Monday, March 25, 2019


The media went nuts when a lone hunman killed 50 Muslims in a prayer service in a Mosque.  The perp was an Eco-Fascist who said he wanted to spark gun control.  He wanted to cause racial discord in the US, so this was a man with quite an agenda.  He wrote it down r perhaps we would never know.

The media has been hush-hush though over the more than 1,000 terror attacks in the name if Islam in just th last few years.

147 Christians were methodically killed by Muslims iat Garissa University College in Kenya.  They went into a Christian prayer service and the on to campus, releasing any Muslims and killing the Christians.  Aside from one story on CNN, it has not been stated, and it was purely religious hate by Somali Muslims terrorists.

Approx. 6,000 Christians in Nigeria have been murdered by the Fall Muslim group thus year alone - mostly women and children.   This is the equivalent of TWO attacks like that in NewAealand EVAERY SINGLE DAY this year!  These people were often raped and savage beaten beforee being killed, which is common with Muslims.

Did you know that?  I doubt it.   It is purely political posturing by the media to get sympathy for Muslims while denying that ALMOST ALL terrorist attacks in the world today are perpetrated by Muslims.  That does not fit their narrative, but 1,400 years of Islamic history have been brutal indeed.

Truth is important, and I believe our nation needs to throw its weight around against Muslim terrorists and care as much about black victims as well others.   American's mainstream media really does have a big-time race problem, and it needs to be corrected now.


Mueller spent tens of millions of dollars on an investigation based solely on a fake dossier funded by a political opponent, Hillary Clinton.   The FBI had worked on an "insurance policy" at the request of Obama Officials and the Clinton campaign.  They wanted to put Trump in the uck and mire of a long investigation if on the off-chance he won.

WhIle their ploy gummed up the works for over two years, with NO PROOF of anything coming out of it relating to the mythical "collusion" with Russia.

The logical next step is to investigate, try, and jail the FBI players, the Obama officials, and those in the Hillary campaign fir treason and attempting to reverse a legal election.  Further, the REAL scandal was the Hillary email scandal and putting confidential information in front of many hostile nations.  Others are in jail for life for far less than what she did, and she should spend the rest of her life there.

The liberal spinners say it is all inconclusive and they want more and more investigations - not into the obviously guilty parties, but into the man they love to hate despite $35 million dollars and over 2,000 subpoenas.

That is madness my friends, and these spin doctors are quacks indeed.