Cutting through the mustard. We see so much propaganda on all sides, and people quote half-truths and lies as though they are the gospel. I look through the lens of the Bible and a Christian worldview.
First, my deepest condolences to all who have lost loved ones for any reason including Covid-19. Sandy Brown in Detroit lost her husband Freddie Brown Jr and her 20 year old son Freedie III. To lose one's whole family and no even be allowed to have people to support you in your grief is beyond words.
Second, we need to realize that over THREE MILLION people die in America every year, and the current deaths of 20,000+ are .6% of those so far. It looks like it could reach 1% to 2% depending on whose model you believe. That leaves 98% to 99% of the deaths no one is talking about.
In Tennessee, suicides exceed Covid-19 deaths. Cancer, heart attacks, smoking, accidents, and other causes of death continued, though some illness categories are lower since the CDC's instructions have resulted in people who would have died from other causes being put into the Covid-19 column for all manner of purposes including financial.
The true cost of this epidemic (if you look up pandemic, this does not qualify despite the fact that word is endlessly used) is mammoth. People who have spent their entire lives building businesses are devastated. Promised government money is very hard to get unless you do not really need it. Some polls have shown25% of small businesses may close. Poverty and death are closely aligned statistically, so doubtless as people who have lost a lot slip into poverty, the deaths will not be in that Covid-19 column, but in that of the politicians.
Pennsylvania has been largely spared, and has slightly fewer deaths than California, a state that dwarfs us. They had the virus early, did nothing until later, and I surmise herd immunity took place. Perhaps we will know for sure some day. New York with about half the population of California, has had at least 10 times the deaths.
The answer? Common sense precautions of course - but also nuanced policies. North Dakota had FOUR count 'em deaths, but was criticized for not locking down the state! States without lockdowns have had dramatic reductions in projected deaths. Government policies were made by Fauci and Birx who never ran a business and whose opinions changed by the minute it seemed. Fauci's current project is 65,000 vs. 2,2 million earlier - 3% - a 97% drop!!! That would get anyone fired from their job. Governor Wolf was so capricious in whom he closed down it was absurd - he closed people who did not even see customers regularly if at all. He left open people who saw them endlessly. The media made people hysterical when it appears the total death toll will be no worse than, and like much better than ANY typical flu season.
The liberals are not social distancing or shutting down- they are working full time trying to oust the president. They are trying to hope the virus to the point they hope to get mail in voting which is every fraudster's dream. They want recession - they have begged for it. No depression. is better.
The real scary thing is that so many Christians as well as the general populace are so accepting of Constitutional abridgments that one could wonder if the people will give up their country without a fight. Bill Gates thinks churches should be closed indefinitely. Others say it will never be the same. Even though 98% of the people or more are dying of other causes! We need to become rational, become nuanced, and understand that more than ever, government people are the absolutely least qualified to make any big decisions for our lives.
Biden is not the only one who needs to be put out to pasture PERMANENTLY. From the horse's mouth - Nancy Pelosi who IMHO is totally incompetent and a bona fide idiot drug our nation through three years of lies and an impeachment planned before the election! The Congress did NOTHING with a major world health issue instead pushing her lies, venom, and more. Yet there are people who STILL vote for this and would not be caught dead voting against this pathetic woman.. It is ABSURD.