no month or even year that it is alleged to have occurred, no scream (the Bible's standard in urban areas which Moore seemed totally ignorant of), and no evidence, he condemns Trump and apparently is unable of the most basic critical thinking.
It was by the lowest possible standard a contrived case and no editor of a major magazine should continue when that naive. "Woke" people are dead to truth. Conveniently, Carroll filed suit mere minutes after Democrat Kathy Hochul made all sexual accusation cases retroactive with no statute of limitations as long as they sued this year. Trump enemy Alvin Bragg, funded by Soros, and totally inept in solving real crimes in New York, arranged for a totally hostile jury to make a decision in one day. Having been at the SBC, Moore should certainly recognize blatant politics when he see it. What happened to the Christian Century has now happening to CT. I cannot comprehend why they hired this guy who screwed up the SBC so badly, being on the wrong side of so much and apparently operating without the rudder of scriptural guidance. This is to be expected in these last days, but it is still very sad.