Thursday, January 28, 2021


 Biden is proving how utterly against this country and its people that he is. He signed 40 executive orders in the first week that go against the majority of the nation and empower our enemies - here are just a few of his vile actions:

1) Cancelled the critical pipeline resulting in thousands of high-paying jobs in Canada and the US, with many Native Americans losing the best jobs they could ever expect to have. This builds up the Russian economy (no media screaming about the REAL Russian collusion and empowerment of Putin, naturally) and will. result in higher fuel prices, disproportionately affe sting the poor and minorities.

2) Reengaged the failed START treaty, AGAIN giving Putin a major plum (remember the truism that liberals ALWAYS accuse Conservative of what the Liberals are actually doing).

3) Appointing a person funder by the Chinese Communist Party to represent us at the UN (Biden should have been indicted and in jail and it now appears he and Hunter were poor businessmen - they have already given China a huge multiple of what they were paid via bribes.

4) Reversing the long-0verdue prohibition of Chinese interests in our very vulnerable electrical infrastructure. We could soon be facing a devastating electrical meltdown with all the interrelated facilities. China is licking their chops all because of an utter incompetent, foolish, and sellout US administration.

5) Opening our border when IT IS A KNOWN FACT that bad middle east actors exploited this foolish under Obama. Biden is essentially welcoming sworn enemies into our nation. He also wants to halt deportations and we all know the high social cost to crime victims and having thousands of hard core criminals and gangsters in jail when foolish governors manage to not put them right back out of the streets.

6 )Making taxpayers may for sex change operations in the Military which is already weakened by purges fo true patriotic generals and soldiers, transgenders, and many women who are laughably weak in the physical tests that - SURPRISE - are basic requirement for being a soldier in any combat situation.

Continue to pray that the Biden crime spree against America will come to an end. Our enemies are gloating - remember how celebratory Iran, North Korean, and China were? They love a weak America which Biden is the poster child for so they can continue their aggression in the Pacific and worldwide.

Saturday, January 23, 2021


Joe said "Salute the Marines" instead of actually saluting them! He was reading instructions and was that clueless! How are soldiers with their lives on the line supposed to obey a demented, incompetent and irrational man who simply does what he is told by left wing radicals? Beyond that, Joe kicked the National Guard Troops which protected his sorry self into a freezing Senate Parking Garage to sleep on the floor. This demonic man is just getting started! Trump offered to let them stay is hotel - that is the difference between a true leader who loves his nation and a demented slave of the left who hates it.

His Department of Defense Nominee, Lloyd Austin is a patent racist (look at the spirit of the man is his photos - it is scary). From his incendiary rhetoric it is crystal clear that he wants to transform the United States Military into one of those scary ideological armies you see in totalitarian nations run by leftist tyrants.

Clueless and utterly stupid and ignorant voters listened to the MSM and his ubiquitous yard signs drum the words UNITY about the most divisive president in memory, and that includes BHO. Liberals always say the opposite and title their legislation the opposite of truth, which is of course a life. Remember the euphemistically named "Affordable Care Act"?The man is simply a rubber stamp for all the policies the enemies of America want. Remember the rejoicing of North Korea, Communist China, and Iran at him being declared the winner of an election he clearly lost. It does not take a rocket scientist to say that means T.R.O.U.B.L.E.!

Even uber-liberal Justin Trudeau who leads Canada was upset by the irrational decision to stop the critical pipeline. Thousands of jobs, major investment by Canada, and a critical link for our national security and to maintain affordable fuel prices for many who have no alternative but to drive were tanked by a knee jerk ascent to left-wing radicals.

The Mexican President who had come around to Trump's way of thinking on the border expressed his consternation at the hordes coming through Mexico from Central America, causing problems to him. Of course, these people will either undermine American workers, especially minorities, or else put totally avoidable pressure on our welfare and heal care infrastructure. 

Guatemala has their beef as well with the extreme difficulties caused to them by these would-be migrants seeking to crash our borders because of the illegal and impeachable actions of Biden disobeying all immigration laws by edict like a tinpot dictator. Guatemala is sending these hopeful gate crashers back to Honduras. Thank God for the Guatemalans!

Europe wants to distance themselves by censorship-driven American tech, not wanting interference in their own countries by the mega-egos. They will develop their own tech which will be welcomed competition. Speaking of Europe, Germany learned the hard way implementing the same tired knee-jerk response to the climate lies than Joe totally believes. Of course, as a child of the devil, he lies for a living. Joe has lied non-stop on just about everything for 47 years which I documented before the election.

Add to this rank evil and wickedness and treason which should result in immediate impeachment of this sorry creature. Joe reversed Pres. Trump on so many sound policies it is reminiscent of a spoiled bratty child who does the opposite of whatever wise instruction he was given. One was Trump ending Chinese involvement in our very vulnerable power grid. Joe said, bring in the Chinese, giving the key to our enemies of our destruction! Joe repaid the Chinese for the millions his family received by having radical CCP influence in his inner circle.

Chuckie Schumer and the clueless demented Democrats want to trie the ex-President on Trumped-up charges - they failed with an innocent phone call to Ukraine and now want to blame him for a speech calling for peace and which was delivered after the perps were at the site, which incidentally included hard-core Democrats from Antifa and BLM!

Liquid evil with more atrocities every day too numerous to mention. I realize most Biden voters were so clueless and uninformed that they knew nothing of his plans,, though he was clear on all of the above to any intelligent person.

Pray for God to reverse this madman who is not qualified to run anything and certainly not cognizant enough to have his finger near the nuclear button. They Bible does not mention America unless you believe we are the prophesied Babylon. Biden has done more damage in less than half a week than most dictators. He is a tyrant, and we need to pray to God for mercy that his reign of terror will not continue.

Thursday, January 21, 2021


 All though the campaign sleepy Joe showed no grasp of reality or the issues. The man has only two principles - if Trump was for it, he is against it, whether it is saving the lives of babies, stopping perverts from having open season on our youth, providing oil and gas at low prices so average Americans could drive to work , get along with other countries, support our biggest allies, and avoid spreading the unsustainable tax burdens of New York, California and other Blue States people are fleeing like crazy, and looking the other way when millions have disobeyed our laws, stolen our identities, and disproportionately victimized our citizens with horrific crimes. The other is to approve every whacked-out left wing agenda in the world regardless of who is hurt and regardless of whether it has failed whenever tried in Blue States. Joe signed mindless orders without a critical thinking bone in his body, destroying years of success and giving God the finger. 

He already made Canada, Mexico, and Guatemala mad at us in under 24 hours. His press secretary is a complete boob who was a disgrace today. His appointees are either retreads with no accomplishments or those who are in bed with the Chinese Communist Party as he is. I have found zero Biden voters who actually support his policies. That is why he lost the election by EVERY fair analysis.  

The impeachment introduced by Marjorie Greene, a brave representative, should result in him being tried and convicted of treason. Durham and Barr were too Deep State to bring charges, but the evidence is overwhelming. Continue to pray that God will remove this incompetent man before he gets into one of his frequent confused states and presses the Nuclear Button by accident. He is far worse than his most hostile critics maintained and is 100% unqualified to lead anything, let alone our nation.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021



Isaiah 3 


“I will make mere youths their officials; children will rule over them.”

12 Youths oppress my people, women rule over them.


A man with the selfish mind of a spoiled child was declared the winner of an obviously bogus election in several key states. With the appearance of early onset dementia, incredible “gaffes”, incomprehensible statements, inappropriate touching, a forty seven year history of being wrong on just about everything, and the petulance of the most ill-trained child, Joe keeps declaring all he intends to do with no debate, no nuance, and no critical thinking whatsoever - like a tin-pot dictator. If Obama did it and it proved a disaster, he wants to reinstitute it immediately. If Trump was for it, he is against it no matter the massive degree of success it brought.  This mindless and irrational approach is the stuff of left-wing dictators who care NOTHING  for the people, only their own engrandizement.


This could be about a host of issues including life, the economy, energy, etc.  For this brief post, it will be about energy.  Joe says he will immediately stop the pipeline which is essential for the health of our economy and to use the resources God gave to us. He does not consider the FACT that fossil fuels are in abundance and are needed with our current infrastructure to produce electricity and to fuel industry.  While alternative are underway, none are able to replace fossil fuels, and in the case of clean-burning natural gas, there is no need to accelerate a normal development timetable.  Many of my projects are in the fuel industry, and these big companies are researching alternatives aggressively. They learned from the failure of rail transportation - the rail companies should have been investing in planes so they would be transportation and not train companies.  Phillips 66 and other big players are energy companies, and they mean to control energy no matter what the mode, not simply fossil fuels. Joe ignores the untold billions invested and the gasoline prices which are a minor fraction of what they are in Europe which is of special benefit to those of modest means without any public transportation alternative.  The low level of thought he brings to the table would have given me "F's" in Junipor High School.  If he were not mentally a clueless child, he would know the struggles Germany has had with alternative fuels and act accordingly. But no, ideologues without an ounce of critical thinking skill ignore ALL TRUTH and act based upon their left-wing handlers’ destructive agendas.


Joe ignores the FACT that the United States outperformed those still in the Paris Accord in terms of reducing CO2 which some scientists still forcefully maintain is a bogeyman of choice rather than a significant driver of temperatures. Anyone with a modicum of climate knowledge knows that if the absurd Green New Deal were FULLY implemented, totally destroying our national life as we know it,  we would have at best a .01°C (that is one hundredth of one degree) impact on temperature!  Anyone familiar with the concept of cost-benefit ratio?  Of course we know that India and China pollute far more than we do and are building coal and other plants without our strict environmental laws every week. It is a globalist redistributionist socialist agenda which has its roots in hell. Read the Book of Revelation if you want to see where that would take us.


Be aware that the real agenda is absolute control over a nation of haves and have-nots with a disappearing middle class.  Look at everywhere in the world where leftists have stolen power. They never change.  Even the stolen election was a larger version of what happened in Venezuela and elsewhere. A missionary from Africa wrote me that what happened in Philadelphia was eerily reminiscent of what they saw in corrupt African elections.  The leftist plans for the United States are no different.  The problem is that Joe and Kam are not the only ones who think like a child.  Critical thinking is so absent from the American people – the proof of which is that Joe would have been lucky to get 25% of the vote if people actually looked at his promises and avoided media outlets which refused to vet him and glorified his inept rantings.   

The demonization of those who disagree with them is also standard leftist behavior. Persecution has followed worldwide, and leftists from CNN to Facebook to Twitter are open about their plans to deplatform all who disagree with their absolute tyranny and it was even suggested to place those who have not lost their minds in Guantanamo, Cuba, with terrorists!

People from other countries including FIVE who spent time in prison for their faith tell me they cannot believe how stupid Americans are because they were all told the same things we are. Except too many of us do not take them seriously. We should.


We see the same lack of critical thinking and petulant childish behavior in the church, not only in the health and wealth prosperity gospel, but in the evangelical drift into the euphemistically titles "social justice" movement.  That is a subject for another time, but think before you accept what the world is trying to morph the gospel into.

For now, pray to God to intervene sovereignly and not allow this curse to come on our nation.

Monday, January 18, 2021


I suppose you are aware that Joe Biden plans to be a dictator with a flood of absurd executive orders which proves he is wholly unqualified to lead anything - he wants to put back in EVERY SINGLE GRIEVOUS MISTAKE OF OBAMA, EVERY SINGLE WAY TO HARM OUR NATION WITH NO UPSIDE, plus some of his own braindead ideas. None of his proposals would withstand the most minor scrutiny or the slightest debate without being shot down. Pray for God to intervene for the sake of the nation.

Robert Gates, who served in the cabinet of Barack Obama, said that Joe Biden had not been right even once in 47 years on foreign policy. I believe every sane and rational person who has paid attention to his absurd agenda would same the same applies to domestic policy.

Biden is hopelessly ignorant and evil concerning the real intent of the Paris Climate Accords, the faux Iran Nuclear Deal, the welcoming in of millions of illegal aliens who stole identifies, engaged in social security fraud and who overwhelm our welfare and prison systems.

Joe Biden has never learned from his mistakers, and is mentally incompetent to lead anything let alone a nation. He is about pure power, and has lied profusely at every turn. He was not even elected by the people, but by a criminal mob with the help of other nations who do not have our good at heart. This man has been rejected by God, who has set his face against all who do evil.

Every rational person with basic knowledge in mathematics, probability, and the modus operandus of leftists KNOWS Biden did not win - he had a losing campaign, was never vetted, and engaged a criminal mob to STEAL an election. The hapless and feckless GOP did not oppose his wickedness which tells you everything you need to know about them.

Evil forces are celebrating just as Satan did while Jesus was in the tomb. They are full of themselves and licking their chops at the destruction, retribution, and PURE EVIL they have in mind for people. Someeven advocate putting Trump voters in Guantanamo in Cuba! They obviously failed geography as that is much to small for about 80 million people!

I believe God is sovereign, and NONE of this has escaped his notice. God does not affirm the lies of CNN, Big Tech, or any other of Satan's players. His actions are based upon truth.

Pray for our nation, and for God's intervention, as his foolish policies would mean an effective end of our nation, of freedom, and of anything good. It is impossible to overstate the wickedness of Joe Biden. One look at his face would tell a rational person everything they need to know, but we have much more than his wicked spirit to go on - he has blabbed his insanities for the whole world to see. God knows his inward thoughts as well which we can only surmise. Ask for God to do justice for the sake of his elect and the sake of his chosen around the world who would suffer greatly under a nation controlled by demonic forces. Pray as though your life depended on it because it does!

Saturday, January 16, 2021


A prominent Jewish lawyer repeated the sentiments of our founders when he said that our Constitution only works with a. moral people. The morality of our nation has been in freefall for 50 years, and far too many people cannot tell the truth without condemning themselves. I have heard the most absurd things from people who have been disobedient to God's Holy Word. They make what they consider to be minor deviations of faith, but those multiply over time and before you know it you are like an unmoored boat at a dock that drifts out into the middle of the lake. It is obvious to everyone with their eyes open, but too many live with their eyes shut to every evil, every lie, every crime. We need a national turning to God, because the political push even of the majority is not going to do it. If you look at totalitarian countries, the majority is almost always on a totally different and opposite wavelength of the leaders. You have to know that tyranny is the minority subjecting the minority through bullying, persecution, and worse, and not the majority simply having a fit.

We have witnessed the wholesale abdication of moral authority by those sworn to enforce it.  Justices, Judges, and governmental leaders have zero convictions about truth, often because for so many, pandering and compromise have been their modi operandi for decades.

Look to God for deliverance, not politicians or a party or the media or our institutions.  All of them have fallen, perhaps the church most of all.  Submit yourselves to God.  Trust in him to bring justice.  He cares more about it than any of us ever could.

Thursday, January 14, 2021



In what should be front page news, federal law enforcement officials have told CNN that they believe the January 6th storming of the Capitol was planned ahead of time by bad actors instead of a random riot inspired by President Trump's speech.

Those of us on the right have known all along that Trump had nothing to do with the riot, but it appears law enforcement is beginning to come around as well. If they prove that this was a pre-planned event by radicals who just wanted to see destruction, it will be the biggest news story of the year after the media viciously slandered Trump for "inciting" the scattered violence that occurred.


Thursday, January 07, 2021


Every intelligent person knows that the election was stolen and many in the GOP were in on it. So-called Never Trumpers proved they were not about principles. We all know the Democrats fought against the election of Donald Trump for four years with lies, paid-for disinformation, and an attempted impeachment. The GOP, on the  other hand, barely put up a fight. I received endless emails begging for money, mostly to preserve their own seats while they ignored the President. I received read two books which had signifiant information about the Revolution and the Civil War. These Repubs would never have made the sacrifices that were made to get us free and to keep us free. They are part of the problem. Obviously, President Trump could have helped himself some but his personality was part of the package. I wrote him numerous times with constructive suggestions. Sometimes I thought God would let us be turned over to the incompetent and the cruel as a just reward for the rebellion of our nation against God, morality, marriage, fairness, and freedom. While it looks like he did, I believe God has a major surprise in store for us that no man can take credit for. We will too see exactly what God has in mind.

It angers me that the GOP is so stupid as to accept the CNN version of violent Trump people at the capitol. If you compare the photos you will see a significant ANTIFA presence with those in the capitol matching the photos at their violent demonstrations. A typical left wing false flag operation. Just like the seemingly endless complaints of racism where the alleged "victim" was also the perpetrator and colleges and others actually keep believing them and reacting as antipated.  

Even some in the Cabinet are clueless - I am not a Republican and this really makes be glad I am not - we need a party with brains and guts willing to take a bullet for truth and not be so easily manipulated by the demonic Democrat party forces who have proven they will stop at nothing to try to make our nation into a Banana Republic.