Friday, October 11, 2024


The End of Democracy?


To hear the tired old left say it, Donald Trump is the biggest threat to Democracy ever. However, he was president for four years and actually followed the Constitution religiously and did NONE of the following nor advocates any of these tyrannical measures which his accusers rabidly advocate:


1)    Packing the Supreme Court with leftist judges who care nothing for the Constitution but what the UN or some other country thinks. With the sheer number, even when they are hurled from office (if that were ever possible), they will outlive whoever appointed them. Democracy? Nope.


2)    They propose abolishing the Electoral College so California alone could rule the nation forever even if ALL the other states feel differently, and if the folks out there wake up, just California and New York would do the trick.  The Electoral College is there to ensure everyone has some say.  They have proven they think they know better than the whole rest of the nation on everything. States with blue cities run roughshod over the rest of their states – Washington and Oregon are prime example – they are talking of seceding and joining with Idaho.  92% of the nation opposes totally unrestricted abortion through 9 months of pregnancy and the infanticide of abortion survivors, but these folks want to push their own murderous extreme agenda on all fifty states.  Democracy? Nope.


3)    They propose ending the Filibuster, so a majority of only ONE Senator means they can render the minority party meaningless and rule by fiat and without meaningful debate or voicing of objections. Democracy? Nope.


4)    Biden on November 9, 2022, set lawfare into motion with several bogus cases that are beyond the pale – he later said he wished he would have begun the process earlier.

That is Stalin show trial territory – the opposite of Democracy.

a)     Valuation issues in real estate were never prosecuted before as there was no victim and Deutche Bank made a profit. New York Real Estate developers were so petrified, Governor Kathy Hochul assured them it was only Trump she was after. Even Democrat Andrew Cuomo said it was all political.

b)    New York changed their law on the statute of limitations to allow E. Jean Carroll, a writer who described her own sexual fantasies remarkably like her accusation to sue. The stage she set was amazingly similar even down to the store of a TV crime show, but the judge blocked the defense in an absurd miscarriage of justice. She did not know even the year and apparently did not think it a big deal until

Prompted and funded to press charges over two decades later. A biased judge and a jury not of his peers could not prove rape and it was a total sha with an outrageous judgment.

c)     Fani Willis appointed a lover to prosecute and paid hi absurd fees out of taxes raised to prosecute an opponent.

d)    Jack Smith was illegally appointed and keeps changing his charges to try to make a case where there is none. He is committing gross election interference and should be the one in prison.

Democracy? Nope.


5)    They want to make all illegals into citizens in order to have a permanent majority they can fund over the citizens to make a dependent class who will not oppose them – new plantations in the same spirit that the Democrat Party was formed to do in 1828 – to perpetuate slavery and segregation. Where is segregation today? On liberal college campuses with separate dorms and graduation and people at odds with one another.   Democracy? Nope.


6)    They want no laws with teeth to prevent eternal voter fraud like a third-world nation. They opposed Voter ID, which India has, and want mail-in voting and automatic registrations. Europe learned the hard way, but Democrats love fraud and are constantly opposed to cleaning up outdated and fraudulent voter rolls. ALL observant people know the obvious truth.  Democracy? Nope.


7)    They have a candidate who received ZERO votes from the people and she could not even vote for herself. She was installed and is endlessly protected by fawning media despite total incoherence and total unsuitability for office. Her train wreck appearance on 60 Minutes was heavily and scandalously edited to present her in a false light and to try to limit the damage. A government free of a critical press is what Brazil, Venezuela, and Russia are like.  Democracy? Nope.


REMEMBER – the left ALWAYS accuses their opponents of what they themselves are doing.

Their playbook is identical to socialists and communists – I have spoken to people

Imprisoned in old Romania, Red China, and Iran and they have a hard time believing how stupid and gullible Americans are who believe the same tripe they were told.  They have years in prison to prove it is no joke.


Our nation is on the brink of disaster – what is even sadder than all the above, which some

might forgive if the people in charge were going to make the nation better faster – after all,

a dictatorship is the most efficient in making decisions.  However, the Biden / Harris /

Schumer / Pelosi disasters are total failures with power and only some checks and balances

have preserved a small measure of sanity. They want absolute power, and only abject fools

will vote for Demonic liars who have done nothing right – The tragedy in Afghanistan, 

kneecapping Israel at the UN and ICC, destroying what was a good economy, mortgaging 

our future, and making our debt not only higher but unpayable with deliberately having the dollar fade as the world’s reserve currency.  Add to that their unmitigated support for every abomination God condemns and you have the perfect storm of evil. Wake up before you wake up in a country that is no longer recognizable as the home of the free and the brave.