What do there disparate men hold in common? Certainly not political position. Certainly not party. Then what? In a word, it is PRINCIPLE. Whether or not I agree with them, I admire men of principle. Let's go through this short list.
Joe Lieberman is a classic Democratic Liberal politician. He believes in Abortion, the Homosexual agenda, and had at one time a 95% rating from Americans for Democratic Action. It has since been 75%. To put that in perspective. Groseclose and Milyo in their study put the mainstream media at 65.2%. THe Senate and House members averaged out to 42.2%. "Fair and balanced" Fox News was just under 50%, giving credence to their claim, and again showing that the bias in the media is so pervasive that "fair and balanced" seems conservative. Fox is actually MORE liberal than the average Senator and Representative! Amazing!
Back to Joe. Joe supports President Bush in the War on Terror and on the Iraqi War in particular. That used to be the norm for Senators regardless of theior political persuasion. Could one imagine Republican Senators during World War II who were reluctant to fight Adolf Hitler being public in their comments abroad as certain current U.S. Senators have been? It is treasonous, and regardless of your position on the War HAS cost many American, coalition, and Iraqi lives. Joe simply put the obvious above partisan politics, and lost to a rather pathetic individual, Ned LaMont. Joe put it all on the line, so despite his poor positions on OTHER moral issues (the war in Iraq is for real a moral issue)m he deserves our prayers and support for reelection as an independent in Connecticut.
I have always felt a little uncomfortable around Rick Santorum. He seems brash and a bit aloof. Perhaps that is because of his Pittsburgh orientation. I know other folks from metro Pittsburgh who made me feel the same way, but who were GOLD inside. I believe Rick should be in that category. Despite some waffling on immigration issues, he has on the whole been unwavering in the face of visious criticism and nauseating campaign ads from Robert P. Casey, Jr. He has been stalwart for the rights of pre-born children, and a friend of Christians on almost every issue. He is a Catholic, which I am not, and I do not know how well he knows Jesus personally, but he has proven what a man truly is - one who says the truth and sticks with it no matter what. The waffling on Robert P. Casey on "Plan B Abortion", also known as the morning after pill, the radical Homosexual Agenda, and the War in Iraq disqualify him from consideration by any thinking individual. He acts equivocal on the War in Iraq, but accepts money from, a vicious organization funded largely by the atheist and very dangerous George Soros. The Sugar Daddy of Ned Lamont obviously knows something Casey won't confess openly. Politicians like Casey who tell each audience what they want to hear because they think they have the numbers, including many who will pull the "Big D" for anyone on the ballot no matter how inconsistent and how lacking in moral stature. Rick stands tall in comparison and deserves to be reelected. I wish him the best (and hope he develops a but more touchy-feely side).
In the last election, John Kerry intrigued me and I signed up for his web updates. I saw a man morph and mitrate to the left from what seemed sort of sensible positions. Normally, that would have been enough to keep him off this list. However, once he morphed, he stuck with it. He withstood the deserved assault by the Swift Boat Veterans, the cheesesteak affectionados in South Philly when he ordered Swiss cheese on his cheesesteak, and his infamous "I voted for the war before I voted against it." Here is a guy who changed his mind on some issues and then stuck with it come hell or high water. After Ned Lamont looked like a duck out of water winning the Connecticut primary just before Hezbollah proved Joe LIeberman right, John Kerry wrote a letter in the Wall Street Journal praising LaMont. No one can accuse John Kerry of abandoning his new principles by jumping of a sinking ship. Now I would never vote for John Kerry for dogcatcher, let alone a more important position, but much like a lot of African Americans in Alabama admired George Wallace for letting them honestly know where he stood, I admire John Kerry for not vasilating with the wind as Hillary and others have done, their fingers in the wind to see which way it is blowing. Kerry repeats the same mantras no matter what.
I have the privilege of meeting the author of "Saddam's Secrets" in August. He has been working with the US in building back the Iraqi military. A Two Star General under Saddam Hussein, this no-nonsense Christian gentleman was valued by Saddam for telling the truth. An Assyrian from the ancient Biblical city of Niniveh, this man was a professional military man. I never have felt affection for the military, and believe that participation in the military is inconsistent with the gospel of Christ, yet Christ honored these men, and I honor the men and women who put their lives on the line for freedom and democracy. I do not doubt or judge those who believe they are in God's perfect will being in the military. The people in the military are ministers of God per Romans 13, and I firmly believe God placed this genetleman in his position for a time such as this. Back in the days when Saddam invaded Kuwait, Saddam had a grand idea to eradicate Israel before the Americans would descend on him. Dozens of planes with chemical weapons were to fly to Israel over Syria and Jordan. Saddam's other generals did not oppose the idea. "Yes men" are easy to find. God made Saddam consult General Georges Sada, whom he knew would tell him the truth as a Christian. Sada told Saddam that US missiles would wipe out 75% of the planes. The 25% that got through would wreak horrific damage on Israel, but Jordan and Syria would be cut down at the knees. Sada told Saddam that Israel would surely nuke Iraq in retaliation, so three countries would be lost in exchange for a significant but not total piece of Israel. Israel exists larelgy intact today. Thank a man who did not consider his own life valuable. He was also in charge of American POW's in the first Gulf War. Saddam's sons wanted Sada dead because they wanted to execute the Americans. Sada put his life on the line for AMERICANS, and I witnessed an American pilot who was a POW meet Sada and embrace him like a baby. Character and principle. I wish this man was an American and could run for president of our country. But he can't, so I wish him the best in trying to avoid civil war in Iraq and working to enable the miliitary to keep order there.
FOUR MEN. FOUR STORIES. Can you add to my little list?