Thursday, July 30, 2020


Is America ready for an anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, pro-Islamic, pro-atheist President? Biden fits that bill with disastrous and Satanic agenda items he thinks he can do instantly with a blue House and Senate. 

Taking our embassy out of Jerusalem, forcing Christians to pay for murderous abortions, glorifying sexual perversion (check his own personal life while you are at it - thoroughly disgusting), siding with anarchists and Marxists, raising taxes through the roof, reversing every economic gain through mindless regulations, absurd climate policies based on pure myths, and raising energy costs through the roof. He is a slave to China with deep family financial ties to China, Ukraine, and other governments, and is weak beyond description. He would appoint globalist judges who do not respect life or liberty who would remove our Constitutional rights. Beto in charge of confiscating guns??? After defunding police??? This is a madman who belongs in a Sanitarium, not the White House.  

This election is the most serious in my lifetime, because wickedness has increased, and today's Democrats do Satan's bidding 24/7. How any sane persons could support them is beyond me - the problem is that tens of millions of Americans do not know the extent of propaganda and pure evil they believe because they heard it on cable networks or did not know of massive censorship by the tech giants. 

I have been praying for a miracle of God not only for the White House but for both Houses of Congress. This is perhaps our last chance to keep our country, because Dems have sworn to bring in millions of discontented people to ad to their own whom they figure will vote for them forever and be easily manipulated by them. This is pure evil my friends, and the GOP is begging for money but I do not hear them consistently countering the phony narratives. How hard are YOU praying?

Friday, July 17, 2020


The Washington Redskins name was chosen by a Native American and polls show anywhere from 75% to 90% of Native Americans are fine with the name - it is a positive statement about the strength and power of their people.
The spineless Redskins management caved to politically correct but totally wrong activists who probably never even talked to a Native American about anything.

Now the loony left wants the Texas Rangers to change their name. Who gives them the right? Despite the Rangers storied history fighting for justice, often opposed by the same deep state that exists today (talk to Chuck Norris about that in his series about that), they cherry pick some abuses that may have happened 150 years ago. 

Where is the demand the Democrat Party change THEIR name? After all, this was the party FORMED to perpetuate slavery. It is THE PARTY of the KKK. It is the party of racist Woodrow Wilson and the influential racist movie BIRTH OF A NATION. It is the party of Jim Crow. It is the party of lynching. It is the party of dogs and fire hoses against TRULY PEACEFUL protesters. It is the party that opposed desegregation. It is the home of racists such as Joe Biden who has a sordid anti-black history and who has extended that to the Indian immigrants. When the Democrats have to put THEIR PROVEN EVIL IDENTITY in the trash can, I might consider the micro-aggressions. Until, then the left needs to shut up and take the Sequoia-sized LOG out of their own eyes before trying to get motes out of the eyes of others.

Monday, July 13, 2020


I was a holdout but now am utterly convinced. Schools should not open in the fall. In fact, they should never open again UNTIL the filthy leftwing educators are purged out of the school systems and actual learning takes place. Common Core has dumbed down kids and filled their minds with garbage, that has to go. Real HISTORY has to be taught as opposed to the vain imaginations of leftist stooges who refuse to tell the truth that their ideas have failed miserably EVERY SINGLE TIME they have been tried. 
Real civics must be a mandate or your kids will believe all the totalitarian promises of Crazy Joe Biden are the way our government is supposed to be run. Vile teachers' unions are all about Marxist indoctrination, with Philadelphia set to begin this mess this fall, and if you allow your children to sit captive all day in their filthy classrooms, they will become traitors to your family and your nation. Most people have no idea that BLM is staunchly AGAINST the nuclear family - YOUR nuclear family. It is on their own website for crying out loud. They believe the Marxist VILLAGE is better able to raise your children than you are and seek to separate your children from their families in mind and heart and turn them totally against you and against your God, treating you as their enemies. This is prophesied by Christ himself. 
ALL SOCIALISTS do that - Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro. Turn off your dumb TV and actually study the movement that is trying to take over this nation and turn it into a horrid hell-hole. They want to push your children into sexual perversion and prime them for their own pedophile appetites. They want some children to HATE THEMSELVES because of their skin color, and Satan is laughing so hard because they talk against "racism" while being the worst possible racists themselves. PUT YOUR CHILDREN IN A REPUTABLE ONLINE SCHOOL WITH MORAL VALUES OR A SOUND CHRISTIAN SCHOOL before it is too late. The enemies of your family are not playing. They are dead serious. NOW is the time to preserve your family and the affection of YOUR children.  
A delay could be fatal.