Sunday, January 22, 2017



And so it begins.

Of the nearly 20 inaugurations I can remember, there has never been one that felt like today. Not even close. Never mind the question of the small size of the crowds, or the boycott by dozens of lawmakers, or even the protest marches slated for tomorrow across the country. Those are plays upon the stage. What is truly unprecedented in my mind is the sheer magnitude of quickening heartbeats in millions of Americans, a majority of our country if the polls are to be believed, that face today buffeted within and without by the simmering ache of dread.

I have never seen my country on an inauguration day so divided, so anxious, so fearful, so uncertain of its course. I have never seen a transition so divisive with cabinet picks so encumbered by serious questions of qualifications and ethics. I have never seen the specter of a foreign foe cast such a dark shadow over the workings of our democracy.

I have never seen an incoming president so preoccupied with responding to the understandable vagaries of dissent and seemingly unwilling to contend with the full weight and responsibilities of the most powerful job in the world.
I have never seen such a tangled web of conflicting interests.

Despite the pageantry of unity on display at the Capitol today, there is a piercing sense that we are entering a chapter in our nation's evolving story unlike one ever yet written. To be sure, there are millions of Donald Trump supporters who are euphoric with their candidate's rise. Other Trump voters have expressed reservations, having preferred his bluster to his rival's perceived shortcomings in the last election, but admitting more and more that they are not sure what kind of man they bestowed the keys to the presidency. The rest of America - the majority of voters - would not be - and indeed is not - hesitant in sharing its conclusions on the character and fitness of Donald Trump for the office he now holds.

The hope one hears from even some of Donald Trump's critics is that this moment might change him. Perhaps, as he stood there on a grey, drab, January day, reciting the solemn oath of office demanded by our Constitution, as he looked out across what Charles Dickens once called the "city of magnificent intentions", he would somehow grasp the importance of what he was undertaking. Perhaps he would understand that he must be the president of all the United States, in action as well as in word. Perhaps, but there has already been so much past that is prologue.

There is usually much fanfare around inaugural addresses. They are also usually forgotten - with some notable exceptions. I think today will be remembered, not so much for the rhetoric or the turns of phrase but for the man who delivered them and the era they usher us forth.

Mr. Trump's delivery was staccato and there was very little eye contact as he seemed to be reading carefully from a teleprompter. His words and tone were angry and defiant. He is still in campaign mode and nary a whiff of a unifying spirit. There was little or nothing of uplift - the rhetoric of Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy, or Reagan. We heard a cavalcade of slogans and one liners, of huge promises to "bring back" an America - whatever that really means to many who look at our history and see progress in our current society.

The speech started with a message of an establishment in Washington earning riches on the back of struggling families across the country. It was an odd note, considering the background of many of his cabinet picks. President Trump painted a very dark picture of the current state of our nation, beset by gangs and drugs and violence, regardless of what the data shows. His words swelled with his economic populism and the nationalism of "America first." The applause was sparse, and I imagine many more being turned off, even sickened, rather than inspired by what our new President had to say. President Obama looked on with an opaque poker face. One could only imagine what he was thinking.

It bears remembering that one never can predict the arc of a presidency. It is an office that is far too often shaped by circumstance well beyond its occupant's control. Those challenges, wherever and however they may rise, now will fall on the desk of President Trump. We can only see what will happen. We hope, for the security and sanctity of our Republic, that Mr. Trump will respond to the challenges with circumspection and wisdom. Today's rhetoric was not reassuring.

Our democracy demands debate and dissent - fierce, sustained, and unflinching when necessary. I sense that tide is rising amongst an opposition eager to toss aside passivity for action. We are already seeing a more emboldened Democratic party than I have witnessed in ages. It is being fueled by a fervent energy bubbling from the grassroots up, rather than the top down.

These are the swirling currents about our ship of state. We now have a new and untested captain. His power is immense, but it is not bestowed from a divinity on high. It is derived, as the saying goes, from the consent of the governed. That means President Trump now works for us - all of us. And if he forgets that, it will be our duty to remind him.

My Response:

Sorry my dear friend, but Dan Rather is disgraced as a dishonest newsman from long ago, and his ridiculous sentiments are out of reality and are simple recitations of the lying left's mantras. The left-wing press has attacked Mr. Trump with a vengeance, ignored the abject corruption of Hillary Clinton with her play to play, the hiring of people to pretend they are Trump supporters acting ignorantly, and much, much m ore.  He ignores the collusion of the press with Hillary and against Mr. Trump.  Despite the clear testimony of WikiLeaks, he blames the Russians for which there is absolutely ZERO proof.  He ignores the fact the CIA staff gave Mr. Trump a FIVE MINUTE STANDING OVATION, hardly the reception of one supposedly installed by the Russians.

The lying Rather  ignored dozens of treasonous acts by Mr. Obama including the release of many unrepentant terrorists who will kill yet again and so many lies it is hard to keep track - but over 100 impeachable offenses at last count. . The political deception is mind-boggling, and the narratives advanced by the MSM including those of the pathetic Mr. Rather are proof that he is out of touch with reality. His attacks ignore the losses in the thousands of seats nationally by the Democrats at all levels of government, the total immorality of today's Demoncrat party which want to kill unborn children even moments before birth (and some even after birth), advocacy of squashing religious freedom and seeking to force Christians to support the ideas of Satan himself. 

No, Mr. Trump stands for decency and justice that pervade his positions and his cabinet.   I am proud along with a huge number of ministers of the gospel to have actively supported his candidacy and thank God that the most evil man for the job in my lifetime, a man propped up by an adoring media who shared his wicked goals, a man who set back race relations fifty years is now gone and a new chapter of positive change has begun.  I know many Americans who watch perverted TV, movies, and shows, who blaspheme Christ at every opportunity, who think Allah and God are the same, and who think the right to kill one's unborn children is a "sacred" right" and  who despise the Bible and those who live by it are seething mad - much as the demons were when Christ or his followers confronted evil.  Mr. Trump has confronted evil head on, and all who do that will be fiercely opposed. 

Mr. Rather was most dishonest on 60 Minutes with hit job after hit job and creative editing, and I outright reject his false narratives and PRAY that people will not be deceived by his rubbish but fully understand WHO is behind it - the very enemy of our souls.

Saturday, January 14, 2017


I am glad all these Hollywood celebrities have refused to perform at the inauguration of Donald Trump.  They are showing the world who they really are and proving right all our concerns about them.

1) These folks have long mocked the Bible and Jesus Christ.
2) These folks promote immorality in their music and in their opinions, and in their own lives.
3) These folks curse Jesus in almost every movie they make,
4) These folks utterly despise true Christians.
5) These folks are rank hypocrites, putting little into helping people - only pontification about per causes.
6)  These people are elitists who despise working men and women and the values they hold.
7)  They view being a virgin before marriage as fate worse than death and a sign of mental instability.
8) They see church as an anachronism and the Bible as a book for fools.

The fact is that these folks are taking a stand for all these things for the whole world to see.,
I have long rejected anything they do - they have nothing to tell me until they stop their war against God.

On the flip side, it is time for the righteous to shine like the sun - to exalt the Lord and all he is; to stand against wickedness; to support our nation; to side with the dispossessed; and to render these folks irrelevant and looking for a job.


(This post is based upon one first put up September 9, 2008, called "IS THERE A LINK?:" YOU BET THERE IS!"  The Obama presidency is nearing its end, but the incredible activities that have been going on since Donald J. Trump was elected are mind-boggling.  IT seems deception is not in hyperdrive which is why I am republishing this.)

We are awash in political deception these days. Some of the things I have heard boggle any intelligent mind. As an evangelist, I often see spiritual deception. Sometimes it is extremely obvious, other times subtle. Among Christians, I definitely see a link. Let's look at spiritual deception first.

A proponent of the Shem Tov Hebrew Matthew kept emailing me and denigrating me because I did not accept this version of Matthew's gospel which many have found to be hopelessly flawed. Shem Tov was a Jew who lived about a half-millenium ago who happened to be very anti-Christian. He leaves out the Trinitarian "formula" for baptism and indicates there is none born to a woman greater than John the Baptist INCLUDING Jesus. Shem Tov's version is used by some Oneness folks who say there is no Trinity and everyone but them is wrong. I have also heard much from the Dean Burgon Society who follows only the DEFINED KING JAMES BIBLE. All other versions are hopeless according to them. There are folks who call the person of the Holy Spirit an "it", and there are those who persist in talking about "coming into the presence of the Lord" despite the fact the veil of the temple was torn asunder so we could live in the presence of God. There are those who say that you aren't saved unless you are baptized and speak in tongues, while others maintain that you are a heretic if you DO speak in tongues.

Actually, determining spiritual deception is fairly easy IF you accept the word of God at face value. Here are the main areas of spiritual deception that I see as commonplace:

1) A belief that Jesus is the way FOR US, but that there are other ways to God. (Bible: No man cometh to the Father, but by me).

2) A belief that those who die outside of Christ will not suffer eternal torment. (Bible references to an everlasting hell are clear and abundant).

3) The Bible is true, but not literally, and must be critically viewed. (Bible: All Scripture is given by inspiration of God. God wrote on stone WITH HIS OWN HAND the Ten Commandments which included a reference to six-day creation).

4) Commands in the Bible are to be culturally defined. (Bible: Paul refers to ALL the Churches of God in terms of order in the church and in the home, qualifications for leaders, etc. Women are disobeying their husbands and usurping authority claiming God told them. People are engaging in improper behavior of all kinds. Our God is one, and the Father and Son always agree with the Holy Spirit, the author of all scripture).

5) New doctrines are being revealed and are needed for this victorious church that is emerging. (Bible: It is a curse to add to the words of this Book. Half verses are taken out of context and concepts such as healing and prosperity being part of the atonement are causing people to be focused on money, success, and themselves rather than God).

6) It is important to stand for my truth no matter what. (Bible: Pursue unity and do not be divisive. People are campaigning in church for candidates, demonizing other Christians, cutting off fellowship with other believers, ignoring those of different ethnicity, economics, education, or age, and often reject truths that are critical to their success in Christ).

Now, political deception - that is the whole concept of this blog - how to avoid it. As a blogger I see and hear a whole lot. I get communications from both sides. I post on blogs in the tank for one side or another. I go on MSM, Huffington Post, conservative, Christian, the whole gamut. You may see my Newshound777 moniker in any number of places. So many political proponents present only ONE side of the arguments, often from highly prejudiced if not outright dishonest sources. They tend to hate those who disagree with them and engage in ad honimem personal attacks. Both sides cannot be right on everything.

Determining political deception is fairly easy IF you accept objective truth and have a sense of fair play. Here are the main areas of political deception that I see as commonplace:

1) A belief that one's party is right and the other's is wrong (Truth: No political party is perfect. All individuals have sinned and all parties have sinned and come short of the glory of God. If a person thinks their party or their country is always right, they are deceived. If a person thinks they have all the answers and cannot be touched by something good coming from others, they are DEEPLY deceived).

2) A belief that it doesn't matter who is in power. This belief is that everyone is corrupt and nothing will change until Jesus comes. (Truth: It greatly matters. Without Winston Churchill, it is likely the Brits would be speaking German. Without the strong-willed George W. Bush. it is almost certain that if there was a war to liberate Iraq at all, it would have been abandoned in defeat because of the polls, and looky here - his weak-kneed successor did just that).

3) Our constitution must be reinterpreted by each generation. The rules change as we go along. If a political action such as scorning is done by one party, it isn't all of a sudden OK for the other party to do it. If politicians are advocating things that are not right, and we support them uncritically, we are deceived.

4) The ends justify the means. We can do anything we want to destroy another person. If we slander the integrity of someone who disagrees with us, we are in deception. We should be forceful with political truth just as we are with spiritual truth, but civility is the order of the day. God does not FORCE himself on us. He is a gentleman.

Back in 2008, I  heard someone who believes they are above deception categorically maintain that Mr. Obama is a man who will bring peace. There has been war his entire presidency. The truth is that only JESUS is the Prince of Peace. The Bible explicitly warns that people will TALK peace, but there will be none til Christ returns. With this type of warning, PLUS the very deep baggage and anti-morality beliefs of this specific man, it is stunning that any Christian made and spread this claim. A MAN of peace is indeed prophesied to come, but that is the ANTI-CHRIST. While I would be shocked if Obama were the anti-Christ, I think this is a bit of a dry run on how easily people uncritically accept political spin and ignore the reality. If you present simple verifiable truths to people who have this Messianic take, they refuse to check it out. It reminds me of how the Pharisees rejected Jesus without doing their homework. When you look at the corruption behind any political candidate, and the deeply flawed politics that are the order of the day, it is absurd to attribute to any God-like qualities to anyone save the one (Jesus Christ) who specifically fulfilled all Biblical prophecies concerning the Messiah. Rev. Jeremiah Wright spoke in a church in New Jersey comparing Obama to the Virgin Mary. The media went orgasmic after Obama's farewell address saying no one could ever be so great again. I don't think I need to elaborate in order for you to understand that deception.

I was in a church PRAYER MEETING where people were actively campaigning for a candidate. Not only did they slander, but they lied. They were obviously in deception. (ADDENDUM: One or more Obama fanatics interrupted several meetings I was in this campaign season. From issuing false positives for Mr. Obama not based on his own platform to vicious slander of Sarah Palin, it is indicative of the Spirit of Deception that is loose in the land.) Interestingly, all are also deceived in one or more ways spiritually. They ARE linked. You see, truth is not compartmentalized with God. Truth invades every area of life. You cannot be totally free of deception even if you are "saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost". If you give room for lies in your life, you are deceived. Many otherwise fine people LIVE in deception. They accept things that aren't true. We know that the truth shall set us free. If we do not live in the truth, we are not truly free.

I met a man who preached a far more comprehensive gospel than most. He tried to overcome the man-made limits we often have when relating to God. Yet he failed to obey the Bible in the key areas of Baptism, Communion, and freedom from partiality. He thought he was on the way to perfection. He was far off the course despite his many victories.

SO MANY in the church are right about some key things, but SO WRONG about other equally important things. This ought not so to be. Let us study to show ourselves approved by God, and may we truly listen to him so we will not operate in deception of ANY sort, political or spiritual. That's the way Jesus lived - he had a firm handle on it all. Let's do likewise.

Saturday, January 07, 2017


If you believe Obama's politicized CIA and FBI, I have a bridge to sell you about 100 miles northeast of here. The NSA has less assurance any of it is true.  The facts are simple:
1) Several countries try to hack us and have been successful and this has been happening for years.  The current narrative is purely political, no two ways about it.  Did you know that Jon Podesta’s password was “password”? A 14 year old kid could have hacked into that!
2) WikiLeaks got their information from a source within the US.  There has been zero interest in the two latest dead bodies to come up - Seth Rich, whom many believe gave the information to Julian Assange, and the other was the head of the Clinton Foundation. Have you heard the lying media talk about them at all?
3) WikiLeaks has a pristine reputation for 10 years. I listened to him for three hours. I understand why.
4) Obama and his minions have an 8 year record of pandemic lies. We hear them all the lie.
5) I listened to them both - 67 years of living and 38 years in business and over 39 years in ministry enable one to gauge what is true and what is not.  It is so obvious to all who love the truth.  I see endless DNC emails and believe me, these folks lie endlessly and boldly and hatefully.  It is looks like a skunk, and smells like a skunk, it IS a skunk,
6) No one disputes the TRUTH of th published emails.
8) The media took sides against Trump early, and were totally dishonest in their coverage. TRUMP WAS FACING A MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR PROPAGANDA MACHINE IN ADDITION TO BEING OUTSPENT 2:1 BY THE DEMONCRATS.
9) The media is STILL trumpeting faux news to take the light off their disgusting behavior and attempt to rig both the primary and the election for Hillary.  They were successful with the primary.
10) The ONLY reason for this FICTIONAL story is to sully Trump. 
Trump would be foolish to acknowledge any truth to this narrative whatsoever.  If he does, he has less understanding o the endemic corruption of the Demoncrats and the media that we thought.
Satan is ALWAYS trying to browbeat with lies and marginalized those who object that IS Saul Alinskjy whose teachings both Obama and Hillary adore.
1)  Millions of years when the earth's current population and population history make that impossible, let alone being is stark contradiction to the Bible.
2) The Big Bang Theory which has zero evidence.  
3) The 13 billion year postulated age of the universe does not answer objections to the Biblical timeline which is thousands of years and which is totally scientific in terms of general relativity and how time bemds and is measured differently depending on where you are in space.
4) Evolution from molecules to man which is impossible according to the laws of probability and is a fantasy promulgated by atheists.  There is zero proof this ever occurred.
5) Man-caused climate change despite massive evidence to the contrary.  It exalts man and seeks to diminish God who said there would be four seasons until the end.  Man's power can fit in a thimble compared to God's.
6)All religions are equal when Satan is only scared of just one - true Christianity. Anything but Jesus is just fine with him.
7) The Bible is not true based upon a lack of belief and a desire to justify one's own sins.
8) Endless deification of leads in the areas of civil rights, anti-war, anti-poverty when in fact these individuals denied the deity of Jesus Christ and are in hell today.
You see, the techniques of BIG Science, BIG Education, and BIG Religion Do not let the repetition of lies weaken you.  That is the intent.  Stand up to them, and expose them. The TRUTH shall set you free.