Friday, November 22, 2024


When a Democrat cannot go along with their party, they distance themselves and leave, as RFK did, as Tulsi Gabbard did, and as Joe Manchin did.  GOP people who are more Democrat than Republic insist on staying to him up the works. You know, Collins, Murkowski, etc. They will vote for the worst possible Democrat appointees, saying elections have consequences, but put sound GOP nominees who are committed to the election winner's agenda through the wringer.  I am not for mindless obedience to a party - how could I be? I am a political independent. Yet, when you DO belong to a party, you have the responsibility to advance that party's interests. Why do you think the Dems found so far in Arizona and PA against GOP senate candidates when they already lost the majority?  Simple - the GOP needed at least 54 -55 seats to have power for the agenda and the Dems can count on peeling some off. You hardly ever see that with Dems.

I believe Trump miscalculated on GOP support for him. The swamp includes a lot of Republicans as well as Democrats - some in the GOP feed off the lobbyist troughs as much as Dems.  Some are as twisted in their think as well. Why do you think they have a majority WHIP?  We need to replace all Democrats and a healthy percentage of Republicans in 2026 to really set the table. Otherwise, the compromises with the Deep State will continue - probably less often, and perhaps less severely, but compromises with what is right never the less.

I understand why people shun politics - who wants to go through that mess? Who wants to deal with a biased and imbecilic press? Who wants to be staked, have death threats, and be endlessly slandered? You have seen the obscene ads every election on Congresspersons and Senators. Lies and hate are the order of the day. I believe a start would be to prohibit campaign funds from other states from where the race is. Zillions of outside money, some of it dark money is thrown to try to change the results in states where a candidate is popular. Just does not seem fair to me.

Thursday, November 21, 2024


 All the babbling talk about preserving democracy was seen for what it was - the left as usual was criticizing their opponents for what they themselves do in spades.  From Joe Biden fast-tracking $25 billion in clean energy loans which the voters rejected, to open voter fraud attempts in Pennsylvania in violation of the Democrat-controlled state Supreme Court to keep in Bob Casey whom the voters soundly rejected, it is NEVER about what the people want. It is incomprehensible to take the MSM's "election denier" claims seriously. These Democrats in PA were simply doing what they HAD DONE before and it was not just PA - Arizona was likely stolen from Lake and who knows how many House races and every observant person KNOWS THAT in their gut.  We do not deny reality.

Leftists have decided to buy stuff now and try to sink the Trump economy by not buying anything major, cutting out discretionary spending on eating out, sports, living with their car until 2028, all in the hope their efforts will result in the Democrats coming back into power then. Talk about not accepting the votes of the people, and putting their lust for power over the good of the country. All we hear simply affirms what we have known all along. It was NEVER about Democracy.

92% of Americans do not support abortion through three trimesters for any reason whatsoever, but Harris/Walz had that position and demonized all who stood to some degree for life.  Harris went to a Ru Paul Drag Queen show and was a pawn of the radical transgender folks and probably was so deceived as to think most Americans view this as desirable or normal. Review Mark Levin's prescient book Liberty and Tyranny written years ago and the long history of the left ignoring the people and trying to ram their own politically specious ideology down the throats of people AND almost always demanding that ALL taxpayers pay for their fringe lunatic ideas. Democracy has won, but it should have been 80-20, not 52-47.  Too many Americans are still voting based upon little or no actual information, only on prejudice, the fact they always pulled the big "D" or a host of the worst reasons to make a decision.  The education of voters must accelerate as well as true voter integrity and universal voter ID if we are to get our country back from the towns and boroughs up to the states and the federal government. We truly need an American Revolution of Truth.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024


WIRED wrote a bombastic article about "Electon Deniers".  The fact 
they are still screaming lies tells you all you need to know. It was 
devoid of truth and I wrote the following to the magazine:

Many people believe lies repeated endlessly become truth, but really they 
simply remain lies. The left has lied persistently about the 2020 election and 
steadfastly ignores many prescient FACTS.

1) No court actually looked at FACTS, only standing. That is NOT debunking
in the slightest.

2) In the swing states only, the curious increase in alleged voter turnout in 
2020 largely reverted back to 2016 levels in 2024. That was a 6% increase 
in Michigan for example.  Explain that?

3) In race after race with lagging returns, miraculous last-minute numbers all 
overcame significant GOP leads.

4) Despite running a far more extensive campaign than Biden had and 
spending about a billion dollars, Harris received close to 10 MILLION fewer 
votes than Biden, who largely confined himself to his proverbial  “basement”.

5) A George Barna poll on the issue found that 65% (almost 2/3) of politically 
active “progressives” earning at least 150k a year saw nothing wrong with 
cheating to win an election if there was little risk of getting caught.  To say 
few if any of them did is ridiculous.

6) In PA, County Commissioners are openly committing fraud by counting 
defective and likely fraudulent ballots in opposition to the PA Supreme 
Court’s decision to try to steal a Senate seat for Robert Casey which the 
WSJ agrees is behind this. It is preposterous to assume they did not do the 
same thing in 2020. (BTW, who could say with a straight face that people 
who voted by a large margin for Trump in PA would also vote for his enemy, 
Casey?  The same could be said for Arizona, though in that case Trump 
had significant Hispanic support and some may have still voted for Gallego 
based solely upon ethnic identity.)

7) In another poll, 21% (1 out 5) people who filled out mail-in ballots 
ADMITTED filling out ones that were not theirs.  While a son or daughter 
of a parent in a nursing home might do that for their parent even assuming 
they did not insert their own preferences, it is well known that workers filled 
these out for people who did not know better. Filling out votes mailed to the 
dead, to phony addresses, and more are all big factors, as are the efforts to 
cleanse voter rolls of the dead, of non-citizens, and of those who moved and 
are registered elsewhere. The technology is there - it is only those with 
dishonest motives who oppose election integrity and Voter ID. You cannot 
see a doctor, go to a Michelle Obama Rally or do much of anything without 
one - except of course to decide the future of the world.

8) Europe largely BANNED mail-in ballots because of fraud - Democrats are 
not the only fraudsters. Only in very special cases are they permitted.

9) There have been numerous statistical analyses that indicated substantial 
fraud for the many unexplained anomalies, but NEVER any vettable analysis 
by your side.

Saturday, November 16, 2024


Democrats have gone postal since the election. Gavin Newsom of California called a special legislative session to plan out their schemes to undermine the results of the election. How reasonable is to believe that very many of those in Trump's significant win in PA actually would split their ballot and vote for his enemy? In Arizona, ballot splitting was more plausible because a Hispanic Senator won and many of Trump's supporters were Hispanic. Even then, Arizona is notorious when it comes to counting ballots.

In PA, County Commissioners such as in Bucks County are openly defying the State Supreme Court and counting ineligible ballots - you know, the ones they "harvested" to submit fraudulent votes with.  Ones with no dates for verification. They have PROVEN openly that their class of corruption in 20020 were valid, and no one could any longer believe that election was honest. Their own word condemn them. Of course, all observant people know that Dems play the same fraud games over and over - will this be the year that criminals such as Bucks County's Diane M. Ellis-Marseglia (isn't it all too often the hyphenated people that you need to watch?), need to be stripped immediately of their positions and deposited in jail for 10-20? Nothing less will dissuade them and NOTHING less is acceptable.

To his credit, John Fetterman, Dem Senator from PA has told Democrats to dial it back. Yet Biden has engaged in "Trump-proofing" the non-elected bureaucracy by giving Schedule A status to more employees to make them more difficult to terminate.  Rep. Jared Huffman (from where else California) wants Biden to unilaterally protect the filthy policies of Democrats the voters rejected by the millions in EVERY Demographic.  A majority of those in the military coming close to erupting said they would not do it if Harris won.  Why would they? The Dems threw away victories in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, not caring about the injuries, crippling, and deaths of soldiers who gave their all for nothing. Incompetent woke generals are destroying the military with transgender nonsense and putting women who fail the needed tests 95% of the time in combat positions, risking the lives of many. America wants real soldiers to protect us, not wimpy men who probably could not defend themselves against the Beverly Hillbillies. Did you ever look at the Chinese Military? With these guys in charge, it would be embarrassing. Then we have the meltdown of a woman in the Secret Service who hd to be put on the ground snd disarmed - in Maryland I believe - as well as the female head who was 100% clueless and did almost everything possible to give bad actors opportunity to assassinate Trump by her totally incompetent decisions, but we know the very LAST thing Democrats want is Democracy - they are about tyranny, and they conveniently forget that all of Biden's nonsense would not have happened had the Dems not outright STOLEN the 2020 election. Look at 6% increases in alleged voter turnout over 2016 in swing states that reverted back in 2024. And so many other patterns were limited to seven swing states won at the last minute by minute margins? Fraud on steroids.  RINO's such as Pence legitimized the Dems' crimes and should have rejected the bogus results and made them prove it - that is his job - the fraud was obvious - all court cases were decided on standing, not ANALYSIS - just ask the many statisticians that analyzed the data and noted what was claimed to have happened was impossible.  Remember Biden barely left his "basement" to campaign and the crowds were not even crowds. Yet Biden got millions more votes than Harris, even more than Obama who received many votes from people thinking it might help race relations (boy, were they wrong, and they should have read his book before voting which clearly expressed his blatant racism). 

Trump suffered in his first term by those in government who actively worked to undermine him and a House and CIA thwart engaged in law fare against him.  Pelosi and those in the CIA should have been terminated from any positions of authority. He picked some tough-as-nails folks this time which has upset many, but perhaps those are the only kinds of people who can roll back the Deep State which cares only about their own power and nothing about the people. Obama practically doubled the size of government, and Virginia is now blue (and rich) because these people were not picked based only on merit, but by how loyal they were to far left absurd policies that have been harming our nation. Government salaries soared - it used to be that people took lower pay to work in government in exchanged for civil service protection and generous benefits and pensions, but now salaries often exceed those in the private sector. Per the Congressional budget office, in 2022, federal workers with only a high school diploma or some college earned way more than those in the private sector. It was still about 5% higher for those with a Bachelor's Degree. Only with a master's degree was it 4% less, and about 25% less with a doctorate or professional degree.

Many expect Trump to pardon the J6 people who have suffered political persecution and remained in jail with no speedy trials or other Constitutional protections.  Remember that liberals believe in a "living Constitution" which simply means one they can amend or disregard our laws at will, because their lust for absolute political power has given them an entitlement mentality.  Biden violated so many laws it is hard to even keep track.  Like Mark Levin wrote years ago in "Liberty or Tyranny", the difference is stark and it is indeed pray hard.

Pray hard, because unlike January 6th which was very brief and where most were peaceful, the plans the Democrats have are for the long term, and they will do everything possible to keep America in the moral, financial, and economic gutter they can. Remember that 80% of Atheists are Dems, and they have no fear of God, no fear of the law, and certainly no fear of the voters. They were tone-deaf, advocated things repulsive to any decent person and are not crying and getting mental health counseling (15% increase in NYC) because millions of people were too smart to keep listening to their drivel and decided to do something about it. Only God can fix this - no man or group of people. ONLY GOD.

Thursday, November 07, 2024


 Florida has triple the population of Arizona, yet Arizona is still "counting votes" while Florida was finished two days ago. Democrats are hoping every single close race will go their way including flipping GOP seats in California. In the real world, 100% never happens, but as the Dems HATE Trump and want to either keep him from taking office or impeach him yet again - they are willing to commit fraud across the board to STEAL the house. With Trump's margin, this is nuts, but in 2020, the crimes in the swing states ALONE went against the rest of the nation. These corruptors are shameless and want power at all costs. They have proven time and again that cheating is no issue to them if they can win by doing so.  Let us pray that GOD frustrates their wicked schemes, because the GOP is clearly not up to going toe to toe with these folks. 

Wednesday, November 06, 2024


Much prayer went into this election as those who are informed on the issues recognized we were at a permanent tipping point. I asked for a clear victory and that occurred, as many were dreading a drawn-out period that would allow for a lot of fraud and controversy. These are my takeaways in brief, as I only have about 90 minutes to devote this morning to that effort. I wanted to summarize some thoughts to help bring us all together:


Kamala Harris did not come off as authentic.


Many people found it hard to actually believing what she said about being a uniter given her tone in person and in her ads.   She ignored Red States in contrast to Donald Trump who had rallies in NYC and in California. I do not believe she flipped even one state in her favor. She did go to battleground states, but the energy was not there and her vote tallies there were less than expected. Her margins in blue states were much lower such as in Virginia. Even in deep blue Philadelphia, Trump increased his percentage by over 30% from last time. Whether you agreed with Trump or not, he gave the same message whether in a deep Red State or a deep Blue State. You know where he stood. Kamala’s message kept changing. She said she agreed with every Biden policy, which of course would include his on-again off-again support for Israel and his sheer hatred for Bibi Netanyahu. She also said she was her own person and had a new way forward. Ambivalence is not a winner. She tried not to alarm the traditional Jewish Democrats, perhaps being aware that in a poll in Israel, it was a landside for Trump at 62% support, but she also pandered to the significant and deeply anti-Semitic part of her base. Seeing the inconsistencies, Rashida Tlaib, a Congresswoman from Michigan and part of "The Squad," refused to endorse Harris while Jewish support in NYC rose by 25%. Harris’ duplicity was rather obvious. Harris also had a “hate Trump” theme with ads repeating endless lies and could bring no cogent policy platform to the table because she needed to remain "flexible."  People want strong leaders. I do not believe she could have stood up to any world leader in tough negotiations.


She is a woman, but since Hillary ran before, this was not ground-breaking. 


I saw a friend at the polls with a big homemade sign with fairy dust and all reading, “Every Little Girl Needs to See a Madame President.” If the woman running was Esther, Ruth, or Deborah, I believe that would have had a lot of traction. But if Jezebel or Athaliah which was closer to the truth, that would not resonate.  I heard nothing attacking her gender but also less student voices to vote for her only because she was a woman and it was "her turn."


She made a dismal VP pick. 


Her ability to judge character was clearly lacking, with the goofball detracting from her campaign with Bidenesque gaffes. Vance, on the other hand, stepped up to the plate, even under hostile questioning, and made his case as a smart pick.


She could not run from illegal immigration issues. 


Trump had a wise policy, Biden/Harris did not. Plain and simple. The impact in the southwest in terms of crime, the Fentanyl pandemic, and the influx of military-age single men, even from Red China, scares the daylights out of any observant person.  Trump will likely never be able to repeat what Eisenhower did in terms of mass deportation in the 1950’s, but if he seals the border, deports criminals or is able to get an expanded death penalty which would be most difficult to do, it would be a good start. Many do not realize that being an illegal immigrant often involves identity theft in terms of getting a Social Security Number. Any limited amnesty has to address the real issues, and I believe US assistance to Panama and Guatemala which are trying to cut off the immigration trails would be welcomed as a sound investment. As the husband to two different immigrant wives, he is hardly anti-immigrant, and neither are most Americans, many of whom are immigrants themselves. We need to also reform legal immigration, because the Dems tilted it to bring in many people from nations with totally different value systems, while those who would prize and advance American freedoms are shunted to the back of the line.


People are tired of a bigoted media. 


One watchdog report showed that MSM coverage of Harris was 85% positive, but coverage of Trump was over 95% negative. Americans do prize fairness, and their trust of the media is very low. They have turned to Newsmax, the Epoch Times, and other media which actually report news in depth. The MSM used to be able to control every narrative, but that has declined. I dare say that if CBS, NBC, ABS, CNN, MSNBC, and others were actually fair and factual for just two weeks, Trump would have had between 60-65% of the vote. There are always some who will never change, just like so many of the scribes and Pharisees who would not believe even after Jesus was raised from dead. The resignation of so many writers from the Washington Post over Bezos’ bold decision not to endorse anyone and the canceling of subscriptions by a quarter million liberals indicates that Democrats are not about fairness, Democracy, or anything else. In fact, everything they accuse the right of, they do as a matter of course.

People reacted to Lawfare. 


The coordinated cases by Joe Biden against Trump began just days after the 2022 election and people see through it. Even Democrat Andrew Cuomo said it was purely political (and he ought to know) and NY Governor Kathy Hochul placated NY Real Estate Investors by saying Trump was the only target.  No fair person likes this, or the IRS targeting Conservative and Christian groups, or government employees campaigning on the taxpayers’ dime, or the slow-walk on at least TWO attempted assassinations of Trump.


DEI is in decline. 


Colleges and corporations are walking back unfair practices which ignore merit and perpetuate identity politics.  Kamala clings to these policies which actually harm minorities. I have extensive experience in design and construction issues, and people and companies hired because of race and gender seldom can compete in the open market, making them dependent on government largesse. A better policy would be asking big tech and other major employers to expand college and training programs for their employees – such as Google, Apple, Amazon, etc. to allow hourly workers to climb the ladder based upon merit, work ethic, and character alone.  I believe fairness on a level playing field is the best way to eliminate any remaining racial or gender animus not pandering and endless broken promises.


Americans are tired of both race and religion cards. 


Winston Churchill famously said we need to judge people on their actions, not on their words. Any platitudes mean nothing. Actions mean everything. As Jesus said, bad trees produce bad fruit, good trees produce good fruit. Harris is part of a Marxist-leaning Baptist Church and Trump belongs to a Presbyterian Church, though neither appears particularly serious about any faith. I remember back in 2020 when Trump was criticized for saying “Two Corinthians” but I have heard pastors use the same less conventional nomenclature. The comparisons with Cyrus are apt here – he never became a Jew but he supported them. Christians know Trump supports most of what is important to them. I was personally disappointed in his running from the abortion issue, as 92% of Americans reject the abortion for any reason at any stage position of Harris and Walz, but of course she always focused on the 1-2% of abortions due to rape or incest, which are STILL wrong in God’s eyes. When he was POTUS 45, I wrote to Trump several times on my issues with some of his policies and I always received a polite and thoughtful response. I did the same with Biden and Senator Bob Casey, and the difference could not be more dramatic or more telling.


At the Emmanuel Institutional Church of God in Christ in Detroit, Presiding Bishop John Drew Sheard, who also holds the man-given title of Chief Apostle: “Victory is ours, oh God. We thank you for this sister. We're asking that you anoint her afresh. Keep her, oh God, in the center of your will. And God, we will thank you on Tuesday,” he continued as Harris lifted her hands during the prayer and appeared to pray along as he anointed her. We will thank you on Wednesday. We'll thank you on Thursday. We'll thank you. We'll say that you did it, oh God, and it is so, in Jesus' name.”  Donnie Swaggart commented: “When the leader of the largest African American Pentecostal denomination stands up and said he endorsed that woman, he was saying: I endorse murder, I endorse homosexuality, I endorse lesbianism, I endorse transgenderism, I endorse every evil that Hell could prosper or bring up to be right. That's wrong, folks.” I am not a Swaggart follower, but his sentiment was spot on, as Kamala had no issue going to a RuPaul Drag Queen show, agreeing with Biden to mandate biological men in women’s locker rooms and on women’s sports teams, in college dormitories, and in prisons, which is absurd and often resulting in severe sports injuries. Her support of gender transition surgeries behind the backs of parents hardly resonates with parents already overwhelmed with raising young people in often toxic educational and cultural environments. Europe has backed off these destructive practices and we MUST as well. The COGIC has its own issues with homosexuality and adultery. MLK said that it is not the color of one’s skin but the content of one’s character, and her entry into politics courtesy of an adulterous relationship with Willie Brown did not go unnoticed. Black support for Trump, especially among younger men, was dramatically higher than in the past even though many if not most predominantly black churches are totally in the pocket of the Democrats.


There could be much more, but that is all for now – add your reflections as comments, please!

Tuesday, November 05, 2024


One issue that has not received much attention is the continued practice of pollsters in oversampling Democrats and then adjusting numbers just a day or two before voting. Since we all know the government, the media, and those dependent on them work together - whether in censorship, tabling the well-research exposé on Hunter Biden before the 2020 election which likely would have been enough to tank Joe despite the massive voter fraud, or being 95% in the pocket of one side of the aisle, we should not be surprised. However, polls showing a lead when there is none helps mute the outcries of voter fraud when one side gets more votes than there are voters and a seemingly endless number of other anomalies. It provides a degree of cover.  Factors such as who is more likely to answer the phone when called, and who is more likely to hide their alliances when the IRS has long targeted people based on politics are seldom if ever considered.

I believe that pollsters need to be non-biased. However, I grew up on Gallup polls that indicated 70% of Americans were born again" when those in the business and who actually live in the real world know it is at best 25% who profess that and in the single digits who live that.  Barna took a poll that showed only 14% of those who claim to be born again could even define what it meant.  There is significant evidence the number of people truly in Christ is about 4%. It does no good to claim high numbers when over half of self-identified "Christians" have no problem using porn and one in five PASTORS struggle with it. It is adultery in the eyes of Christ, and even a cursory reading of scripture will tell you what to do about that...   Check out this link.