Sunday, June 30, 2024


Numerous people have asked me what I thought of the debate. Most people believe Donald Trump easily won his first debate with Joe Biden just as the pre-debate 59-39 poll predicted.  However, in early polling, the percentages of people approving each appeared to remain largely the same. Trump has not done as well against other possible Democrat candidates. I believe Trump missed a major opportunity to pick up more Independent and Democrat voters regardless of whether Biden stays in the race or not and did not leave a seminal phrase clearly defining his views as Reagan did when he won 49 out of 50 states. He needs those votes to have enough of a margin to offset voter fraud which despite some steps is bound to occur again, and/or to help if he faces a candidate who may be even more left-wing than Joe but does not bumble and look like a deer caught in the deadlights. Rumors of Joe not being the eventual candidate in November have been floated for many weeks now, so if I were Trump, I would have majored on the differences between the party brands as opposed to making it all about Joe. He should have exposed the radical and bankrupt positions of the Democrat Party, Joe or not. Joe was likely to destroy himself without much help which he ended up doing in spectacular fashion. I would have concentrated on issues that almost all Americans agree on to build a super-majority regardless of the Democrat standard-bearer and bring along votes down-ticket for good Senate and House majorities as well. I am an Independent who votes according to character and issues, so the task of saying what could have done differently had I been in his shoes fell to me, so enjoy the ride!



Thank you for this opportunity to share my vision for this campaign. One of our worst nightmares is driving on a divided highway if a car were to come speeding towards us on the wrong side of the median. Well, that is exactly what Joe has been doing in his Corvette at a higher speed than anyone thought was possible. 70% to 80% of the country depending on which poll you believe says our country is going in the wrong direction. Sort of like Iran where about 70% of the citizens there are opposed to the Mullahs and have no issues with Israel or America. Joe and Barack ignored the cries of their people for freedom when they were in office, and if you elect me, that Corvette will be back in Delaware to stay in that garage with all those Classified Documents the current DOJ seems to have no issue with.  Now to answer your question on whether I would accept the results of the election  - no questions asked.


Well Dana, guess what? Polls including Rasmussen’s latest show that 2/3 or more politically active Progressives admit they would cheat to win an election if they were quite sure they would not get caught. Over one out of five involved with mail-in ballots admitted to filling one out for someone else. If you think that makes for a fair election, you are not facing those sad facts and are in the wrong country. Europe has largely banned mail-in voting. Democrats here are not the only ones who cheat, and that insecure system facilitates it greatly – Europe learned the hard way – we should learn from their experiences as well as our friends from India which instituted Voter ID with a population more than three times ours. You needed to show a Photo ID to go to a Michelle Obama speech or see any doctor but not to choose the destiny of your nation? To most Americans, it is patently obvious universal Voter ID is a no-brainer. We need elections that people have confidence in. By the way, people misunderstand MAGA – my job is to make our nation great again, but I sincerely want all freedom-loving countries to be great as well. Our companies work around the world, and I will encourage corporations to invest even more and to use their power to leverage freedom, not ESG, DEI, and other destructive leftist movements that deeply offend the moral and cultural sensitivities of our friends from other nations as well as our own. Freedom, not tyranny, should be our chief export, but we need to fix the diminishing freedom under Joe’s failed administration before others will want to learn from us.



Joe just said that corporations need to pay their "fair share" - when he was VP, the rate was as high as 39%, far above our competitor nations.  When we wisely lowered it to 21% under my administration, that was almost the same as the 21.7% average in Europe and we made our country more attractive to invest in.  Joe has no idea how money works – I do.  Taxes paid by corporations are really paid for by the people, whether in reduced dividends or those higher tax costs that have to be passed along to the consumer. Joe needs to stop with the tired phrases and enroll in a business school and do better than third from the bottom in his class that he did in law school if he wants to talk economics. We need people who understand money to be running things, not those who follow only failed left-wing agendas.



It is no wonder so many people are passive about Joe’s reckless climate agenda. Dana like others in the mainstream media just repeated the mantra that hurricanes are more frequent and getting stronger. Even the Global Warming Policy Foundation debunked that. More scientists are countering the anti-Carbon Dioxide Narratives and reevaluating times of greater temperatures before the industrial levels we have today. If we did everything that is recommended, bankrupting us and destroying our standard of living, many see only a degree or so of difference, and of course, China, India, and other nations are building coal plants like there is no tomorrow, so in a global context, all this handicapping of ourselves could well mean even less of an effect if any. What has happened at a recent climate change conference in Vienna is that Europeans are reevaluating the utterly failed policies in Joe’s little Paris Accords. Instead of learning from Germany’s power issues stemming from a naïve overaggressive replacement of fossil fuels, he plows on. Instead of realizing most Americans do not want to buy an electric vehicle until our electrical grid is improved, the environmental downsides of many current batteries are removed, and prices become affordable, he acts as a tyrant and demands we outlaw internal combustion engines.  I believe in giving people a choice and letting technology improve – it will sell itself when it does, but in the meantime, Ford and other companies have lost tremendous money on gearing up to a need that hasn’t reached maturity yet. 



Joe just said we need to go back to Roe v. Wade, which incidentally, Joe, was not based upon ANYTHING in the Constitution according to scholars walking a broad ideological path. It was also in that decision that the matter should be revisited as fetal science progresses. Fetal science was primitive then and now we know when pain occurs in the child. Joe is obviously unaware that in Europe, the dominant standard is 14-16 weeks to avoid being a criminal while he has no problem with those who are fine with the second and even third-trimester butchering of a child with no medical justification. The radicals on this issue are on the left, not the overwhelming majority of Americans who support some level of restrictions on abortions and who welcome parental involvement in unplanned pregnancies. Incidentally, at least half of abortions are of women, and I have always hired women for top positions, and some that could have been the best never had a chance to grow up and improve the world thanks to wholesale abortions. By the way, since the moderators won’t ask Joe, I ask him what on earth is he thinking perverting Title IX to FORCE schools to allow high school boys claiming to be girls in women’s locker rooms, having their God-given stronger bodies destroying women’s sports and threatening to withhold Federal Funds unless school districts kneel at the transgender altar so sacred to his administration?  80% of America regardless of their moral compass is opposed to that. Men are almost 5 minutes faster than women in the 10,000 meters as we have seen in the Olympic trials. Let's follow the science! Joe is acting just like those Iranian tyrants toward the people.



I am not against immigration – you all know I MARRIED a beautiful immigrant named Melania who came here in the right way. Many of our wonderful Immigrants whether Asian, Hispanic, African, or European cannot understand why they had to wait so long to come when others can just walk across, get paid to do so, and then even get given benefits in situations legal Americans including legal immigrants cannot.  We haven’t learned from Sweden which turned from a safe country to having the second-highest reported rape rate in the world, largely by criminals from other countries. When you consider they have far better reporting than many other countries, the actual toll could be the same or worse in other countries. The M-13 gangs, sex and drug traffickers, and actual felons – by the way, Joe, DEMOCRAT Andrew Cuomo said the NY Prosecution was purely political, and DEMOCRAT NY Governor Kathy Hochul assured my fellow NY Real Estate Professionals they had nothing to worry about because I was the only target. A broad range of legal experts say this lawfare has been purely a political witch-hunt and will be overturned. Follow the millions given to lawyers by the Democratic National Committee to prosecute me - it is all in the legally required records. Joe, what do you say to those spouses of women and parents of young girls who were raped and/or murdered due ONLY to your wicked policies? How about those thirteen killed in Afghanistan not to mention Afghanis who sacrificed their safety to work with us which you left at the mercy of the Taliban and wasting the injuring and deaths of so many American soldiers? From Vietnam to Iraq to Afghanistan, your party has abandoned people who need us. True leaders do not enter wars blindly, but they also do not run with their tails between their legs not caring about the devastation that running brings to so many.



Joe’s party likes to say we should not tell anyone else how to run their country. Is what other countries have superior to what we have? Is freedom a useless trinket? I want to let the Iranian people know, the North Korean People know, and with Biden-style censorship the rule in such places., I know that is not easy, but we want to encourage people to pay the price for freedom that we did. We cannot sit back while China is investing in much of Africa and Russians are replacing Americans in Niger.  We need to have more freedom here and help other nations become more advanced so people will not feel the need to have to leave them.



Joe’s party wants to draft men and women because men and women of character see plainly that is not the kind of gig they now want. We have suffered many wonderful soldiers not reenlisting because Joe has turned the military into a despotic organization with generals who care more about being woke than actually effectively running what was the best military in the world. I honor the people who are willing to lay down their lives for the sake of freedom and I will never cut and run and dishonor their sacrifices. I will do all I can to keep our soldiers from battle, but if it becomes necessary, they will have my full backing and not be hogtied with absurd rules of engagement that put their lives and our mission at risk. I will advocate bonuses for disheartened soldiers who left but who would now gladly serve once our administration is in place. If you don’t believe me, ask ANY soldier you know whom they would rather have as their Commander in Chief.



Joe and his media pals like to say I lie. We all know that the left ALWAYS accuses us of what they are doing. Robert Gates who was Defense Secretary in Obama’s cabinet said Joe hasn’t stopped being wrong in forty years. As this debate will show to those who do not already know it, Joe has a pathological problem with lying. Joe’s endless lies about the inflation rate being 9% instead of 1.4% when he took office were exposed by our friends at CNN who have otherwise largely protected him. Even left-leaning Snopes debunked his endless claim that I called neo-Nazis "fine people." I never said that and I certainly did not encourage anything but peaceful activities on January 6th.  The media and left-wing so-called fact-checkers will not expose all of Joe’s lies, so you will have to research for yourself. Better yet, many of you have had to distinguish truth from lies your entire lives, and hopefully what you have heard tonight has already settled the matter concerning this race in your hearts.



I believe AGE is very much of an issue but not the way people think.  I know many people Joe’s age and older who are sharp as a tack but that does not include Joe as you have seen in abundance tonight. In fact, I think he is too YOUNG for the job.  He does not possess the wisdom that gray hair is often associated with. From the very first day of office, he was like a two-year-old with a box of crayons. He kept muttering to himself, “Biden good, Trump bad”. I carefully put together executive orders and policies based on my experience and consultation with experts and those worked well.  Rather than building on our successes, he crossed them out one by one at alarming speed with no common sense exercised. I have not only the wisdom of age – I am a far better man than I was years ago but Joe has not grown wiser with age but in fact just the opposite. I learned from my mistakes – I used to be a Democrat and a supporter of Hillary Clinton - maybe that is why they hate me so much. I saw the light and if you are still where I was, I hope you come to the same conclusions I did. I also have a wonderful family behind me that doesn't accept money to influence my decisions and the best wife ever who served with elegance and distinction as First Lady. I believe my success in the business world dealing with complex issues as well as my successful four years in office will prepare me for an even better four years ahead. I do not underestimate what it will take to rebuild after Joe’s wrecking crew had their fun, but I will put every ounce of the undeniable boatloads of energy that I possess into that effort and will gather around me a healthy diversity of people who can bring their life experiences to the table to assist me in that endeavor. The alternative is to let that Corvette continue to barrel down the wrong side of the road against the wishes of the American people and bring a tragic conclusion to that reckless driving that none of us can bear to face. Please help me return that Corvette to that garage in Delaware to stay. Thank you and God bless you. May God bless America and all our friends around the world.