Fairy tales can tell us a lot. As puts it, Hans Christian Andersen’s “‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’, is a fairy tale deserving of closer analysis because of the way it has cemented itself in Western consciousness as a shorthand for spin over substance, or carefully-engineered illusion over truth. In our ‘post-truth’ times, the emperor’s new clothes have become part of our collective dirty political laundry. ‘Spin’ is all.”
Kamala Harris has invested more than any other presidential candidate ever to make her grand new clothes to make her radical and ineffective past acceptable to the American people. Her weavers sit at their looms but are doing nothing to make her more acceptable. They put these invisible clothes on her and she actually believes she is beautifully clothed and she thinks only the ignorant could ever fail to notice how majestic she is. The shouts of love and acclamation at liberal bastions like the University of Wisconsin at La Crosse only confirm to her how magnificent she is and what an incredible representation of Presidential timber bark she is arrayed in. She actually cannot see the clothes herself, other than as a figment of her imagination, but the irony is lost on her.
She parades through the streets without clothes, politically naked and without a cogent thought in the world. Word salads take the place of answering any questions. She only will talk to those who approve of her and who will ask no probing questions and allow her to use a teleprompter (try that when negotiating with Vladimir Putin). People say her gender and race is “historic” and babble on that she is ready for the job. Where are those promoting the Peter Principle? She then totally bombs at a friendly CNN Townhall. One wonders how she would ever have a press conference unless all the people who actually ask real unscripted questions are excluded which would appear to be her only solution to avoid total exposure as an empty suit.
Finally, a boy with orange hair shouts out that she is naked. People are startled by that at first because everyone is talking up these wonderful new clothes. However, they slowly realize the boy is right and start to tell the truth.
They remember that Roe v Wade was a case decided on shaky grounds at a time when fetal science was in its infancy. Even then, it was nothing like what Kamala favors and what Walz has put into place in Minnesota – unrestricted abortion through birth and no protection for children who manage to survive abortion. Add to that keeping parents out of the equation, being science deniers in terms of not requiring sonograms which tell the truth about the separate body that is a child, acknowledging when life begins, and when pain can be felt. Even Justice Henry Blackmun who wrote the majority opinion said that the ruling needed to be revisited as science progressed. The latest move by the SCOTUS did not even address that but simply had the issue revert to the states. Basic analysis could be applied to almost everything the Empress has pontificated about, but she looks into the mirror and smiles at herself as opposed to actually engaging in some much-needed critical thinking.