Cutting through the mustard. We see so much propaganda on all sides, and people quote half-truths and lies as though they are the gospel. I look through the lens of the Bible and a Christian worldview.
The sheer quantity of accusations against Pete has disturbed a lot of people, though we lived through the same with the Donald and he earned victory over those. The jury is out on those with Pete, but not on his recent ridiculous flips after talking to RINO Susan Collins and probably others. He sounds like the other party we are throwing out - he will say anything to get the job. He was sure just weeks ago that ladies did not belong in COMBAT, but now he is all in. WEAK!!! All the evidence said he was right before - differences in strength are huge, 95% fail the tests, and all soldiers are endangered. He also flipped on sexual perverts in the services, despite the issues they cause. We need a person in defense who will actually stick to what he believes. One now would think he was pandering before and not being genuine as opposed to being genuine then and pandering now. We need a better person for the job. Surely they exist. Instead, a lot of people with the big "D" could now support his candidacy since he either sold out his soul or revealed who he was all along. We did not vote to continue the cesspool created by Austin et al.
Joe Biden continues with his anti-democracy treachery. The American people absolutely rejected his illegal and devasting open-border policies for which he should have been immediately impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors. The GOP was chicken because of the Democrats controlling the Senate. Now he is auctioning off for pennies on the dollar supplies for the wall that were paid for by American taxpayers. We will have to pay TWICE for what we need with delays and more Americans killed by violent criminals who come along with others who are ar breaking the law.
Joe was the first president to engage in lawfare against his opponent - totally bogus nonsense based on novel legal angles. He tried to impoverish his opponent and is now set to pardon all the criminals he coordinated including his son from whom HE personally benefitted financially. TEAPOT DOME and WATERGATE pale before the crimes of Joe Biden, who should be put in jail for the rest of his life - and no country club jail either. This evil demonic man is actually pardoning FUTURE CHARGES. He will surely go down as the most criminal president in American History and the GOP MUST give full opposition to this man. The SCOTUS should rule that he CANNOT pardon himself - that would be a horrific precedent.
Despite multiple statements he would never do it, like a true politician, Joe Biden pardoned his son Hunter for all crimes, both prosecuted and not. Since it appears there have been no charges yet for Hunter’s China corruption with money going to “The Big Guy”, Biden himself, it seems this may have also been about stopping any investigation of Biden’s own corruption relative to China. Biden’s arguments about his son being targeted by the GOP are absurd, especially since starting on November 9, 2022, Biden launched multi-pronged lawfare against Trump, his political opponent which resulted in untold financial loss for Trump having to hire multiple legal teams and having venues where it was impossible to get a fair trial, resulting in the unfair label of "felon" which delighted his Democrat slaves. It would have gone down better if he had admitted his own role in coordinating the lawfare against Trump to undermine state charges that resulted. This would undermine those cases and likely avoid the machiavellian Bragg and others seeking to reintroduce charges in 2028 as Trump cannot run again. Legal experts disagree on whether either Trump or any President can pardon himself for any infractions or for setting the whole lawfare nonsense into motion.