Tuesday, April 17, 2012


So many pundits seem consumed with an imaginary war on women.  Is it war to not want to pay for someone's birth control pills? Particularly for the purpose of promoting fornication and not for simply limiting how many children a married couple may have?   Is it war to attack women who choose to stay home to raise their kids?  (am I thankful my wife did!)

All of the back and forth misses the REAL war on women.  Wars with real casualties.  For starters, how about the war that has killed about 1,800 women TODAY!  And if all the people in either Boston or Seattle were women, ALL in either city plus just about ALL the American men and women killed in the War in Vietnam EACH AND EVERY YEAR????    And that is just in the United States.  Five out of six abortions occur in the so-called underdeveloped world.  About 42 MILLION per year.  Line up all the women in America - kill one out of four and that is the world toll.  AND YOU ARE HELPING TO PAY FOR IT!   The Obama administration is forcing taxpayers to fund this genocide world wide, and most abortions worldwide are on people of color. Whites get 60% of American abortions, but they are dwarfed by the butchery in other lands actively encouraged by our fallen nation.

And just like in Vietnam, where the WIA dwarfed the KIA (that is Wounded-in-action and Killed-in-Action for you neophytes!), the women wounded by the policies of sanctimonious prigs are legion and dwarf the figures noted above - here is just a sampling of the collateral damage -

1) Girls sexualized at an early age.  It is not just Jon Bonet.  About 1 out of 5 American girls are sexually abused as children.

2) Those who escape that are having required reading of sexually graphic materials in school and so called sex ed that are instructional manuals for sin. An increasing number of teachers are interacting with their students sexually.  Is that ANY surprise?

3) Vaginal, oral, and/or anal intercourse at alarming rates and at increasingly younger ages.  Few people fully understand that doing a Monica skyrocketed after the revelations of Bill Clinton and his famous claim "I did not have sex with that woman." Teen pregnancy is down because a whole host of teens is doing it anally and orally.   In fact, a "Christian" website actually recommends anal and oral sex plus mutual masturbation for Christian teens to help them remain "virgins"!   If you don't see the devil in that, you are blind!  And remember it the next time you see a fifteen year old pushing a stroller with a baby in it.  She may be the least perverted of all.  The smug one who never got pregnant may be as promiscuous as the day is long thinking she is still a virgin.   There is a lot of laughter in hell.

4) The hook-up culture, living together, the explosion of porn use among women and unwisely deferred marriage has inflicted almost mortal moral wounds on women. They are finding it hard to trust any man for long, and are developing an appetite for variety that in the end is deadly. It was bad enough when men were the main violators.  Now both sides are engaged and destabilizing love to an alarming degree.

5) STD's are rampant. Some have no cure.  The end game results of others are uncertain.  The true KIA and WIA statistics are yet to be written.

Yet this REAL WAR ON WOMEN is IGNORED by the MSM and their clueless allies.  Instead, those who try to be true to Biblical morality and to do the best for their kids are the ones mocked.  It has well been said that people like to accuse you of what they themselves are doing.   In this case, that has never been truer.

Friday, April 06, 2012

JUDAS 2012

Today is Good Friday.  I had the opportunity to share a message today about the repentant thief on the cross.  You can read it this week if you log on to our ministry website, kingdomgospelministries.org.
I have another message to share here.   Politics on Good Friday?  It has more to do with it that you might at first think.

Many in Jesus day were longing for a Messiah-King who would free them from the rule of the Romans. At one point they tried to take him by force to compel him.  Judas seemed to be the most political among them.  He had pasted his own political dreams on Christ and betrayed him when Christ did not dance to his tune.

The sad part is that Judas had been a hypocrite for some time. While early on he had healed people and cast out demons as the scriptures say ALL TWELVE had done, but he was irritated that Jesus did not share his politics.  He objected when Jesus did not mind having a woman spend a years wages for a fragrant anointing of him.  Like modern day Liberals, Judas wanted to spend other people's money. He wanted to sell someone else's  property to give it to the poor!  Actually that is what he SAID, but as the Apostle John noted, Judas helped himself to the treasury when he wanted something for himself,

Just like the hypocites on the left who preach about buying a tin can to drive while they jet about in reckless abandon spouting their rotten theorems.  Just like those who talk about stingy Republicans while they give almost nothing to church or charity but pay back their rich Wall Street friends and Union execs out of the public treasury.   We have a country full of Judas's including one in the White House.

Despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, and despite the Prez calling Jesus "A" son of God in his Easter message, betraying his unfamiliarity with true Christianity, someone just this week called him a "born-again Christian".  They are 1,000% behind him and believe he is ushering in the kingdom. In fact, I heard a lady say that churches keep saying that politics should not be in the church.  She said that is all wrong, and politics MUST be in the church.  The woman is woefully ignorant about almost everything in politics, assigning the imprimatur of Scripture to anything she reads as an email from the Obama campaign.  Unfortunately, churches are falling into this Judas deception, rejecting the very word of Christ.  How so?

They are supporting the most radical form of abortion and the paying for it with your tax dollars WORLD-WIDE.  The United States is exporting murder! Yet these Judas's say we need to put abortion on the "back- burner" because "Justice" is more important. Do the pro-abortion people EVER put abortion on the back burner?  It is their Holy Grail.  They know that their total hellish agenda is built around accepting evil as normal and what they say as more important than the word of God.  Ans yes, Virginia, I know that many in the GOP Establishment want laissez faire on abortion as well and I am just as opposed to them.

They preach "justice" while practicing everything BUT.   They believe it is fine to take away the livelihood of thousands to avoid relocating some sea life. They believe in confiscating property ex post facto by changing rules to keep people from building on their own property.  They believe in taking away people's retirement and investments and giving them to others - especially their biggest supporters - as they did in the government takeover of General Motors.  They expand government mindlessly on the pretext of helping people, but just like Judas, more goes to themselves and their political friends than to the poor.   They promote massive fraud and intimidation in elections, refuding to prosecute an egregious intimdatio9n by the New Black Panthers in Philadelphia at the polls.  And then, they have the nerve to complain about having people show an ID to vote!!! You can't function today without a photo ID, but they call it "voter suppression".  Like Judas, they do not care about justice, they care about maintaining their fraud.

There are a host of other issues - the campaign to recognize and in fact subsidize sexual perversion is going full steam.  The move to devalue the lives of seniors saying they are selfish not to die instead of using health care resources. The move to limit freedom is everywhere- proposed censorship, the drive to control every aspect of life through an ominous health care bill which is merely a tool for control. Listen to people from nations that have been or were communistic - they say it is déjá vous - they have heard it all before and are stunned that a supposed freedom-loving people can't see the writing on the wall.

My friends, beware ANYONE who tries to hijack your church with their own deeply flawed political ideas.   Your church is a house of God, and not a den of thieves.  If Jesus were walking on the earth today, he would turn over the partisan political tables in his house as well as all the money-making schemes and all the other profane activities going on in the church.  He would have words as he did for the Scribes and Pharisees about so-called "reverends" going about causing hate and discord with not one ounce of spiritual content to their message.  He would deal strongly with anyone who equates atheistic left-wing demagoguery with his gospel,  None of these people died for your sins, nor would they.  They would NEVER think of entering the World Trade Center as those brave firefighters and police did to save the lives of those they did not know. Rather, like Judas, they would come up with a new death tax to take whatever was left for their families and use it for riotous spending as did the prodigal son.

My friends, do not let lies go unanswered, do not let people push their own agenda over the Lord's agenda.  Love them but do not submit to them.  One of the reasons the left is so cozy with Islam is that both hate and despise the TRUE church and always gain their power through force and intimidation.  The signs are everywhere that our nation is rapidly heading toward an Armageddon where freedom will be attacked by all the nations of the world.  The Bible says that ALL nations will line up against Israel, and like the Iranians are trying to hasten the 12th Imam, so is the Prez seemingly trying to make this prophecy true by his obvious hatred of Israel and their courageous leader, Benyamin Netanyahu. Just this last Wednesday, he hosted the Muslim Brotherhood from Egypt in the White House - the same people who declared Israel their number one enemy,  Funny way to treat an ally while rockets are launched into Israel.  Don't be fooled by his occasional positive speeches about Israel - the bulk of words and actions including his conversation with Nicholas Sarkozy of France speak the opposite,

Now Judas did it for money, but he paid the penalty for his actions.  So will those who sow discord, hatred, and who enable power-hungry demagogues.  Let us not be enablers of them, and cause US to be free from the love of this world and participants in one of the most insidious deceptions of our day.