Joe said "Salute the Marines" instead of actually saluting them! He was reading instructions and was that clueless! How are soldiers with their lives on the line supposed to obey a demented, incompetent and irrational man who simply does what he is told by left wing radicals? Beyond that, Joe kicked the National Guard Troops which protected his sorry self into a freezing Senate Parking Garage to sleep on the floor. This demonic man is just getting started! Trump offered to let them stay is hotel - that is the difference between a true leader who loves his nation and a demented slave of the left who hates it.
His Department of Defense Nominee, Lloyd Austin is a patent racist (look at the spirit of the man is his photos - it is scary). From his incendiary rhetoric it is crystal clear that he wants to transform the United States Military into one of those scary ideological armies you see in totalitarian nations run by leftist tyrants.
Clueless and utterly stupid and ignorant voters listened to the MSM and his ubiquitous yard signs drum the words UNITY about the most divisive president in memory, and that includes BHO. Liberals always say the opposite and title their legislation the opposite of truth, which is of course a life. Remember the euphemistically named "Affordable Care Act"?The man is simply a rubber stamp for all the policies the enemies of America want. Remember the rejoicing of North Korea, Communist China, and Iran at him being declared the winner of an election he clearly lost. It does not take a rocket scientist to say that means T.R.O.U.B.L.E.!
Even uber-liberal Justin Trudeau who leads Canada was upset by the irrational decision to stop the critical pipeline. Thousands of jobs, major investment by Canada, and a critical link for our national security and to maintain affordable fuel prices for many who have no alternative but to drive were tanked by a knee jerk ascent to left-wing radicals.
The Mexican President who had come around to Trump's way of thinking on the border expressed his consternation at the hordes coming through Mexico from Central America, causing problems to him. Of course, these people will either undermine American workers, especially minorities, or else put totally avoidable pressure on our welfare and heal care infrastructure.
Guatemala has their beef as well with the extreme difficulties caused to them by these would-be migrants seeking to crash our borders because of the illegal and impeachable actions of Biden disobeying all immigration laws by edict like a tinpot dictator. Guatemala is sending these hopeful gate crashers back to Honduras. Thank God for the Guatemalans!
Europe wants to distance themselves by censorship-driven American tech, not wanting interference in their own countries by the mega-egos. They will develop their own tech which will be welcomed competition. Speaking of Europe, Germany learned the hard way implementing the same tired knee-jerk response to the climate lies than Joe totally believes. Of course, as a child of the devil, he lies for a living. Joe has lied non-stop on just about everything for 47 years which I documented before the election.
Add to this rank evil and wickedness and treason which should result in immediate impeachment of this sorry creature. Joe reversed Pres. Trump on so many sound policies it is reminiscent of a spoiled bratty child who does the opposite of whatever wise instruction he was given. One was Trump ending Chinese involvement in our very vulnerable power grid. Joe said, bring in the Chinese, giving the key to our enemies of our destruction! Joe repaid the Chinese for the millions his family received by having radical CCP influence in his inner circle.
Chuckie Schumer and the clueless demented Democrats want to trie the ex-President on Trumped-up charges - they failed with an innocent phone call to Ukraine and now want to blame him for a speech calling for peace and which was delivered after the perps were at the site, which incidentally included hard-core Democrats from Antifa and BLM!
Liquid evil with more atrocities every day too numerous to mention. I realize most Biden voters were so clueless and uninformed that they knew nothing of his plans,, though he was clear on all of the above to any intelligent person.
Pray for God to reverse this madman who is not qualified to run anything and certainly not cognizant enough to have his finger near the nuclear button. They Bible does not mention America unless you believe we are the prophesied Babylon. Biden has done more damage in less than half a week than most dictators. He is a tyrant, and we need to pray to God for mercy that his reign of terror will not continue.