Monday, April 15, 2024


Some say the US is supportive of Israel. At least one Christian relative of mine actually actively supports Biden financially thinking he actively supports Israel and looks the other way at his intense support for abortion, sexual perversion, transgenderism, censorship, raciality, and amazingly targeted use of the IRS and FBI against Christians and anyone he considers to be a political enemy.

The GOP has been a mixed bag and largely is incompetent in fighting misleading and evil narratives and standing for what they believe. They are too often silent even when their presumed candidate is the victim of four lawsuits with allegedly more in the wings to take him down while ignoring the fact the evidence that the current president is on the payroll of the CCP and likely others as well through his proxy son Hunter.  This rank political move is unprecedented in American history. The corrupt Merrick Garland (thank God he never was confirmed to the Supreme Court) is a partisan player with no concept of actual justice, 

China is preparing to take out our ally Taiwan, and based upon Biden's incredible weakness, exacerbated by his poor treatment of Afghanistan and Israel, I doubt anyone expects Biden to stand with Taiwan either.   The GOP has been given so much ammunition but has unfortunately used it to shoot themselves in the foot time and again. I am an independent and not bound to either party, and would love to see a new party that would actually have the guts to stand for truth come-what-may.

Now to Israel - As you know, the UN, which is composed of 85% dictatorship nations has condemned Israel more than other countries combined despite unparalleled restraint and outright hate that the administration likes to blame others for.    LINK -  ISRAEL CONDEMNED

The Dems have a huge number of anti-Semitic people, not only in the White House but in their political strongholds such as Harvard and the media. The presence of Chuck Schumer helped moderate Biden's long history of not understanding the Middle East (he wanted to divide Iraq into four countries) but it has been both sides against the middle for some time now though Biden has long given up any and all conservative roots to go along with his base.  Biden USED to be Pro-Life eons ago. BIDEN PRO-LIFE HISTORY

Biden cursed Netanyahu behind his back and undermined him, wanted new elections to get him out, gave huge sums of money to his enemies, refused to stand with Israel at the UN which Hamas celebrated, and amazingly, KNOWING that the Hamas attack in October was facilitated and orchestrated by Iran, actually told Iran it was fine with us for them to AGAIN attack our ally. With a "friend" like that, who needs enemies?  LINK -  BIDEN GAVE IRAN GREEN LIGHT

This use of missiles against this recent act of war has reduced Israel's ability to defend itself in the future, likely playing into Biden's hand to make them even more dependent on us so he can continue his triangulation and treachery.  Biden seems clueless as usual that Hezbollah is in the same league as Hamas, and Iran is working havoc there as well, and Israel's action there was 100% justified.          LINK - HEZBOLLAH
He has now said he will tie arms from us to having him dictate terms to them which undermines Israel's sovereignty.  EVERYONE knows Netanyahu cares more about Israel than Biden ever has.  Interestingly, Biden did no such thing with Ukraine (that I know of anyway), a country that  has certainly taken steps that could broaden that war on that front while the money given to them dwarfs that given to Israel.
His talk about civilian casualties ignores history where there were more civilian casualties in WW2 than military ones, including Dresden, Hiroshima, etc. LINK - CIVILIAN CASUALTIES.  In the case of Israel, the distinction between civilian casualties and military ones in Gaza is tenuous at best, as many "civilians" were military assets and not bystanders, and the faux casualty figures issued by Hamas have little if any credibility as they have a political aim AND they facilitated the deaths of many of their own "civilians".  Hamas was overwhelmingly elected by the Gazans with no outcries of voter fraud. 
Biden is trying to force a "two-state solution".  LINK - TWO STATES?   Israel lived with a de facto THREE-state-solution, but has been endlessly attacked.  Her enemies do NOT want two states, but ONE - theirs with Israel pushed into the sea to be annihilated. To negotiate, both sides have to be fair and with good intent.  That is true in business but was not true in Yalta.  Israel has to be in a position to dictate terms of peace, as there is zero basis for negotiation.  Bill Clinton gave away the store, so to speak, but Arafat STILL rejected it. The time for fruitless negotiations is long gone, and we should simply have given Israel the green light to do whatever was needed for peace.
I remember President Reagan saying, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall."  A true friend of Israel would have outright condemned Hamas on an ongoing basis rather than also condemning Israel's response as though they were equivalencies. Although we do not have a mutual defense treaty with Israel, our history has indicated an informal but ironclad commitment as though one were in place. A true friend of Israel would have told Iran that he considered any more attacks on Israel as an attack on the United States and furthermore, the US would aggressively enforce all nuclear restrictions on Iran rather than naively look the other way. Anything short of that is a milquetoast response which history has taught us only leads to more trauma and bloodshed. It happened in ancient Israel when the people thought they could live with enemies whom God wanted destroyed, it happened at Yalta, and it is happening again with by far the most evil administration in my lifetime.