Friday, October 06, 2023


Did you see that vote in France where the majority of voters want to limit air travel to four flights per lifetime?  All in the name of the environment.

Do any of them realize how many flights EVERY SINGLE MONTH environmental activists who say the sky is falling take? And many of those are not NY to Boston - they are over oceans!

Hypocrisy is on full display. Air travel is a huge blessing to those who need it, and these drive-by folks are clueless.  90% empty trains and buses are all around in non-rush hours, but provide a lifeline to those who do not have a car and need to get somewhere.  I never hear any of the greens EVER talk about that or the environmental impact of those transportation modes.  

It seems far more about CONTROL and AGENDAS than actual facts. For everyone who is not in a city like New York where cars can be a nuisance, for all to have a good old I.C.E. (internal combustion engine) car that can be bought for $25,000 or used for less is really very energy efficient and gives ultimate freedom to go wherever you want whenever you want with no one tracking you or controlling you.  Has anyone besides me really thought about the implications of self-driving vehicles? Power-hungry people will be able to decide when you travel, where you travel, and IF you travel.  If going to a Bible-believing church, they can redirect your vehicle to a pagan government-approved "church" that is more like Sodom than the Body of Christ.

God has given us an abundance of fossil fuels that will last many decades. It is good to explore options and develop them at a natural rate of speed.  The rush to electric vehicles which price all but the wealthy out of the market accompanied with laws to actually outlaw comparatively economical I.C.E. vehicles is yet another move to harm the middle class and make life more difficult for them.

People need to be informed and to think. Over 1,000 credentialed scientists from over 25 countries have risked much by publicly declaring there is NO climate emergency. If there were, the UN and other globalist groups would have condemned China for building more dirty coal plants (not clean like ours) than the US and Europe combined.  

The goal is one-world government to tear down the successful and to rule the world with a grossly immoral, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-common sense nightmare scenario that coincides precisely with the Apostle John's apocalypse in the Book of Revelation.   That is not heaven or even a poor imitation of a utopia on earth, but hell on earth. Even so come, Lord Jesus.